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What are your politics?


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Pro choice

Pro death penalty

Pro tighter boarder security

Pro smaller and less gov. interfernce

Pro higher taxes on the wealthy

Pro getting out of Iraq in a year. (although Iran poses a problem and I don't think we will be leaving anytime soon no matter who wins the upcoming election. We screwed this up big time)

pro drilling for oil in Alaska

Anti religion in politics (this to me is the biggest problem with our system. In Britain it is political suicide to talk about god or religion)

Pro talking with countries who don't like us. Minus N. Korea

Pro stronger gun laws

I know there are more issues but I can't think of any right now.

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Pro choice

Anti death penalty

Pro tighter boarder security (but pro more visas and more immigration)

Cant take a position on "smaller and less gov. interfernce" because it could mean too many different things.

Pro higher taxes on the wealthy

Anti getting out of Iraq in a year no matter what. ("no matter what" never works for me. We should be moving out as a general principle, but we have to react to changed circumstances too)

Neutral on drilling for oil in Alaska (there isn't that much oil there, as I understand it)

Anti religion in politics (this to me is the biggest problem with our system. In Britain it is political suicide to talk about god or religion)

Pro talking with countries who don't like us.

Pro different gun control laws (gun control should be federal, not state IMO)

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Anti getting out of Iraq in a year no matter what. ("no matter what" never works for me. We should be moving out as a general principle, but we have to react to changed circumstances too)

I can agree with that. You never know what might happen. Although, I honestly see us being there for many many years.

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Pro choice: but w/ restrictions and the power given to the states

Pro death penalty: but not for a single conviction

Pro tighter boarder security: yes

Pro smaller and less gov. interfernce: in general

Pro higher taxes on the wealthy: higher than what?

Pro getting out of Iraq in a year no matter what. (although Iran poses a problem and I don't think we will be leaving anytime soon no matter who wins. We screwed this up big time): no

pro drilling for oil in Alaska: yes, with money raised going to implement alternative energy methods that are now practical

Anti religion in politics (this to me is the biggest problem with our system. In Britain it is political suicide to talk about god or religion): I'd guess not in the way that you mean, but I certainly don't agree w/ statments like this is a Christian nation.

Pro talking with countries who don't like us: case by case basis.

Pro stronger gun laws: pro gun laws that make sense some "strong" laws don't do much good.

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Pro-Life: but feel abortion should be legal, yeah it doesn't make any sense but deal with it

Pro-Death Penalty

Pro Chuck Norris

Anti-progessive taxation - anything contrived by Karl Marx gets a no from me

Anti-most government assistance

Anti-increase of government spending or increasing the size of government,

Pro-States rights


Anti-UN membership


Pro-offshore drilling, Alaskan drilling

Pro-energy independence

Pro-Nuclear power

Anti-hate crime legislation

Anti-government subsidization of health care

Pro-importation taxes


That's it for starters

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Pro choice

Pro death penalty

Pro tighter boarder security

Pro smaller and less gov. interfernce

Anti income tax

Government should be half as big

Pro militia

Anti trade agreements and memberships

Pro true free trade

Anti dept. of ed

Pro charity, anti government to government aid


pro drilling for oil in Alaska

Anti religion in politics (this to me is the biggest problem with our system. In Britain it is political suicide to talk about god or religion)

Pro trading with ALL countries, entangling aliances with none.

Pro 2nd amendment

Only pro anti Iraq if we withdrawl from all over seas bases. The world is too small for empires.

Pro States rights, anti federal take over

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Taxes: I am in favor of higher taxation for the upper class, and using public funds to support the general welfare of the people and the country. This includes education, social welfare programs.

Commerce: I am moderate when it comes to business regulation. Example: I am for regulations that protect the environment, food quality (dietary info on labels, no trans fats etc). Subsidies are almost always stupid. Agricultural subsidies the dumbest of all. I make an exception for science. Basic scientific research ought to be subsidized by the government ie alternative energy research, stem cells etc.

