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Take a look back at what people thought of Jason Campbell


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Why not blame a stuff of WRs that are not any good? Where is Santana I hurt my hamstring every week Moss?

I agree with this some what. Campbell has an arm and can get downfield, but his short passes were not very accurate last year. With that said, Moss and Cooley dropped a lot, a lot of game changing passes that could have not only won the game for us (Moss with two dropped passes for a fumble and a pick against the Eagles I think, i may be wrong, one went through his hands, off of his shoulder pads and into the arms of the waiting defender). I think as much as Campbell needs to step up, so does Moss this season.

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For those of you who are curious what people thought before Zorn showed up...

is the 2007 season. What the media said, what Joe Bugel said, what Joe Gibbs said.

Still don't think people keep changing their minds about what hes good and bad at? The only thing hes consistantly shown is everyone, EVERYONE thinks hes a leader, from coaches to players.

Dude, that video is awesome on so many levels. My favorite:

(1) ARE screaming "I LOVE JASON CAMPBELL!!!!"

(2) Lil' Wayne sayin' "closet dick tasters" and showing Homo and Manning.


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Apparently you can. Hunter R is THAT smart! :laugh:

I'm sure you're a regular Einstein. Your last two posts directed towards me have been nothing but ad hominem crap. And my "one pass" is a specific example. They're must better for expressing points than generalities that your ilk are prone to do. I know all I need to know about arguing with you, sir.

The best part of this is that all I said is that I was a Campbell skeptic. I have not called for his removal. I simply no longer think he's definitely "it." I am uncertain. It means I won't simply fall in line and say that "He's the future." Not one person other than Campbell is going to change that.

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And my "one pass" is a specific example. They're must better for expressing points than generalities that your ilk are prone to do.

A specific example is not much better for expressing points in a sample size of many. Specific EXAMPLES that demonstrate a discernible trend are the way to make a point.

The problem is that there have been many deep passes from Campbell that were right on the money, as well. The TD to Moss against the Saints in 2006. The deep throw to ARE in the 3rd qtr in last season's opener. The deep throw to Moss early on in the first Giants game this past season. Heck, his first throw ever to Lloyd against the Bucs in 2006. There are more. You can't just pick one throw out of many and hold it up as definitive proof of your point - that's no different or better than making broad sweeping statements with nothing concrete to back it up.

Redman is right - he was better in 2006 than 2007. He missed several throws this past season that he has to make, much more often than not, to be the type of QB a winning franchise needs in this day and age. It's his consistency and the speed of his decision-making that must improve.

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A specific example is not much better for expressing points in a sample size of many. Specific EXAMPLES that demonstrate a discernible trend are the way to make a point.

The problem is that there have been many deep passes from Campbell that were right on the money, as well. The TD to Moss against the Saints in 2006. The deep throw to ARE in the 3rd qtr in last season's opener. The deep throw to Moss early on in the first Giants game this past season. Heck, his first throw ever to Lloyd against the Bucs in 2006. There are more. You can't just pick one throw out of many and hold it up as definitive proof of your point - that's no different or better than making broad sweeping statements with nothing concrete to back it up.

Redman is right - he was better in 2006 than 2007. He missed several throws this past season that he has to make, much more often than not, to be the type of QB a winning franchise needs in this day and age. It's his consistency and the speed of his decision-making that must improve.

That was a specific example. It was certainly enough to prove that I no longer have complete faith in the man. There are definitely more examples of why I think so. The interception is Dallas. Missing a wide open Brandon Lloyd (Lloyd had to dive, and just barely touched it). Any one of his 13 fumbles.

Also, if Redman was right, and Campbell was better in '06 than in '07, that definitely makes me skeptical about Campbell. You, or anyone here will be tough pressed to make the claim that Campbell is, without a doubt, the absolute future of the QB position of the Skins for the next decade or so.

