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NY Daily News: Gov. Paterson admits to sex with other woman for years (good grief)


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Why? Quite frankly, It's none of your business. It's none of my business. He and his wife worked out what ever problems they had. It shouldn't be anyones business but their own.

Personally, I could care less that he was cheating, but why didn't he reveal this information before he was sworn in, instead of after. That is why I question the timing. Its kind of like this....I got what I wanted so now here is the real truth, that is kind of shady to me. If he would have said something before he was sworn in, I wouldn't have batted an eye.

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Well, to play Devil's Advocate, if he can't uphold his wedding vows, how can he be expected to uphold the vows of his office?

If he can't respect the sanctity of the institution of marriage, how can he be expected to respect the laws of the state?

Some people would argue that adultery should preclude you from holding office. It is an inherently selfish, untrustworthy behavior.

Is it too much to expect elected leaders to conduct themselves with the same level of dignity and respect that everyday Americans exemplify in their daily lives?

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Well, to play Devil's Advocate, if he can't uphold his wedding vows, how can he be expected to uphold the vows of his office?

If he can't respect the sanctity of the institution of marriage, how can he be expected to respect the laws of the state?

Some people would argue that adultery should preclude you from holding office. It is an inherently selfish, untrustworthy behavior.

Is it too much to expect elected leaders to conduct themselves with the same level of dignity and respect that everyday Americans exemplify in their daily lives?

So most Americans do not commit adultry?

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not a big fan of adultery, but if your work it out with your wife and it was years ago.

What business is it of ours???

Now Sexual Harassment with someone that works for you = big NO

With someone you then give contracts to = big No

whore down the road? who cares.

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Quoted for truth:

Can the BS posturing just stop? A politician screwing around on his wife is FAR from "stunning".

It's possibly stunning because he revealed it. but for pete's sake, can we just stop pretending to be all shocked when a politician sleeps around?

It is not 'stunning'.

It is not 'shocking'.

It's barely even 'surprising'.

In fact I'd go so far as to say it's "expected'.

The article should read "In a not-so-surprising revelation, Patterson revealed he's as much a scumbag as every other politician. In a more stunning revelation, people still pretend to be shocked by this behavior.""

Oh, and I know there will be those who read that and say "Oh, that awful Bang! We should hold our politicians to higher standards!

Oh yeah?

Well when's that going to start?


:notworthy :notworthy

Thank you, Bang. Well said.

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My last post was from my serious side. This one is going to be from the humorous side.

He is partially blind
So he could have pleaded he didn't realize it wasn't his wife.

one more

Background info, Eliot Spitzer ran against Republican John Faso for Governor. I saw a bumper sticker that said "Don't blame me, I voted for the other John".

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