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this is bull****


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Im coming home from work, and I stop to get gas. I go to start up my truck, and it wont start. I open the hood and the ****ing battery cable has rusted through and broke off. Great. Im sitting here like wtf? and Im freezing my balls off. I look to my left and there is Autozone. Awesome! So I walk my cold ass over there just to find out they dont open for another 2 hours. Figures. I talk to the manager and tell her whats going on and she was cool about it saying I can leave my truck here till autozone opens. Like she really had a choice. So Im still stuck here waiting for a ride. Damn ford.

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that has nothing to do with it. his battery cable would have rusted if he had a manual, automatic, or tranny straight from an f1 car. i dont see your point.

He could have push-started it and driven home.

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either your suggesting he pushes his car home. lol. or your trying to do it old school and push it down a hill and try to getting it to start. .

1st problem with that. youd need to get it going at least 10 mph meaning he'd have to find a hill, mind you, hes freezing his balls off.

no battery, no spark. no spark = no ignition!

you need the battery to excite the alternator. at least on newer cars. remember this isnt your granpas 72 nova. everything is computer and isnt as simple as it used to be.

older cars= yes. newer cars = probably not.

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you cant really write this off saying it's Ford's fault. Battery terminals are universal, every car uses them, and every car has them rust. I work at a shop and just had to replace terminals on a Nissan yesterday...

Kinda stinks for you bro, People dont understand how important it is to keep your battery maintenenced.

On some of the new minivans (imports) some of the battery cables actually have a wiring harness on them, therefore making them very VERY expensive ($1000) to replace.

Just keep an eye on the batter cables, have your mechanic check them regularly when you get your oil changed, my shop checks the battery and terminals every time a car comes in the shop, and it can help A LOT.

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either your suggesting he pushes his car home. lol. or your trying to do it old school and push it down a hill and try to getting it to start. .

1st problem with that. youd need to get it going at least 10 mph meaning he'd have to find a hill, mind you, hes freezing his balls off.

no battery, no spark. no spark = no ignition!

you need the battery to excite the alternator. at least on newer cars. remember this isnt your granpas 72 nova. everything is computer and isnt as simple as it used to be.

older cars= yes. newer cars = probably not.

3 mph will work. You don't need to push it down a hill.

The battery does not create the spark.

I don't know about new cars. My new car hasn't broken down yet. When it does, I'll get back to you. :)

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Just realized I havent changed the time on ES yet.

Anyway, How old is this truck ? And when was the last time you did any sort of preventive maintenance ?

BTW - Mark - I don't know if I have ever seen someone push a car ten miles an hour. I did have to push my Accord a few years ago. My own fault that the battery died.

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3 mph will work. You don't need to push it down a hill.

The battery does not create the spark.

I don't know about new cars. My new car hasn't broken down yet. When it does, I'll get back to you. :)

lol. well i hope it never happens to you. ;)

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I could literally "kick start" my old Toyota truck. My cable had a short in it and the easiest way to start it (short of replacing the cable) was to put your right foot on the clutch, stick it in reverse, and open the door and shove against the ground with your left foot. A quick pop of the clutch and I was on my way. I got so good at it I could do it while parallel parked. I only needed about two feet of space to pull it off and I didn't even have to leave the drivers seat. I still use that truck as a emergency vehicle and have to start it that way the once or twice a year that I have to use it.

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Its a 97 Ranger, 5 speed manual. And the sad thing is I do routine maintenance on it myself, I just never bothered to lift the plastic caps over the battery terminals :doh: . Ive already replaced the terminals. I didnt do a rolling start because I wasnt on an incline. I did that in my old probe when the battery died. I just made sure to park on a hill.

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I could literally "kick start" my old Toyota truck. My cable had a short in it and the easiest way to start it (short of replacing the cable) was to put your right foot on the clutch, stick it in reverse, and open the door and shove against the ground with your left foot. A quick pop of the clutch and I was on my way. I got so good at it I could do it while parallel parked. I only needed about two feet of space to pull it off and I didn't even have to leave the drivers seat. I still use that truck as a emergency vehicle and have to start it that way the once or twice a year that I have to use it.

Its seems Im only able to do it when rolling backwards

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I've never been able to sucessfully pull off the push start...
I prefer the term "pop start". I've never NOT been able to do it. One time I had to ask somebody to help push me out of my parking space. Other than that, I've been 100% successful by myself.
I could literally "kick start" my old Toyota truck. My cable had a short in it and the easiest way to start it (short of replacing the cable) was to put your right foot on the clutch, stick it in reverse, and open the door and shove against the ground with your left foot. A quick pop of the clutch and I was on my way.
There ya go! It does help to have a small engine and a light vehicle. :)
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