Foreign Policy: Our foreign policy needs to be less belligerent, and the defense budget ought to be cut by hundreds of billions over the course of time. We should generally encourage free trade, but be weary of slave labor enterprises (like China). Israel needs to be treated like other allies and not as part of the US. The US should withdraw from Iraq soon. Gitmo should be abandoned. Relations have to be restored with Iran and Cuba.

Religion- It has no place in politics. If it influences your ethics that's fine, your ethics belong in politics but they have no divine mandate.

Law and Order: The war on drugs fits all description of retarded policy. The prison system has to be reformed to be more rehabilitation for first time offenders. Terms ought to be reduced. Mandatory minimums are dumb. The death penalty... there isn't a good case to be made in favor of it, but I won't waste breath defending murderers. Abortion ought to stay legal because of societal benefits like reduced crime.

Gun laws- there are too many guns in this country to really do anything about it. There is no reason to keep assault weapons legal though. I don't think the country would be better if everyone had a gun.

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Sometimes I wonder at the absolutes people think in. For example the welfare state that some people want to get rid of: I get a little annoyed because doing away with this completely means getting rid of the medical care that my kids and others in the foster care system need. To think private charities will simply spring up to take care of them...well put it this way, it seems a questionable assumption with some extreme consequences of being wrong.

That's just the medical side. It ignores the problems finding homes and making sure those homes take care of the kids. Maybe you'd prefer unregulated group homes?

I can honestly say I'd be less enclined to do foster care knowing we would be relying on an even more capricious private source of funding. It aint cheap! The idea of working for a church I don't believe in doesn't thrill me either.

As somebody with MS, having a social security safety net also lets me sleep a little better. I pay into it now. I paid into it before MS. I hope to never need it...but I'd certainly like to keep it.

rest of politics (that are probably more absolute than they should be):

pro-choice - seen too many kids that aren't & can't be taken care of...seen too many families torn up too. Everything takes resources, and sometimes there just aren't enough for another kid. Ironically, I think of that as pro -family too.

Religion - prefer to stay away from organized religion & I'd like my government not to make that choice for me.

On commerce, I'll steal Libertty's "Commerce: I am moderate when it comes to business regulation. Example: I am for regulations that protect the environment, food quality (dietary info on labels, no trans fats etc). Subsidies are almost always stupid. Agricultural subsidies the dumbest of all. I make an exception for science. Basic scientific research ought to be subsidized by the government ie alternative energy research, stem cells etc." I think huge projects need the gov. so I agree with the science part.

Pro higher taxes: balance the budget to where debt is a constant percentage of GDP. Increase spending on infrastructure.

Pro Universal healthcare - I say this knowing I would get less help than I get now. Greatest good for greatest number here with the ability to pay into great coverage.

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I don't typically post in political threads but I'll respond to a little here...

Pro choice

Anti death penalty

Pro tighter border security

Too complex IMO to simply comment with a smaller or larger gov. interference

I'd say I'm higher pro higher taxes on the wealthy, certainly for higher tax %s on the wealthy, but this issue as well has various aspects to analyze... I'm admittedly not the most knowledgeable in this regard but I'd probably think tax reform eliminating a lot of loopholes would be high on my list of priorities from a taxation standpoint, which should how I see it effectively increase tax %s for the wealthy anyway

the Iraq issue I'm not knowledgeable enough currently to comment on... I was opposed to initially going in but haven't followed things closely enough in recent years to comment either way on how to handle the current situation...

Anti religion in politics

- As for the biggest problem with our political system, I disagree with putting religion mixing with politics at the top. I'd probably say the most critical issue I see across the board is conflicts of interest and industry's hand extending into politics and law-making through any number of avenues. All of this leads to industry too often strongly exerting its biased influences if not outright taking control and regulating themselves.

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I'm not trying to start an argument but why

are you against hate crime legislation?

If one man kills another man, it shouldn't matter the skin color involved. If another man beats up another man, it shouldn't matter there sexual orientation. The motive is irrelevant, it's the crime that matters. I feel it further seperates race and sexual orientations than equalizes them. It essentially says "even though everyone is equal, we feel you're not equal so special laws are enacted for you".

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