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Jordy Nelson

Leon Phelps

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fair enough. with 121 receptions 13.2 is a great average, obviously i dont have or care to have all the exact numbers, i believe numbers can and do lie. i always choose to trust my eyes, every time i watched KSU Jordy popped. Sweed might even be a product in my mind of having more talent around him, i just see another Michael Westbrook, fair or not thats what i see. not that i have a real problem with us getting sweed i would just rather see us address a pressing need in getting Albert, i cannot stress enough how important it is for a O line to be solid GCG, we dont have that now.

as for the wrist injury i feel better knowing he at least did try to play with it. to many premadonnas sit on the sidelines when they can play. i have literally seen high school kids dislocate thumbs to a gruesome point pop it back in and get the game winning INT.

and yes averaging is simple addition and devision, however most people dont even bother to analyze the numbers past their face value.

Ok, I'm sorry...but what is it with people comparing Sweed to every bust the Skins have ever drafted at WR without any sensible argument as to why? I mean seriously. "He just reminds me of Rod Gardner", "He just reminds me of Michael Westbrook", "He just reminds me of Desmond Howard". It is a relatively poor argument if you don't have something concrete to back it up. Michael Westbrook had tons of talent but was a complete headcase. Rod Gardner also had tons of talent but was a primadonna and never worked hard to be great at the next level. Sweed is the opposite of both of them. The guy works hard, plays hard, watches tape all the time (especially of top NFL WRs to pick up things they do), is a complete non-primadonna and will do whatever his coaches ask him to do and to be honest for a WR with that much athleticism and talent that is pretty damn rare. What, specifically, makes you think of Westbrook when you think of Sweed?

I completely agree that Sweed had much more talent around him than Jordy did. But that doesn't change the fact that he was their clear cut #1 receiver. Both Vince Young and Colt McCoy had many places to go with the ball (though with VY it was many times his own feet). My point is, look at what he did with the catches and yards he had. As I pointed out before, his Junior year he had 1 TD for every 3.8 catches. That is pretty damn impressive. I've watched him play and even in highlights you can see that he can do many things. Those were also not just a bunch of red zone jump ball TDs.

A definitely agree with you that we really need to draft a Guard. But, seeing as how there is MAYBE one Guard drafted every year in the 1st round (and many times there aren't any), that is obviously a position where teams know they can get a great player in the 2nd or 3rd round (unless there are only a few good Guards in the whole NFL). I have tried to watch as much of Branden Albert as I can since people seem in love with him here. I found a bunch of highlights of him from UVA's games vs Miami and UMD on youtube...and I'm just sort of confused. I'm not a pro scout, obviously, so maybe I'm just not good at evaluating OGs. But I saw a kid who is definitely athletic but is very raw. He certainly is athletic enough to pull and I saw some good plays. But I also saw a good number plays where he completely whiffed on blocks, was just wandering around in space after pulling...sometimes looking for the ball carrier, or even blocked the wrong guy. I didn't really see this elite road grating mauling monster of a Guard who is blocking guys 20 yards down the field that people talk about on here.

Am I just missing something?

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I suppose I just don't think we need to go DE or CB in the 1st. Maybe if one of the top guys falls to us. I think Jordy will be a solid NFL WR. But not special or elite. I'd rather have a more polished and athletic guy in the 1st (even though that seems to be the new buzz phrase around ES..."there aren't any WRs worth a 1st" to which I call complete BS). But hey, that's just my opinion.

obviously you just think that an injured average college WR that has good size and POTENTIAL is worth a first round pick instead of taking a DL which is obviously more important to what we need

im not really sure why you are sold on limas sweed....had he been in the draft last year kiper says he would have been a third round pick....

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does anyone with the ypc average argument know how averages are calculated? more catches will naturally push an average down, the law of averages. note in sweeds film down field routes, note in Jordy's film ALOT of short passes and smoke screens. can we agree that Texas has better talent than KSU. how can you penalize someone for being the only option. for that amount of receptions and Jordy having coverages rolled to him i think a 13.9 average is pretty good.

I mean damn Coles has a 10 yd per catch average, Santana has had one of the highest ypc averages at 16 to 17 ypc.

I mean really a guy whom doesnt finish college seasons doesnt worry you at all? what are you doing on the sideline with a wrist injury anyway?

