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Newsweek: Barack's Bounce: 15 Point Lead over McCain


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However, at least here in Tailgate, I see what I think is some positive news about McCain on the issue of energy, and the same old smears about Obama. (Oh, and speculation about his VP.)

If McCain keeps talking about energy and Obama doesn't get covered, that lead could change.

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Hey at least I can smell some serious b.s. :laugh: when I see it.

I suppose if your happy with the economy, the Iraq quagmire, not caring about getting Bin Laden (which Bush doesn't as he has stated he doesn't think about him) and America's reputation, then that's a great reason to vote Republican.

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I suppose if your happy with the economy, the Iraq quagmire, not caring about getting Bin Laden (which Bush doesn't as he has stated he doesn't think about him) and America's reputation, then that's a great reason to vote Republican.

Are we voting for Bush again?

Didn't think so. Your argument holds no water.

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:laugh: I think I'll believe Gallup over Newsweek any day of the week


Of course, before you answer that, you should know that Newsweek's polls are conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates (PSRA), who also conduct polling for ABC News and a host of other organizations.

And PSRA was founded by Andrew Kohut. The same Andrew Kohut who was president of Gallup for 10 years. And took a lot of the Gallup talent with him when he start PSRA.

So what aspect of the Newsweek name gives you pause, again?

take a peek at the methodology ,if you are into that ;)


I just took a look at it. What part of it gives you any kind of alarm?

To me, it looks like the only thing about PSRA's approach that may be significantly different from Gallup is the way each of them weighs results to reflect the demographic makeup of the country. This can be done in different ways, and I'm just assuming the two groups do it differently because they don't give the details on the link I read.

In fact, they may follow exactly the same method to achieve that end. But you can't say one established weighting method is right or wrong; it's nearly impossible to know which weighting is the "perfect" one until the election is over and you see which poll was closer to the result. In some cases it might not make any significant difference at all.

One thing to note, though: the fact that they polled 896 registered voters (out of 1,010 total people called) is NOT a problem. Again: NOT a problem.

What could be a major problem is the possibility that the 1,010 people polled were not a good random sample of US adults, either due to extremely bad circumstantial luck (leading to an "outlier poll") or a bad method for picking people to call (leading to someone at the polling company justifiably being called a huge dumbass).

But that's pure speculation, and it seems to me that Gallup probably would be equally likely to experience the same problems. Just as this poll could be subject to error, Gallup could be experiencing some systematic, repeated error every day as they do their polling.

But both firms are very reputable, so dumbassery is probably highly unlikely.

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Explain the difference in policies between the two.

So is my job to do research for you now? Damn kids these days. :rolleyes:

Domestic policy, McCain will most likely keep the same tax cuts under Bush but add more of his own twists. But if you believe that the economy is solely in the control of the PotUS, then I want to know what color the sky is in your reality.

Foreign policy? Here you go. Nice article. Quite different than what Obama and his Obamanaughts want you to believe.



We're voting for the guy who voted with Bush, 97% of the time.

Straw man Larry. I expect better of you. McCain shares alot of views with Bush but to say that he will continue with the policies at hand is a bit of a stretch, even for the foaming at the mouth Bush haters. Look at all the flack that the right of the GOP is giving him. He isn't the "maverick" that he was a few years ago now due to his need to get the GOP base to support him, but you know as well as I that a leopard doesn't change his spots.

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The biggest surprise for me was the Michelle Obama has considerably higher favorable ratings than Cindy McCain.

Michelle Obama has scores of 49 "favorable", 22 "unfavorable", 7 "Never Heard Of's" and 22 "Don't Know".

Cindy McCain has scores of 33 "favorable", 19 "unfavorable", 12 "Never Heard Of's", and 36 "Don't Know"

I mean, Cindy McCain doesn't do anything on the campaign trail so I have NO idea how people could have unfavorable opinions about her.

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MJah,I'm sure you know what a outlier is...Can you spot one?


General Election: McCain vs. Obama

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample Obama (D) McCain ® Spread

RCP Average 06/12 - 06/19 -- 47.5 42.0 Obama +5.5

USA Today/Gallup 06/15 - 06/19 1310 LV 50 44 Obama +6.0

Newsweek 06/18 - 06/19 896 RV 51 36 Obama +15.0

FOX News 06/17 - 06/18 900 RV 45 41 Obama +4.0

Rasmussen Tracking 06/17 - 06/19 3000 LV 48 44 Obama +4.0

Gallup Tracking 06/16 - 06/19 2648 RV 46 44 Obama +2.0

Reuters/Zogby 06/12 - 06/14 1113 LV 47 42 Obama +5.0

ABC News/Wash Post 06/12 - 06/15 -- 49 45 Obama +4.0

Cook/RT Strategies 06/12 - 06/15 880 RV 44 40 Obama +4.0

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MJah,I'm sure you know what a outlier is...Can you spot one?


General Election: McCain vs. Obama

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample Obama (D) McCain ® Spread

RCP Average 06/12 - 06/19 -- 47.5 42.0 Obama +5.5

USA Today/Gallup 06/15 - 06/19 1310 LV 50 44 Obama +6.0

Newsweek 06/18 - 06/19 896 RV 51 36 Obama +15.0

FOX News 06/17 - 06/18 900 RV 45 41 Obama +4.0

Rasmussen Tracking 06/17 - 06/19 3000 LV 48 44 Obama +4.0

Gallup Tracking 06/16 - 06/19 2648 RV 46 44 Obama +2.0

Reuters/Zogby 06/12 - 06/14 1113 LV 47 42 Obama +5.0

ABC News/Wash Post 06/12 - 06/15 -- 49 45 Obama +4.0

Cook/RT Strategies 06/12 - 06/15 880 RV 44 40 Obama +4.0

This is one of my favorite sites for polling data:


It compiles a bunch of different polls and uses those to get their graph numbers. It also shows poll numbers for Senate/House/Governor races.

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Can anyone really have any confidence or put any credence in what Newsweak claims? They been busted so many times in the past it comical. I don't think they are shy about their agenda. Man what a bunch of lemmings there are here.

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McCain shares alot of views with Bush but to say that he will continue with the policies at hand is a bit of a stretch, even for the foaming at the mouth Bush haters. Look at all the flack that the right of the GOP is giving him. He isn't the "maverick" that he was a few years ago now due to his need to get the GOP base to support him, but you know as well as I that a leopard doesn't change his spots.

Same policies on tax cuts, abortion, supreme court justices, Iraq, economic policies, heath care, no child left behind, social security, etc. etc. etc.

Perhaps it would be easier for you to point out their DIFFERENCES... lol

And BTW- he didn't need to change his spots to get elected. If John McCain of 2000 is the candidate in this election, he wins in a LANDSLIDE.

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