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Suspect Arrested in I-64 Shootings

Dan T.

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19 year-old Slade Woodson of Afton. He owned the AMC Gremlin police found abandoned on Rte 29 with shell casings inside. Shots were fired at police when they approached his home. [Edit: WaPost account says a man flashed a gun at police, but did not fire.] A man was wounded and taken to a hospital.

A Slade Woodson went to Western Albemarle High, played football there and participated in the pole vault in track and field. Anyone know him?


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I-64 shootings? :whoknows:

Someone was taking potshots at buildings and moving cars the other night along the I-64 corridor west of Charlottesville, VA. Two motorist in cars were injured (either from bullets or flying glass) and taken to local hospitals.

This region is extra sensitive to such incidents after the DC area sniper attacks of a couple years ago. . .

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