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That was a specific example. It was certainly enough to prove that I no longer have complete faith in the man. There are definitely more examples of why I think so. The interception is Dallas. Missing a wide open Brandon Lloyd (Lloyd had to dive, and just barely touched it). Any one of his 13 fumbles.

Whatever. You seem like you just want to argue and I'm not going to take the bait.

Also, if Redman was right, and Campbell was better in '06 than in '07, that definitely makes me skeptical about Campbell. You, or anyone here will be tough pressed to make the claim that Campbell is, without a doubt, the absolute future of the QB position of the Skins for the next decade or so.

I should have been more clear in my statement, though I thought it pretty well established what the specific subject of discussion was. What Redman said, and I agreed with, was that Campbell seemed sharper, on the whole, with his deep passes in 2006 vs. 2007. That was a qualified statement, not a general statement on his overall play. Nor did either or us make the claim that Campbell has undoubtedly staked his claim as the long-term answer at QB for the team. I specifically said that his consistency and the speed of his decision-making must improve, both of which are pretty fundamental aspects of QB play. So, I'm not sure how you gleaned from any of our posts that he was the absolute future of the QB position for the team.

Unless, of course, you just wanted to start an argument... :)

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Whatever. You seem like you just want to argue and I'm not going to take the bait.

I should have been more clear in my statement, though I thought it pretty well established what the specific subject of discussion was. What Redman said, and I agreed with, was that Campbell seemed sharper, on the whole, with his deep passes in 2006 vs. 2007. That was a qualified statement, not a general statement on his overall play. Nor did either or us make the claim that Campbell has undoubtedly staked his claim as the long-term answer at QB for the team. I specifically said that his consistency and the speed of his decision-making must improve, both of which are pretty fundamental aspects of QB play. So, I'm not sure how you gleaned from any of our posts that he was the absolute future of the QB position for the team.

Unless, of course, you just wanted to start an argument... :)

Right, you come up to bat for Redman and you didn't want to have an argument. You chided me for having only 1 specific example, and I give you more, but you didn't want an argument.

Redman getting on my case about merely doubting Campbell gave me the impression that he was dead set with Campbell. You backing him up gave me the same about you. You two are some pieces of work.

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JC has not yet become a student of the game ... he needs more experience. Can the Skins fans wait with TC and Colt "45" breathing down his neck ... I for one doubt it.

I don't think there's much hope for him if he's not a student of the game by now. His Dad was a high school football coach for years and they started studying tapes together when Jason was 8 years old. :D

This isn't to say that there aren't several areas of JC's game where he needs to improve But I don't have much faith in scouting reports. Scouts caused some doubts about another Auburn player, Marcus McNeil and he dropped to the 2nd round in 2006. His first year he did not give up even one sack and his second year he blocked his man 98.5% of the time. Marcus has made the ProBowl two years in a row. Sometimes scouts don't know WTH they are writing about.

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Feel the love ... Man to be the Redskins Qb in may!

Campbell was in no way better in 2006 than 2007 Not in terms of TDs, rushing yards, rushing average, passing yards, passing yards per catch, Passing yards per game, Qb rating or in terms of the number of games we actually won with him . Teams were better prepared for him in 2007 he didn't fumble as much in 2006 than 2007 but then he hardly got hit . The season was in the can for us when he came in 06 and everyone we played knew that.

At the end of 2007 he had 5 back to back 200+yard passing games (including 2 300+ yard games) TC had three in total and 0 300 yard games . Campbell was clearly growing with every game that went by and yet there is a growing core of "fans" make stuff up and rely on 4 year old scouting reports to sound smart .

Ryan Leaf and Ricky Williams sounded great comming out of collage you would rather have them insted of Campbell and Portis?

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It's not only accuracy, it's called touch. I could name a dozen QB's that couldn't throw the ball 50 yards, however they can lob the ball right in stride for smaller receivers or backs. You don't need to throw a bullet every pass.

If Zorn can't teach him to survey the field, quit staring down one receiver, and throwing too flat of a deep ball, then I don't know who can.

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