Finally someone agrees with me, i can't get over why people think limas is going to be good, he wasnt even a GOOD college wr, just a slightly above average WR with size, which everyone on here gets off to on a regular basis. Why don't we go sign yao ming then, ps if we waste our first rounder it better be on james hardy a guy who has produced at a bad football school and who has better size

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Finally someone agrees with me, i can't get over why people think limas is going to be good, he wasnt even a GOOD college wr, just a slightly above average WR with size, which everyone on here gets off to on a regular basis. Why don't we go sign yao ming then, ps if we waste our first rounder it better be on james hardy a guy who has produced at a bad football school and who has better size

Can you please tell me how Sweed wasn't even a "good" college receiver? Specific things you think he wasn't good at, I mean. Hands? Comeback routes? Burst off of the line? Deep ball speed? Ball adjustment? Route running?

Have you ever even watched him play? Or are you just going on what Kiper says? I think James Hardy could be a very good WR in the NFL but I also think he is going to need more time before he sees a lot of action because he is still very raw.

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Can you please tell me how Sweed wasn't even a "good" college receiver? Specific things you think he wasn't good at, I mean. Hands? Comeback routes? Burst off of the line? Deep ball speed? Ball adjustment? Route running?

Have you ever even watched him play? Or are you just going on what Kiper says? I think James Hardy could be a very good WR in the NFL but I also think he is going to need more time before he sees a lot of action because he is still very raw.

I think most ESers know that you're a big Sweed fan. Sometimes I think your sig works against you as people may think that you're just a Sweed homer and weigh your posts as such.

Anyhow, I'm undecided on Sweed. In just about every post you prop him up, but could you make a cogent and concise argument as to why we should draft him?

I'm not saying we shouldn't, but you probably know more about him than anyone on the site.

The reservations that come to mind are:

- Average statistics (perhaps injuries held him back? but then...)

- Injury risk

- I think Colt and Vince were better than most QBs that play college football, so I think he had the benefit of a solid QB and fantastic running game during his time in Texas.

- (and just my personal impression) His highlight reel isn't very impressive. By their very nature they are supposed to dazzle you and hint at the potential a player has. But he didn't seem to accelerate that well. For how big he was, he didn't seem to break tackles or run with physicality.

He did seem like a very fluid athlete (maybe that makes him look less sudden?) and catching the ball seems as easy as breathing for him. I did like the diving catch in the endzone, that was the one play that stood out for me.

I hope you don't think I'm calling you out, but I think there is a very real possibility of us picking Sweed and I'd like to be a little more educated-- lest I look like a Philly fan cursing McNabb only to watch him become one of the best in the game.


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fair enough. with 121 receptions 13.2 is a great average, obviously i dont have or care to have all the exact numbers, i believe numbers can and do lie. i always choose to trust my eyes, every time i watched KSU Jordy popped. Sweed might even be a product in my mind of having more talent around him, i just see another Michael Westbrook, fair or not thats what i see. not that i have a real problem with us getting sweed i would just rather see us address a pressing need in getting Albert, i cannot stress enough how important it is for a O line to be solid GCG, we dont have that now.

as for the wrist injury i feel better knowing he at least did try to play with it. to many premadonnas sit on the sidelines when they can play. i have literally seen high school kids dislocate thumbs to a gruesome point pop it back in and get the game winning INT.

and yes averaging is simple addition and devision, however most people dont even bother to analyze the numbers past their face value.

In my above post I was asking about Sweed and now I'd like to ask you about Nelson. :)

I'll admit that I'm on the Nelson bandwagon more than I am on Sweed's. However, if their draft grades were reversed, my opinion would likely be reversed. I love value and minimizing risk. I can more easily overlook flaws when we get past the first round.

Anyhow, if you'd be so kind to sum up why Nelson would be a good pick I'd like you to give me your take on this comparison that is slowly sinking in for me.

Anquan Boldin

I live in AZ and I've seen plenty of Anquan and the tenacity in which Jordy finishes his runs reminds me of Boldin. Boldin is a possession receiver. He doesn't score THAT many TDs. I mean, he's awesome, but it's not like he scores 15 TDs every year. Boldin's average yards per catch are also close to Jordy's.

I then watched the Nelson videos with this idea in mind. Nelson seemed more squaty and ran lower to the ground while Boldin becomes a strider, but it seems they both like to finish their runs by punishing defenders. I wondered if the squaty/strider comparison was due to Boldin being taller and leaner. I was surprised to learn that...

