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Interesting Amazon.com Search


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I knew my book was supposed to be getting added to the Amazon.com database a couple months ago, but when I checked a month or so ago it still wasnt there. Then I forgot all about it.

I remembered it yesterday so I went to check and there it was. I uploaded the cover art for it and signed up for the Search Inside feature, so hopefully that will be added in about a week.

But I just thought it was cool and felt like doing some shameless self-promotion and all. :D So here it is...


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Wow. Good for you. Is this your first book to get published. Better question...how did you get published?

its the first book. ive had a couple hundred newspaper articles (from college and after) in print and probably a little over a hundred photo credits (from high school).

ive got a second book finished that is next on the block. then im working on a kids/YA urban fantasy book for my nieces.

how i got published? i did it myself. started out trying to do it traditionally, but got tired of the 'no one listens to you if you arent already a best selling author or if you dont know a best selling author as a close and personal friend' BS. so i said screw them and ill do it myself and keep all the control and rights.

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Good for you. Did you use someone like AuthorHouse or did you desk top publish it yourself?

i used lulu.com cuz i had a friend in raleigh who used them for his book a couple years ago.

i still did everything for it, from setting up every page of the interior to designing the cover, having it painted, scanning it in and editing it. so the book was 100% mine in all aspects, not just the writing it part. i just used them to print it and distribute.

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Congratulations! The book overview sounds intriguing.

Is Rick Loveday your real name? It sounds like a pen name... :whoknows:

haha. no, its my real name. i was actually thinking a few years back of using a pen name but i ended up not doing it.

but i got all the razzing for my name in elementary school. hatenight and all that.

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man, good on you for getting something published. it must feel like a big accomplishment.

you would think so...but most people dont understand when i say its not.

writing the book then doing all i did to publish it, it wasnt really as big as you would think. it will start to feel like an accomplishment or a success when it starts taking off and a lot of people start buying out, outside of the people who know me or know people who know me and bought it due to that....if that makes any sense.

but the book actually came out thanksgiving of 2006. it just took me this long to get around to finishing up paperwork for the isbn # and then getting it on amazon. i got busy with working on a couple other books.

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dude thats real sweet! like someone said earlier, that is a very appetizing premise, me likey. anyway, cognrats again bro and good luck with the sales!

thanks man. a lot of people have said that about the plot.

i guess thats what happens when you are sitting in an american history class during summer session, three hours short of graduating college, and staring at a slide of a 18th century etching of people getting drunk in the streets...

no, really...thats how i came up with the idea. :D

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