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PFT: 2005 First-Round Busts

Fifty Gut

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I have to disagree with both assertions....

Rogers isn't on the path to being a bust. He passed that sign post quite a ways back.

Campbell may be on his way to being a solid starter in the AFL or the XFL, but not in the NFL. He's on the bust train as well, so far as I'm concerned.

But in Mass' world, if you're drafted anywhere in the first round, in order to not be a bust, you have to singlehandedly carry your team to the SuperBowl in your rookie season.......

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Two different measures for evaluating Rogers:

1) Would the team holding next years #9 trade it for Rogers. Clearly no. Not #9, or #19 or #29.

2) Would the teams holding the rights to Alex Smith, Ronnie Brown, Braylon Edwards, Cedric Benson, Cadillac Williams, Pacman Jones, Troy Williamson or Antrel Rolle trade that player for Rogers. At least half of them would.

So take your pick.

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Two different measures for evaluating Rogers:

1) Would the team holding next years #9 trade it for Rogers. Clearly no. Not #9, or #19 or #29.

2) Would the teams holding the rights to Alex Smith, Ronnie Brown, Braylon Edwards, Cedric Benson, Cadillac Williams, Pacman Jones, Troy Williamson or Antrel Rolle trade that player for Rogers. At least half of them would.

So take your pick.

uuummmm....good point!...i dunno weather to be mad or just ok with it...:)

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ok...so where does he stand? that's not answering my ?

Your question is irrelevant... Even if Carlos Rogers is considered the best overall CB in this draft, he hasn't played to the level of the 9th overall taken in the draft. For instance, he hasn't shown as much as Darrent Williams did before he was killed or Corey Webster last year, both taken in the 2nd rounds. However, the whole draft was just rubbish? Do you want to argue that he is not a bust just because he is the best looking turd in the toilet?

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In hindsight, Rogers was the BEST CB taken in the first round of the draft.

Antrel Rolle is moving to Safety

Pacman Jones is a THUG

Fabian Washington was just traded for a 4th round draft choice

It is CLEAR, it was the right pick.

Whether he turns out to be a top 10 CB in the league remains to be seen; but thus far, it seems to be a good choice, considering the other options.


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The writer is putting the draft position in mind when making these declarations.

Now that you've seen 3 seasons of Carlos Rogers, would you pick him #9 OVERALL again?

I do think that CR will improve, and he is a decent player right now, but his last 3 seasons do not justify his top 10 overall draft status.

That doesn't mean I want him gone or trade him. It's just what it is.

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Your question is irrelevant... Even if Carlos Rogers is considered the best overall CB in this draft, he hasn't played to the level of the 9th overall taken in the draft. For instance, he hasn't shown as much as Darrent Williams did before he was killed or Corey Webster last year, both taken in the 2nd rounds. However, the whole draft was just rubbish? Do you want to argue that he is not a bust just because he is the best looking turd in the toilet?

wow really irrelevant?? now turd???....ok i see that you dont like the man but to call him a turd????....i dunno about you anymore....the point of the matter is that the so called "experts" somthing that you wish you where i bet called him a bust out of his class...i gave the list already and i dont think that he is a bust cause if you give him that label then you might as well give everyother person coming out of that draft class a bust label..it's funny how the so called "experts" always compare DW/SM in this class and call every one else bust's or other franchises dumb for not picking them up in the draft...fools we are all:laugh::laugh::laugh:

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The writer is putting the draft position in mind when making these declarations.

Now that you've seen 3 seasons of Carlos Rogers, would you pick him #9 OVERALL again?

I do think that CR will improve, and he is a decent player right now, but his last 3 seasons do not justify his top 10 overall draft status.

That doesn't mean I want him gone or trade him. It's just what it is.

i see your point but out of DW and SM who really has out of that top ten???...please let me know cause right now every one else thinks that the class of 2005 is all pro bowlers..

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Your question is irrelevant... Even if Carlos Rogers is considered the best overall CB in this draft, he hasn't played to the level of the 9th overall taken in the draft. For instance, he hasn't shown as much as Darrent Williams did before he was killed or Corey Webster last year, both taken in the 2nd rounds. However, the whole draft was just rubbish? Do you want to argue that he is not a bust just because he is the best looking turd in the toilet?