Nelson 6-3 217

Boldin 6-1 217

Coming out of college their flaws are oddly similar. Lack of burst. Inexperience at the position.

Maybe I'm way off and he's more like a Mike Furrey (another converted safety, fine player in his own right) but I wanted to float that to you and the other Nelson fans on here.


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i like the boldin comp, Nelson just flat out pops. i dont understand why 6'3" 217 and 4.4 to 4.5 isnt appealing. I am a huge boldin fan and wanted us to draft him for the same reasons i like Jordy. Also Bolden ran a slower 40, however every time you put on film he popped!

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I think most ESers know that you're a big Sweed fan. Sometimes I think your sig works against you as people may think that you're just a Sweed homer and weigh your posts as such.

Anyhow, I'm undecided on Sweed. In just about every post you prop him up, but could you make a cogent and concise argument as to why we should draft him?

I'm not saying we shouldn't, but you probably know more about him than anyone on the site.

The reservations that come to mind are:

- Average statistics (perhaps injuries held him back? but then...)

- Injury risk

- I think Colt and Vince were better than most QBs that play college football, so I think he had the benefit of a solid QB and fantastic running game during his time in Texas.

- (and just my personal impression) His highlight reel isn't very impressive. By their very nature they are supposed to dazzle you and hint at the potential a player has. But he didn't seem to accelerate that well. For how big he was, he didn't seem to break tackles or run with physicality.

He did seem like a very fluid athlete (maybe that makes him look less sudden?) and catching the ball seems as easy as breathing for him. I did like the diving catch in the endzone, that was the one play that stood out for me.

I hope you don't think I'm calling you out, but I think there is a very real possibility of us picking Sweed and I'd like to be a little more educated-- lest I look like a Philly fan cursing McNabb only to watch him become one of the best in the game.


First I'd like to apologize in advance for the length of the post. :)

I don't think you're calling me out at all. On the contrary your post is a breath of fresh air. I'm getting pretty used to facile responses like "you're just a Sweed nuthugger" any time I post anything supporting him so this is a welcome change.

I think my sig may work against me for some people, yes. I thought about saying "to hell with it" and getting rid of it in the hope that maybe people would listen to the actual points I made as opposed to just looking at the sig and calling me a Sweed homer but then I figured screw it, I like him, I think he is a great player and I think we would do well by drafting him so I'll leave it up there. If someone wants to call me a blind homer and ignore everything I say that is their problem, not mine. :)

Anyway, to your question. Just like ANY player coming out of college, Sweed has positives and negatives. Things he is good at and things he needs to work on. Some specifics on positives and and negatives as I see them (a few things you will see both in the positives AND the negatives...but bear with me, I'll explain):


- Amazing hands. Pure hand catcher, doesn't wait for the ball to hit him in the numbers. Will catch anything that is anywhere near him. His hands are not only extremely soft, but when you watch him play look at how fast he secures the ball and pulls it in. That is something I see quite a bit of when I look at successful NFL WRs and you don't see as much at the college level. You can see it in Santana, as a Skins example. Once he has the ball, he secures it very fast. Sweed can also catch the ball and secure it very well in traffic and even with defenders basically dangling off of him.

- Speed. His speed has been doubted before but for a guy his size he is damn fast. 4.45 speed (I'm sort of averaging pro day and combine numbers) at 6'4 215 is pretty impressive. That makes him not just a posession guy, but also a vertical passing threat. I know you might not think as much of the highlights but you can see it in them; he can beat guys vertically as well as in the middle.

- Football smarts. Ability to identify coverages and find soft spots in zones. He doesn't just run his route and then stand around if his QB is in trouble. He is very good at identifying soft spots in zones and getting there at the right time, especially when his QB is flushed out of the pocket. He played in a pro style offense at Texas for years so he isn't going to have to make as much of a jump to an NFL offense as some other guys. This is a great attribute to have in the new Zorn WCO, IMO since it is based more on getting it to the open guy as opposed to throwing to a spot.

- Durability and toughness. Now, I know this sounds counterintuitive for a guy who is coming off of a wrist injury. However, despite how some like to characterize it, Sweed is not "injury prone". This is the only major injury he has ever had. He is a tough dude. Before he was injured in preseason he started in something like 36 straight games. Even after injuring his wrist before the season started he still played in 6 games through a ton of pain before he finally couldn't do it anymore and the Drs told him he needed surgery and he needed to stop.

