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ESPN : Carter - Cowboys have character issues Long


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"I think the Cowboys have a huge problem, and that is with character in the locker room," Carter said. "If the Cowboys season goes well, it's not going to be because of Pacman (Jones) transaction. It going to be because of another transaction that got little headlines, that's in Zach Thomas, because you need character to go with these characters on the field.

I was thinking about this and an old thread in the stadium about Gibbs ranking character, football knowledge and toughness above talent when selecting players and a comment from Riggins I think about the Redskins under Gibbs will become overll less talented but a better team . Gibbs was known for getting results out of less than superstar talents ( see HoF for details) .

What I was wondering is who has it right . The Cowboys is made up of stars who went 13-3, sent 13 players to the probowl and then stopped playing after thanksgiving essentially, the QB coming off a terrible run in December insted of staying in Dallas to work on his problems went with the pro bowl TE and his now ex girlfriend to party all week in Mexico between the final regular season loss and the post season loss . Since then they have added Pac Man Jones look to be eyeing up Chris Henery if he avoids suspension so they seem to be pursing the ideals of tallent over character because hey everyone is happy when they are winning.

The Redskins struggled all year but when it came to the crunch in November they rallied together won 4 in a row and made the playoffs over teams with better records who just folded down the stretch (Lions, Vikings) and they did it with a patchwork secondary offensive line and a QB who hadn't taken an offensive snap in a game in 10 years and a bunch of mid season additions at WR. When the post season came it all got too much and like a 4 year old hyped up on orange juice and pixie sticks everything came crashing down like a sugar rush . The Sean Taylor effect may have helped the run but they did a very similar thing in 2005 as well . The Redskins did pick up Mathis but given the comments of other players and Danny Smith I think I have more chance of making the final roster than Mathis . Fred Davis was the subject of national scorn and ridicule but all he did was oversleep and it looks like the Redkins even without Gibbs still value character over troubled talent .

So who has it right ? Both teams crashed out of the playoffs both teams have a proud history of championship teams both teams have had some dark days in the past .

Another example is the Patriots (Spit) and the Giants . Everyone wrote of the Gmen this time last year and labeling Eli as a bust and Tom as a gonner. They do have talent on the D line but they are not loaded . The Pats (Spit) have an unpleasant **** rearing QB, a cheat for a HC and a locker room full of troubled stars they went 18-0 (wow that must be difficult if your QB knows the defensive signals of the teams you play before hand) and we all know who came out on top and this appeared to be a triumph of desire over talent the Giants just wanted it more .

So what is more important when putting together a sucessful NFL franchise ? Talent or desire, skill or character?

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Great post, though im wondering where you are getting that the cowboys are interested in Henrry... Last I heard Jerry was quoted saying he wasnt interested, I am just curious if it was heresay or it was reported.

As for putting together a team, My opinion is that it obviosly starts with talent, you look at a players ability and if you think they can cut it. Then you have to take into account there character not only as a player but as a person and combine that with your current needs as a team. If there are some character concerns, but your in need of players at that position, then I think its a gamble a team must make. In todays game it seems to be getting more difficult to get players that arent concerns, for instance in this years draft off the top of my head I think about (Dmac, Hardy, Manningham, Brennen.....) so the level of concerns vary too.

Good post.

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While I personally believe that character is something that needs to be heavily considered, talent is a thing that definitely ranks as numero uno on an organization's list when looking at a player.

It all depends on the coach and the owner on what kind of players are signed because the coach and front office are the ones who are trying to decide what kind of locker room/team they want to have.

Take a look at the kind of locker room Gibbs molded when he was here in his second stint. While he considered talent, it's obvious he highly valued a player's character first and foremost. While there were mess ups (Lloyd) and we missed out on some high caliber players due to character concerns (Burress and Owens), we still built a locker room with guys that were able to bond together emotionally and as a family when times were tough, hence why we managed to battle our way into the playoffs in '05 and '07.

Some other owners, such as Jerry Jones and Al Davis, couldn't give a crap on the kind of character their players have. They just want guys who can play, which is evident by the people that they sign. While you can't argue with the results at times, the embarrassing name these players end up giving their organization can be considered to be quite terrible.

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I believe if you are intelligent, Teachable, good character, good talent= Great Football player because he will learn how to improve his deficiency for example, not great speed but great technique to compensate. rather it is running a route or making a block. I rather have a player who has these traits then a great talent that I you can't teach and thinks he know more then the coach and does not make good life decisions, and can't stay on the field due to off field issues such as failed drug test, arrest or what ever the case maybe. personally I think this is going to be our year of positive transition.

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I think a lot of it is due to Calvin Hill, who handles the players really well, some of it is a change of scenery, and some of it is some players just have to be on a competitive team. Certain teams in the NFL are owned by people that just want to make a buck, *cough* Arizona comes to mind. Some teams will do anything to win, *cough cough* a FEW out there, and some teams just have the right coaching staff. *cant say anything about the Skins, they implemented a new one*

But i give lots of credit to Hill who has served with the Cowboys and really helped some players achieve happiness, whether its scenery, change in life styles, finding God, or just finding some aspect of getting through this thing we call life. Whatever the reason, hes gone to bat for the players and done some amazing stuff.

To prove my point, Terrell has been an aweful teammate, I think he blamed the playoff loss on Romo sits to pee, totally screwed over Terry Glenn, signed a contract to go play for the Patriots and bailed on Dallas at the right time. Never invited the players to his party, never hanged out with them and totally told Sam Hurd to screw off when he came looking for advice, true story, heard from a guy, who heard from a kid who went to HS in Alaska, who was dating the cousin of a person from a place who knew him like totally, and told me, he drove over Sam Hurd, true story. Hates it in Dallas, even when Parcells threw up his hands and did the right thing. Spit on Wade Phillips too when he was signed, probably screamed racial slurs and drove over Rowdy on the way out.

Im pretty sure Leonard Davis hates it too and it was in his contract to win a Pro Bowl berth. Hasnt bought a house there nor really knows the offensive lineman next to him. Did we get screwed on that deal.

Tank wants out to, and after Adam Jones signes, i heard hes out as well.

Every team has some drama and every beat reporter wants to be the first to break the story. ESPN is just dying for something to happen in Dallas and until another player comes along who can bring the spotlight Dallas will be the target, win or lose Dallas brings the ratings.

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we have HUGE character issues. Was the Fred Davis bit the only thing he could say about our 'character' issues? Really? Geez, I never liked Carter, but it just makes it so much easier not to like him.

As for the pukes.....well, they put the 'ass' in class.

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