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OT: A team message board you have to pay to join?


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I was looking on the page on the ExtremeSkins site at the page that has links to other team message boards to find a Colts site for my dad to join.

I found what looked like a good one call ColtsPower, but when he and I looked at the home page. We found out that you gotta pay $15 a year to join the damn thing :puke:

Lucky for Dad, I got him onto the ColtFreaks board instead. Hopefully he will be able to have a good time over there.

My question to everyone is, has anyone else seen or even heard of any other team message boards that you gotta pay to join?

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A team message board you have to pay to join?

Is it April 1st already ? That's gotta be a joke man, and a bad one at that.

I have no problems with buying some T shirts or maybe even making the odd donation here and there. Especially when the site in question is as high quality as this one is. But an actual subscription is just a bit much. I don't care how much they call it "exclusive".:rolleyes:

I wonder if they actually have any suckers, 'er subscribers ? :dunce:

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That better be one hell of a MB.

It's hard for me to believe that anybody would charge for the right to post, since I doubt it's the only Colts board on the internet.

What's crazy is that people must pay the price. The board is still up and running.

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Originally posted by Yusuf06

Is it April 1st already ? That's gotta be a joke man, and a bad one at that.

I have no problems with buying some T shirts or maybe even making the odd donation here and there. Especially when the site in question is as high quality as this one is. But an actual subscription is just a bit much. I don't care how much they call it "exclusive".:rolleyes:

I wonder if they actually have any suckers, 'er subscribers ? :dunce:

Well, here is the link:


It has 171 suc....ummmmmm members as of the time I post this, and as you look at the page, you see both no link to a registation page and if you look under where it talks about the number of members it talks about the fee to join the board. :rofl:

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I'm glad that the admins here will keep free of charge.

... I hope.

Rest easy, Skeletor.

The love of a fine dog.

Languid, willing women.

Free Extremeskins.

Some things are just too good to change.

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Languid, willing women

You like your women languid? Jeez dude, that's kinda sad. I like em with a little spunk -- or at least a heartbeat. Or maybe the languid ones are easier for you to catch?

The love of a fine dog.

Ohhh... now I see. Doped up women and... fine-lookin' dogs.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Quoth Even Madder:

You like your women languid? Jeez dude, that's kinda sad. I like em with a little spunk -- or at least a heartbeat. Or maybe the languid ones are easier for you to catch?
They have yet to invent the instrument, my slobbering friend, that can measure my lack of interest in knowing what you and the women you manage to "catch" ultimately do with your spunk.

As to the rest of it ... don't get me wrong; looking up a word in the dictionary is a good step when you're first starting out. It shows a basic level of engagement which may serve you well as you grow into adulthood. Expands horizons. Spices up the occasional barroom conversation. That kind of thing. Grasping the often subtle subtext of a particular words' usage within a given context, however, is entirely another matter.

See, at some point, as you ease into adulthood, you may want to have to stop "chasing." At some point, you may even come to appreciate the wonder of having a grown woman actually come to you. At some point, perhaps such a woman will convey to you that through her eyes, the panting, sweaty rush to spunkdom you so manfully espouse – while a thoroughly enjoyable diversion – pales by orders in magnitude in comparison to the kind of lovemaking in which a non-literally interpreted concept such as "languid" has meaning.

Then again ... perhaps not. :)

Ohhh... now I see. Doped up women and... fine-lookin' dogs.
Damn, you got me there. It never occurred to me to tie the concepts together.


BCS, you and EM frequent the same bars? ;)

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See, at some point, as you ease into adulthood, you may want to have to stop "chasing." At some point, you may even come to appreciate the wonder of having a grown woman actually come to you. At some point, perhaps such a woman will convey to you that through her eyes, the panting, sweaty rush to spunkdom you so manfully espouse – while a thoroughly enjoyable diversion – pales by orders in magnitude in comparison to the kind of lovemaking in which a non-literally interpreted concept such as "languid" has meaning.

One of the finest examples of one-handed typing ever. Congratulations!

All the more reason to buy a bushel of Extremeskins tshirts, caps, and panties.

Chloroform. That's funny. i didnt know they had Extremeskins panties. Om please dont tell us you were wearing a pair when you wrote that!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Quoth the deep-thinking Even Madder:

One of the finest examples of one-handed typing ever. Congratulations!
That's it? Done already, EM? Explains a lot.

Since you bring it up (as it were), I always type with two hands. Perhaps you should try it. Might improve your output by half. It could use it.