- Route running. He is a very smooth route runner and has shown that he can pretty much run any sort of route successfully. I've seen it in watching him play in regular games but you can see it in the highlight reels. He isn't all vertical and he isn't all slants or short passes. You can see go routes, comebacks, short and mid outs and ins, posts, slants. All types. So again, he is very multi-dimensional which is nice to have with a guy of his size who sometimes tend to either be strictly posession guys or strictly red zone threats. He is also a physical route runner and doesn't mind getting into it with physical corners or contact when running after a catch.

- Burst off the line. He has very good burst and acceleration, especially for a guy his size. He can gobble up a CB's cushion very fast.

- Athleticism. He is an exceptional natural athlete. He was a track and basketball star in high school as well as football. This also comes into play in his jump ball ability. At 6'4 with a 37.5 inch vertical, I doubt there are any CBs that could purely out jump him. This is one of the areas where I mention the difference between him and Jordy. Jordy is only an inch shorter but his vertical is 6.5 inches less than Sweed's. That essentially gives Sweed almost 8 inches of vertical space on Jordy. Notice in his highlights that Jordy didn't really do "jump balls" much. That athleticism also gives him outstanding body control in the air to adjust to passes and block out defenders.

- Production. This is another one that may seem counterintuitive but let me explain. Yes he did not have 1000 yard seasons or 70-80 catches per year. But look at what he did with what he had. His Junior season he had 46 catches for 801 yards and 12 TDs. That means he had 1 TD for every 3.8 catches. No other top WR prospects this year can match that. None. It also gives him a 17.4 AVG which is quite high. Even this season when he played in 6 games with a painful wrist injury he still had 1 TD for every 6.3 catches which is still ahead of most of those guys. True, he didn't have the numbers (only 3 TDs) but I sort of give him a pass on that due to playing in quite a bit of pain. This also brings up your point about him having good QBs and a very good running game. Vince Young was a good QB but he also ran a ton. He had over 1,000 yards rushing and 12 TDs when he was a Senior and Sweed was a Sophomore. Add to that a good rushing game other than VY as well as a good supporting cast of others who could catch passes and it isn't all that surprising that Sweed didn't get a huge number of catches. McCoy wasn't a scrambler like VY but again, they had a great running game and a good supporting cast. They also played in a relatively spread pro style offense so there were more options. But none of this changes the fact that when he got the ball he produced big time. Yes Jordy put up some eye opening numbers this past season. But, as pro scouts have noted, he was pretty much the only option on that team and got over twice as many balls thrown his way as any other receiver. I'm not saying he is just a product of that system; he is a very good receiver. But I think it did inflate his stats and too many people look purely at those numbers without any other context. This past season he had 3 times as many catches and 2 times as many yards as Sweed did his Junior year but still had 1 TD less. He isn't going to get 122 catches per year in the NFL so I like the guy who does more with less.

- Character/ Work ethic. He is pretty much an anti-primadonna. Works very hard, plays very hard, has never had trouble on or off of the field, doesn't expect to given anything and is a leader. From what he has said and what I've read he watches a ton of tape. A lot of that being top NFL WRs so he can pick things up from what they do and try to incorporate it into his own game to make himself better. He is the kind of guy who could be a top 10 draft pick and if you tell him to get out there on special teams he would do it without another thought. I can also see him being the kind of guy who would be a sponge for knowledge when around a guy like Santana.


- Durability. I told you these might pop up in both areas ;) . Sweed has shown that he is tough and durable since this is his only main injury and he has played when hurt. However, you have to ask "how prone to re-injury is that wrist?", the answer to which nobody knows. He may never have problems with it again but he could re-injure it. It is the same as any injury in college or the NFL. some guys have an injury and surgery and never have problems with it again and some guys can never really get over it. To be honest I'd rather it be a wrist injury than a serious knee injury, which seem to linger for much longer in players. However, it is a completely valid concern.

