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What supplements work best for you: Gym Rats


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I used to be an avid gym rat and work out 5-6 days a week. I took creating, specifically Cell-Tech and then Cell Mass and Noxplode. I liked Cell-Tech a lot and with protein it game me the runs, like a lot of the supplements. I've been out of the game for a while due to a new job and location but I'm getting back into it. Anyone have any suggestions for supplements they got good results from? Anything new I should check out?

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Intense heavy weight lifting is shown to burn more calories than many cardio sessions. I wouldn't say necessarily high reps. i would stay in the 12-8 rep range to gain strength and muscle. Good amount of cardio. Combine that with a solid diet and you will see good results.

As for cardio, interval training is best. Doing any exercise at the same pace for a period of time gets your body accustomed. YOu need to "trick" it by varying exercises and speed. When doing cardio, sprint, jog, walk within the same sesssion. Don't stay on a weight lifting routine for too long.

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I just started somethin called Gakic and I already feel the difference. i am running further, I am putting up more reps and I just feel like I have more strength.

I have heard of Gakic. I think it just started before I was getting out of the gym my last stint. So you like it huh? I will have to check it out. Thanks.

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how bout if you're not trying to bulk up, rather lean down and lose weight...so doing more reps with less weight and more cardio?

I take Zantrex about 30 min before I do cardio and I believe it gives me an extra push, it also curbs my appetite a bit as well so I eat less carbs and more protein. I also try to eat a protein snack after every workout....

oh, as far as the weight training goes to lose weight, I had a trainer tell me do as much weight as you can while keeping a constant fluid motion will burn the most calories.

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Have you tried DBol or Winstrol?

I plead the 5th. All I can say is that you are better off with HGH. With horse hormones, you have to stack them so much as to counter the effects of one another it's not worth it. Plus, you have to LIVE in the gym and you lose 75% of the mass you built up on cycle. You still bulk 25% off cycle but it's depressing and messes with your moods.

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I plead the 5th. All I can say is that you are better off with HGH. With horse hormones, you have to stack them so much as to counter the effects of one another it's not worth it. Plus, you have to LIVE in the gym and you lose 75% of the mass you built up on cycle. You still bulk 25% off cycle but it's depressing and messes with your moods.

What do you think about Animal Pak?

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What do you think about Animal Pak?

I can't speak on Animal Pak, I haven't taken it in about 7 years before it got regulated and had to drop the power in it (Andro).

The important thing is your diet. Think of your success in the gym like this:

10% work

90% Diet

If you can maintain your work out schedule keep that going but make sure your diet is top notch. Supplements are just that, supplements. They aren't meal replacements and won't do **** for you unless you are eating right. And for those that talk about protein shakes, they are great, WHEN mixed with taken with a great diet.

If can maintain a great diet and your lift schedule, then you can start to supplement with shakes and thermogenics. What supplements do for you is "giving you that little bit extra". Don't make supplements part of your every day routine. 1. You will be mentally addicted to them. 2. You will build immunities to their effects.

But after re-reading your OP, :doh:, I see that you already know this. :laugh:

If you just want a kick in the ass, get some get some Animal Pump.


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I can't speak on Animal Pak, I haven't taken it in about 7 years before it got regulated and had to drop the power in it (Andro).

The important thing is your diet. Think of your success in the gym like this:

10% work

90% Diet

If you can maintain your work out schedule keep that going but make sure your diet is top notch. Supplements are just that, supplements. They aren't meal replacements and won't do **** for you unless you are eating right. And for those that talk about protein shakes, they are great, WHEN mixed with taken with a great diet.

If can maintain a great diet and your lift schedule, then you can start to supplement with shakes and thermogenics. What supplements do for you is "giving you that little bit extra". Don't make supplements part of your every day routine. 1. You will be mentally addicted to them. 2. You will build immunities to their effects.

But after re-reading your OP, :doh:, I see that you already know this. :laugh:

If you just want a kick in the ass, get some get some Animal Pump.


Thanks, I'll have to check it out. I'm ALL over my diet. Like you said, 10/90. I'm the first to campaign for nutrition. I have worked out enough to know that supplements make a big difference over time and its for that edge.

For others here, you may not see the difference a supplement has in terms of the benefits immediately. But after say a year, the difference of where you are on supplements to where you would have been not taking them, is quite significant IMO. At least that is how it has worked for me.

I tried Andro before it was banned...holly crap did that work. I had to stop because it caused some serious mood swings, plus I was in Iraq at the time and already had a lot going on. But my bench went up like crazy in just a couple of weeks of taking it.

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IMO, you're much better off spending that money on quality food, antioxidants and a quality undenatured whey protein concentrate powder. Creatine and ribose can play a role, especially for patients suffering from heart disease among others, but I really do not think they will help you much - especially someone as young as you. Honestly, some of these supplements can cost as much as anabolic/androgenic steroid cycles do over time.

You might want to read up on them - I think they're entirely too demonized, which is extremely unfortunate because they can and should play a major role in treating anyone with HIV or other muscle wasting conditions. You can find them on the Internet. I've ordered several cycles previously and am about to start a new one shortly. Do your homework and be careful.

In short:

Eat several small balanced meals each day.

Use fish oil or flax - fish is superior IMO.

Load up on quality antioxidant supplements - amongst the strongest are berries, herbs and spices such as tumeric, bilberry and clove. Grapeseed extract is also very valuable.

Use a quality protein drink, especially after training - ditto with the antioxidants. I would also purchase some tart cherry extract or add them/it to your protein shake. Cherries preserve muscle mass and repair damage to them.

Drink water with some vitamin C added to it before, during and after a workout. Taking in some whey protein hydrosylate a half hour before a workout is also very helpful.

Garden of Life's Perfect Meal is an excellent protein powder...

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I'm bulking right now here is what I eat. I do heavy lifting 3 times a week working out everything only once. If you are trying to get big you MUST do squats, not only does it flood you with testosterone, but your upper body gets mass much more when your legs grow. Squats are the best exercise you can do even though they suck!

Meal 1: banana & Meal replacement shake

Meal 2: protien bar

Meal 3: Steak sandwich and multivitamin

Meal 4: 4 eggs and 4 slices wheat toast.

Meal 5: Chicken breast 1 cup brown rice and spinach.

oh yea like the post above says, Omega 3's are the way to go. I throw flax in my MRP.

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After much trial and error, various changes to my routine, the best supp I've found for pre-workout weights is NO Xplode. For pre-workout cardio, Lipo 6. For post-workout protein, Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey. As a meal replacement, Zero Impact protein bars or Muscle Milk.

I've tried all the Animal products over the years and Pak is the only product I still use. Nitro is okay, and Pump is good for people who respond well to creatine (I do not). At the end of the day, it all comes down to a high protein, moderate carb diet, a good weights routine, dedication to morning cardio, and plenty of rest.

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