Darrent Williams was an okay corner. Not to stomp on him while he's gone, but he hadn't really performed better than Carlos had IMO. Looking at '05, Carlos was the best CB in the class bar none. '06, you have to give Carlos some slack because everyone, including our beloved Sean Taylor, looked like crap.

Corey Webster has the best pass rushing defensive line in the entire NFL and as history has shown us, a great pass rush can make any secondary look great, which is why all of us were pulling our hair out for so long when Gregg was insisting that his defense is built with a great secondary. So yeah, put Carlos back in the Giant's secondary and I guarantee he's a pro bowler.

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i see your point but out of DW and SM who really has out of that top ten???...please let me know cause right now every one else thinks that the class of 2005 is all pro bowlers..

Not everyone is going to be probowlers. Everyone knows that. There are just as many first round busts as there are great pickups in later rounds.

It's not about who else the Redskins should have got, it's about how well does that draft pick look after a 3 year period for the team in regards to where he was picked.

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Rogers has a long way to go to justify the faith put in him at #9 overall. For that price in the draft the Redskins should have a #1 corner just entering his prime.

Beyond the injuries, what is most troubling about Rogers is his inability to find the ball in the air and make a play.

He always seem to be 'right there' in coverage but often gives up the big catch anyway.

You can't really teach anticipation.

Rogers is a big question mark going forward.

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he hasn't shown as much as Darrent Williams did before he was killed

That's just wrong to compare Rogers to Williams (RIP). Williams was just another #2 corner who gets burned on a weekly basis in Denver. Look at Dre Bly. Supposidly the answer to complement Bailey and he was picked on all year.

Rogers has actually played games and played them well as our top corner.

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Rogers was playing some VERY good and much improved football last season before being injured. When your game is improving you're not "on your way" to being a bust.

Totally agree. The jury's out on both. IMO they could both be busts or stars in the league, not sure yet which ways it goes

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You know...I would say that Campbell is in risk of being declared a bust. He shows flashes of brilliance, but he's pretty inconsistent. We'll give him another year and see how he does under Zorn.

As we've witnessed, the odds of aquiring a top-tier quarterback in the draft are very very slim. We (Skins) just can't catch a break. Zorn has been bringing in QB'a left and right. Obviously there is atleast a bit of concern about JC's ability to adapt to the new offense. CBrennan seems to fit the mold of a Zorn QB (low gravity, great balance, quick & accurate arm); that excites me about tomorrow. The problem is that we need Jason Campbell to step up right away and do the (nearly) impossible.

The concerning fact is that Jim Zorn has no choice but to start Campbell this season. It's already written in stone that Jason Campbell must be the starter for the Washignton Redskins in 2008, no matter what happens between now & then. A bench QB could inherit the strange ability to fly, next week, and he would be hovering his @$$ over the bench as JC fumbles 5 times (You know im joking). "Oh you know.. I just held that ball a bit too long", says Jason Campbell during his apparent Randy Thomas impression. :cool:

Ha. Sleep Need I.

Do Chew!

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We should probably start a "go on record" thread:

If Carlos Rogers had never been a Redskin and became a free agent, would you consider him (given his body of work) someone you'd like to see become a Redskin... You can throw in caveats regarding injury and what-not, but I think it would be interesting to see what people think on this topic... It's hard to ask a bunch of homers not to think like homers (me included), I guess. :)

I would, actually. I have plenty of friends who are fans of other teams (Falcons, Bucs, Jags mainly) and they all think highly of Rogers as a physical press coverage corner. Nobody ranks him as an All-Pro, but I consistently hear them use the words "really good" and "very good" applied to him. So there is clearly something out there causing these people to think so appreciatively of Rogers, while Redskins fans themselves get bitter because we didn't switch our defense to a 3-4 so we could predict the future and take Merriman or Ware.

Again, when our defense was the top ranked pass defense in the NFC for the first part of 2007, it was ROGERS being credited as the top corner on the team leading that, while Smoot and especially Springs were getting thrown at. But I guess that doesn't matter, because again, he's not Shawne Merriman and somebody's girlfriend who seems to not know much about football says he sucks. Why not.

And also- Darrent Williams or Corey Webster better than Rogers? Really? Really?

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