- Route running. Another one! :silly: As I said before, he is a very fluid route runner and has shown that he can run any type of route. However, he needs to be more refined and get in and out of his breaks faster and more precisely which will help him get better separation at the next level, which is very important. One specific thing I've noticed is that he tends to take a couple too many steps when making a break or turning (like in a comeback or curl). This gives the defender that extra amount of time, however small, to catch back up to him a bit. I remember watching the sports science episode where they had Chad Johnson on to see how fast an elite NFL WR could stop and turn. Chad did it in 2 steps. A full turn at full speed. I know it isn't fair to really compare an elite NFL WR to a guy who hasn't played a down in the NFL yet but it is something specific I noticed that he really should work on because at the next level that could be the difference between getting enough separation to make a catch or having the ball batted down (or worse). He needs to be more efficient, not waste steps, and be more precise in his routes. I think another specific he needs to work on in this area (which Jordy seems to be pretty good at) is lowering his weight more when he makes a break during a route, which helps it to be more crisp.

- Concentration. I'm not saying he doesn't have his head in the game, and obviously he has great concentration on the ball once it is in the air since he catches so many tough balls. This is more to do with his route and how he deals with CBs. As I said before he seems to have no problem being physical with CBs but sometimes I've seen him concentrate too much on that to the point where he took himself out of a play by keeping too much of his attention on combat with the CB he was lining up against as opposed to getting into and out of his route. Some pro scouting I've read mentioned this as well.

- Timing. I talked before about his jump ball abilities and he certainly is good at them, but he needs to time his jumps and his adjustments better once the ball is in the air. I've seen this in some highlights as well; where he easily out-jumped the defender but his timing was a little off so he wasn't catching the ball at it's highest point.

- YAC elusiveness. He isn't "bad" in this area but he sometimes seems more intent on trying to break tackles as opposed to eluding them. He can do it, and you can see him do it even if you just look at highlights (he seems to have a nice straight-arm), but he needs to concentrate on using it more and not just trying to break tackles or run through people. Jordy seems very good in this area. I think this actually ties in with the route running precision and not getting too caught up with CBs because it is easier to get YAC when you have better separation from the guy who is covering.

Ok. So I've tried to be as fair as I can in my positives and negatives. I obviously like his play and so will tend to be a bit more biased but I wanted people to know that I don't think he is perfect and I'm not a blind homer. He has things he needs to work on like any player coming to the NFL, but let's also not forget that we're talking about a 21st pick here, not a top 5. Even a top 5 guy is going to generally require some work (even Calvin Johnson who I do believe will be elite. But he came from an offensive system that was far removed from a pro system so it takes time to adjust, even for someone with the elite skills he had coming out of college).

The positives I mentioned are why I think he would be a good fit for the Skins. He is the kind of WR we need, IMO. He is big, fast, has great hands, gives us a red zone threat and the jump ball guy that we have been missing for so long, is multi-dimensional, a team player and hard worker who will whatever it takes to get better and whatever the coaches ask of him. I outline his negatives but I think given his work ethic I don't think they are things he can't overcome pretty quickly with hard work and study. He has spent years in a pro style offense so it probably isn't going to take as much time to adjust to the NFL as some guys might. Yes he was injured this year so might be a little rusty, but at the same time it could be a blessing in disguise for us since had he not been injured and had another great year there is no doubt in my mind he would probably be a top 10 pick.

Taking a guy in a later round could be "safer" in the sense that it won't cost as much (though a 21st overall isn't anything near the financial risk that a top 10 guy is) and we could probably get a "solid" player. But I think that Sweed has the potential to become a great or even elite WR in the NFL that most later round guys don't. Yes there is a high bust rate for WRs, but there are 1st round busts at every position. I think about it this way: there are more busts in the 1st round at WR, however most of the elite WRs in the NFL right now were either 1st or 2nd round picks, with a few late round gems thrown in. Contrast that to DL where most of the sack leaders were from rounds after the 1st. Most good Guards also come out of later rounds (this is just historical fact since there is maybe one Guard taken in the 1st round every year; but that is a maybe). So it is risk vs reward. You could go the safe route and probably get a "solid" guy or you could take a bit of a risk and get a guy who could turn out to be great or elite. We've been burned before but some of that I put down to terrible scouting and decision making that was influenced too much by coaches.

Guys like Kelly, Hardy, or Thomas also have the tools but I have reasons for liking Sweed over them. Kelly is a complete unknown at this point since he has an injury history and hasn't been healthy enough to even run for anyone yet. Hardy was a TD machine but he was also pretty much their only real target...but...he still only caught a little over half of the passes thrown to him this past season with 21 deflections. That to me says he has some concentration problems, route running problems (this is actually something he is very raw at and he even admitted it himself), or hand problems (I can't see a guy who is over 6'5 with a good vertical being outjumped). He also played in a system that was far removed from a pro style system and has some character and work ethic concerns. Thomas has great tools and athleticism but is still a one year wonder who had 6 catches for 90 yards his Sophomore year at MSU, then had a huge Junior year and declared. That is a bit worrying to me.