And when the mood strikes to engage in the physical pursuit of pleasure while at the keyboard at this point in my life, I choose to revel in the attentions of a willing woman. I can do that, see, becuase I understand and appreciate the occasional languidity of it all. And it frees me to actually concieve and compose a full thought of my very own.

You should try that sometime, too.

Chloroform. That's funny. i didnt know they had Extremeskins panties. Om please dont tell us you were wearing a pair when you wrote that!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Gotta admit, I'm getting a just a bit uncomfortable having this gentleman sit out there, giggling, while one-handedly imagining me first with canines, and now in lingerie.

We really need to find this poor soul a woman.

Or something.


Public Service Announcement: laughing at your own jokes is not a sign of a confidence.

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Dude, here's a public service announccement for you: taking yourself too seriously isnt a sign of confidence either.

Maybe just maybe youre a litlte too sensitive? Jeez dude you start talking about your languid women and youre surprised when someone laughs at you? take it easy, dude. It was just a joke. I put those little smiley faces so you'd know i was kidding, not because i was laughing at my own joke.

But your little Penthouse letter was really hilarious. Please keep telling us about your "reveling in the attentions of women", willing or otherwise, and dogs, presumably unwilling. But i really really dont want to know what youre wearing while youre doing it.

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I don't take you, your impressions of me or this thread seriously, EM. Truly.

But for future reference, if you're gonna chime in with overtly personal stuff out of nowhere, as you did in your initial post, you can reasonably expect to hear about it. And so you know, slapping a couple smilies on it and falling back on "dude it was just a joke" when someone takes issue doesn't always get you off the hook around here.

Maybe after you've been around a while longer, we'll all come to appreciate your unique perspective and sparkling sense of humor. Until then, though, if you're gonna sling sh!t -- with smilies in it or not -- you may want to make sure you fling it hard enough to get through the fan.

Feel free to go ahead and have the last word, now ... unless of course you don't take yourself too seriously.

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Originally posted by Even Madder

You like your women languid? Jeez dude, that's kinda sad. I like em with a little spunk -- or at least a heartbeat. Or maybe the languid ones are easier for you to catch?

Being the resident tall lanky blonde, I must say.......I would not mind being called "languid."

If you look at any ordinary thesaurus, you will find it also means "catlike......feline"

Use your imagination.

Om, should you see fit, you may call me "languid" anytime.


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Dude, you really do take yourself too seriously.

If a normal person says something dumb like "I like languid women," and someone kids you about it, you just laugh and say "I meant i like sultry women" or something like that.

But you dont. You insist that you did mean languid and then you launch a whole bunch of personal attacks. Funny though -- someone else make a joke about chloroform and you didnt attack him. Why? What do you have against me?

I just read it and thought it was funny that someone would like languid women and i made a joek about it. Get over it.

Then Blondie says she read hte thesaurus and that she likes being called languid. Ill leave off any chloroform jokes. i looked up languid in the thesaurus and heres what it says:

apathetic, blah, blahs, comatose, die-away, dopey, draggy, drippy, drooping, easy, energyless, enervated, faint, feeble, heavy, impassive, inactive, indifferent, inert, infirm, lackadaisical, laid back, languishing, languorous, lazy, leaden, leisurely, lethargic, limp, listless, moony, nebbish, phlegmatic, pining, sickly, sleepyhead, slow, sluggish, snoozy, spiritless, supine, torpid, unconcerned, unenthusiastic, unhurried, uninterested, weak, weary, wimpy

Sounds like a good time. Im sure youll be happy together.

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Well, to be honest, when I saw Om's words, I thought of this:


Or maybe even this:


I do understand the drugged out image BCS posted as well :). But, knowing Om, and having a moderate appreciation for how languid has been associated on page after page of Vogue for years with beauty, and models and sensuality, I kind of went that direction, again, knowing Om.

Had I said it, it would have been more the BCS picture though :). I think the phrase languid women can illicit an image of beauty and sensuality, if one happens to find that sort attractive. Gucci and Calvin Klein have made millions with languid, even vapid, models, while still, at least for some, capturing a sense of beauty and desire.

Let me just say that if liking languid women is anything like the two pictures above, I think I understand the phrase :).

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My goodness, it sure looks like someone here is aptly named.

All I can say is somehow Blondie knew what Om meant, and so do I........ even without going to reference books. I guess it must be US who don't get it though. There are times the kind of "languid" approach we are talking about here can make a girl's eyes roll back.

But maybe that is just not all that important to some people.

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The heat was oppressive. The Louisiana sun spilled long shadows across the wall as their languid bodies melted further and further into one another. A jolt of panic surged through her as she realized the awkward situation she had been thrust into, her trick was dead, and she was too weak to get out from under him...

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