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McCain, Military Oppose Expanding GI Bill


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There's concern that too many people will opt out of the military for an education, instead of re-enlisting, stretching an already thin military even further. McCain looks like the bad guy once again.

Sorry, but, total BS.

If you're in and you want to reenlist you will, that incentive will still be there when you're done.

Also, it certainly will help as an incentive for new enlistees.

Not to mention the fact that what they're saying is essentially, if you get college fully paid for you won't want to sign back up.

So they don't want soldiers to have something better to do than serve.

"Hey, it's either stay in the military or go back to piss poor benefits and a wage slave job, so why not serve again?".

It's all basically crap if you ask me. If you serve your time you deserve the gov't picking up your education bill, period.

Since when is educating people ever a bad thing?

Not to mention the veterans who came before and got exactly this incentive. Those returning home from both WWII and Vietnam had a full ride to college. Why shouldn't the current veterans get the same?

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I thought the article did fairly well.

Was expanding the prescription benefit a good thing,or a good idea done wrong?

You must consider outcome and effects of the methodology used.

I don't know how you can compare the two.

Giving a free college degree to those who serve this country should be of huge benefit to this country. It's not just money off, it produces a better group of people. Instead of coming home and going back to work it allows veterans the ability to get better jobs and contribute even more to society.

Not to mention that this was a poicly of ours in the past. Not some newly developed program to adjust to the times.

Both WWII and Vietnam Vets got this benefit.

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I can understand the reasoning. I disagree with it, but it's not impossible to believe.

Me, I'd think that, if the possibility of getting killed (if not being tortured to death or beheaded) isn't enough to make our current military "cut and run", then I don't think a bigger subsidy for college will, either.

Somehow, I chose to believe that very few of our military are in uniform because their other job sucked worse.

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Sorry, but, total BS.

If you're in and you want to reenlist you will, that incentive will still be there when you're done.

Also, it certainly will help as an incentive for new enlistees.

Not to mention the fact that what they're saying is essentially, if you get college fully paid for you won't want to sign back up.

So they don't want soldiers to have something better to do than serve.

"Hey, it's either stay in the military or go back to piss poor benefits and a wage slave job, so why not serve again?".

It's all basically crap if you ask me. If you serve your time you deserve the gov't picking up your education bill, period.

Since when is educating people ever a bad thing?

Not to mention the veterans who came before and got exactly this incentive. Those returning home from both WWII and Vietnam had a full ride to college. Why shouldn't the current veterans get the same?

So Gates is full of BS since he differs from your view?

And no,it is not the same benefit..it is a expanded one.

Is this your opinion below,or simply a view you support? :rolleyes:

So they don't want soldiers to have something better to do than serve.

"Hey, it's either stay in the military or go back to piss poor benefits and a wage slave job, so why not serve again?".

McCain simply supports a different proposal


Personally I don't support either proposal and I have two kids enlisted that would benefit.

Nice reasoning Larry :cheers:

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Well, for one it has a ton of extra spending attached to it. Murtha is up to his earmarking tricks again as well

Maybe if the Dems think it's so important, they can float it out there by itself and see how many Dems vote for it then

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Well, for one it has a ton of extra spending attached to it. Murtha is up to his earmarking tricks again as well

Maybe if the Dems think it's so important, they can float it out there by itself and see how many Dems vote for it then

Only 10 billion or so ,that's pocket change to Congress critters.

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Well, for one it has a ton of extra spending attached to it. Murtha is up to his earmarking tricks again as well

Maybe if the Dems think it's so important, they can float it out there by itself and see how many Dems vote for it then

Happens with every bill, not anything new. Both sides routinely earmark stuff. Not enough of a reason to think the bill doesn't have merit.

Considering it passed 75-22 you can take either point of view on this.

Either the rest of the Senate thought this was a valid bill, or the more cynical side. None wanted to be perceived by the public as opposing something that benefits our soldiers.

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So Gates is full of BS since he differs from your view?

And no,it is not the same benefit..it is a expanded one.

Is this your opinion below,or simply a view you support? :rolleyes:

So they don't want soldiers to have something better to do than serve.

"Hey, it's either stay in the military or go back to piss poor benefits and a wage slave job, so why not serve again?".

McCain simply supports a different proposal


Personally I don't support either proposal and I have two kids enlisted that would benefit.

Nice reasoning Larry :cheers:


WTF are you talking about. Every opinion after my original statement was regurgitated from the article.

And please with the McCain just has a differing bill to offer. That's what they call damage control.

As for you not supporting the allowance that let's your own children get a college benefit. We obviously have very different views on what we want for our chidren. :cheers:

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