So there you have it. I tried to be as concise and specific as possible. Any questions or debates on this are welcome, but please try and give me a bit more than "you're just a Sweed nuthugger" or "there are no WRs this draft worth a 1st round pick. Kiper even said so". Seeing as how I've taken the time to try and expand on my position, you should try and do so as well ("you" being in general, not you specifically, Truant).

Hail! :cheers:

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Taking a guy in a later round could be "safer" in the sense that it won't cost as much (though a 21st overall isn't anything near the financial risk that a top 10 guy is) and we could probably get a "solid" player. But I think that Sweed has the potential to become a great or even elite WR in the NFL that most later round guys don't. Yes there is a high bust rate for WRs, but there are 1st round busts at every position. I think about it this way: there are more busts in the 1st round at WR, however most of the elite WRs in the NFL right now were either 1st or 2nd round picks, with a few late round gems thrown in. Contrast that to DL where most of the sack leaders were from rounds after the 1st. Most good Guards also come out of later rounds (this is just historical fact since there is maybe one Guard taken in the 1st round every year; but that is a maybe). So it is risk vs reward. You could go the safe route and probably get a "solid" guy or you could take a bit of a risk and get a guy who could turn out to be great or elite. We've been burned before but some of that I put down to terrible scouting and decision making that was influenced too much by coaches.

So there you have it. I tried to be as concise and specific as possible. Any questions or debates on this are welcome, but please try and give me a bit more than "you're just a Sweed nuthugger" or "there are no WRs this draft worth a 1st round pick. Kiper even said so". Seeing as how I've taken the time to try and expand on my position, you should try and do so as well ("you" being in general, not you specifically, Truant).

Hail! :cheers:

Your a friggin Sweed nuthugger.........:laugh: :D

Make you feel better.

You know I am just kidding.

You and I have had this conversation before.And again you have provided concise information to support your position.

But let me throw this out to you. Most of us realize that the potential "bust" rate can vary, and only has historical relevance.

Lets just say that we narrow down our needs of a OL, DL & WR in that order, for a first round pick. OK.

Based on the talent that is out there this year, ie WR group, DL group and OL group. Do you think we are better served to draft a WR, concidering the scouts say that the WR class is not as strong ? Just asking.

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Your a friggin Sweed nuthugger.........:laugh: :D

Make you feel better.

You know I am just kidding.

You and I have had this conversation before.And again you have provided concise information to support your position.

But let me throw this out to you. Most of us realize that the potential "bust" rate can vary, and only has historical relevance.

Lets just say that we narrow down our needs of a OL, DL & WR in that order, for a first round pick. OK.

Based on the talent that is out there this year, ie WR group, DL group and OL group. Do you think we are better served to draft a WR, concidering the scouts say that the WR class is not as strong ? Just asking.

Fair question. To be honest I really think it depends on who is there when we pick and how our scouts rate them. People seem to really love Albert so if he is there and if he is as good as his hype is right now then I wouldn't have a problem with taking him. I'm just worried that there is so much hype around him and that he might not live up to it. He has gone from a low 1st round pick to as high as a top 5 in about a week or so...for no apparent reason; that is just weird. After Albert I don't see much in O line for 1st round at 21 (especially Guard which is our main need). Either way, he may go before we pick. We can get a high quality OG in the 2nd or 3rd if he isn't there when we pick.

Personally if we were going to "reach" a little with the 21st pick I'd rather it be on a WR than DL. DL in this draft is deep and, as I said, most of the sack leaders the past few years have been taken outside of the 1st round so it seems you are much more likely to find a great pass rushing DT or DE later in the draft than a great WR later. Scouts are saying this WR class is not as strong as others and that is true insofar as there are no top 10 talents or clear cut "can't miss" guys. But we aren't picking top 10. As I also said I think that if Sweed hadn't been injured and had another very good year he would have quite possibly been a top 10 pick.

So if I have to choose between a Guard besides Albert, one of the DTs or DEs left at 21 (unless by some insane chance Dorsey, Ellis or Gholston drop to us) or Sweed if he is still there I'd go with Sweed.

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