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Dexter Manley Jr.


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If something is based on genetics, say, alcoholism, and you want to safeguard against becoming an addict, don't drink. So what if your friends drink, let them, that doesn't mean you have to.

I've never touched any kind of drug, why? I know the health risks, and I know the chance of addiction. I was proactive and I defeated addiction before it even started. Care to continue arguing that people don't "know" they can become addicted. People who do these things know addiction is a risk.

I'm not suggesting that it's not difficult to overcome addiction, and I never have. That's why you need friends and family to help you when you've succumbed to it. But it could have been avoided had you not even started a behavior that could be detrimental to your health when it comes to addictions.

It's simple.

IT's NOT SIMPLE.. if it was simple do you think we would have the addiction and drug problems we do??

are you serious?? ITS S oeasy for you to say you know what you are talking about because you are proactive and blah bla hblah, but people do drugs to hide paint and not everyone KNOWS they will become an alcoholic or addicted to coke or addicted to heroin or whatever..

you are clueless...

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let me ask you a question. Why do you think that your opinion carries any more weight than anyone elses on this board? Your opinion is just that, your opinion. Besides, do you really think that a lot of members/people period are going to take your opinion serious when you are constantly hijacking threads and calling people names? It's not only sad, but slightly pathetic.

I mean you literally took over a thread late last night (along with another member), arguing for at least three pages. Do you get some feeling of accomplishment in doing that sort of thing?

Like you, I am not here to make friends. But I am happy to say that I have and that I am definitely not here to argue with as many people as I possibly can. Again, it just comes across as being pathetic.

You can either answer the question or not. I have a pretty good idea of how you are going to respond anyway. :)

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So being in a family of addicts, vs going to school to learn about addiction and actually knowing the phsyiopsychological aspects of it and assuming that he hasn't been in the "drivers seat" for it isn't the same?

Unless you're a doctor who works with addicts and actually has the educational background to effectively comment on the subject, regardless of personal experience, you should sit the next couple plays out if you know what I mean.

So your personal experience > Kdawgs personal experience (assumption)

Kdawgs educational background >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your educational background.


I've personally dealt with addiction buddy, what do oyu not understand about that?? I KNOW EVERY SINGLE aspect of what causes someone to become an addict, the chemical make up, everything.. BUt i DIDNT know about that stuff before i was an addict

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ive personally dealt with addiction and alcoholism. Everyone in my family except my mom and sister have a problem with something.

IM not even going to continue to argue this with yall because you wont know what its like until you have to go through it..

People have to deal with drug addiction everyday, by saying i hope he has to deal with it throug his kids is a way to make him a better person..

Im one of the stronger people who is on the other side but NOT everyone is strong enough or has enough courage to come out and admit they have a problem. its embarrasing and people like yourself dont understand because you DONT KNOW.

just drop it

Buddy, I just said I've had to deal with addiction to alcohol in my immediate family and also with my friends. I don't know what? The only thing I don't know is how you think you are so much better than everyone else and how everything you've done counts for so much more than what others do.

People have to deal with drug addiction everyday, by saying i hope he has to deal with it throug his kids is a way to make him a better person..

again quoted right from your post. That's a bad attempt of backing out of your comments. Either man up for what you actually said, instead of saying "Well I meant to say this or that." when you actually said "I hope his kids have to deal with the pain of drug addiction." If you meant to say that he should get some perspective on drug addiction, then say "You should get some perspective on drug addiction" Don't say "I hope his kids suffer" which is what you said.

And that brings us to some insults you've been tossing around in this thread about people speaking before they think.

Right back at you buddy. You don't even understand your own words and like a coward try and deflect criticism away from you. Man up, and just apologize for what the callous and disrespectful things you said.

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IT's NOT SIMPLE.. if it was simple do you think we would have the addiction and drug problems we do??

are you serious?? ITS S oeasy for you to say you know what you are talking about because you are proactive and blah bla hblah, but people do drugs to hide paint and not everyone KNOWS they will become an alcoholic or addicted to coke or addicted to heroin or whatever..

you are clueless...

I'll say it one more time, clearly for you.

If you don't start, you can't get addicted.


Fighting an addiction IS DIFFICULT. Don't let yourself get addicted.

And anyone that tries drugs (weed, coke, pcp, alcohol) and doesn't know the risk of addiction isn't playing with a full deck of cards anyways. And that's probably because they dropped out of school and never learned about addiction.

People conciously make the decision to start.

They don't make the decision to become an addict. But once you've started, there's ALWAYS that risk.

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let me ask you a question. Why do you think that your opinion carries any more weight than anyone elses on this board? Your opinion is just that, your opinion. Besides, do you really think that a lot of members/people period are going to take your opinion serious when you are constantly hijacking threads and calling people names? It's not only sad, but slightly pathetic.

I mean you literally took over a thread late last night (along with another member), arguing for at least three pages. Do you get some feeling of accomplishment in doing that sort of thing?

Like you, I am not here to make friends. But I am happy to say that I have and that I am definitely not here to argue with as many people as I possibly can. Again, it just comes across as being pathetic.

You can either answer the question or not. I have a pretty good idea of how you are going to respond anyway. :)

Well when you personally have gone through something, and its beend around you your whole life, you tend to know what you are talking about VS someone who has never had to deal with it...

NONE of yall would see me at a football game and get all live like this so yall make sure to get your venting out now, like most of you do over the internet..

IF any of you ever do, just let me know.. ILL HOLLER AT you at the next skins game ;) :laugh:

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I think this thread should be closed, it isn't even discussing the skins anymore, and it's just degenerated into a 2-4 person argument about stuff not concerning the Redskins.

Please mods, close this or move it to the tailgate. This shouldn't be taking up the top spots in the Stadium section.

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Well when you personally have gone through something, and its beend around you your whole life, you tend to know what you are talking about VS someone who has never had to deal with it...

NONE of yall would see me at a football game and get all live like this so yall make sure to get your venting out now, like most of you do over the internet..

IF any of you ever do, just let me know.. ILL HOLLER AT you at the next skins game ;) :laugh:

Mature too.

Even results to the old "I'll beat you up in teh real life!"

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people get lung cancer fro mbeing addicted to ciggarettes and NOT being able to quit.

that's what addiction is.. you can stand up and admit fault all you want for being an addiction but drugs ar ehard to overcome its NOT THAT EASY.

NOt everyone knows what they will get addicted to? it's genetic... Some people can drink and walk away and some people drink and become alcoholics.. what makes the one person who was just tryin to drink like the other person but it was in their DNA that alcohol is their addiction..

you are really showing you too dont have a clue about addiction and alcoholism..

its always easier to be on the outside and say "its their own fault, blah blah blah" but the truth is it's not.

So the fact that your family is made of addicts (barring your mother and sister) automatically makes you an expert on everybody else's problems and addictions?

Here's a serious question - how (and when) do we as a society say what can and what can't be blamed on genetics/addictions/bad parenting/etc.? Is there an evil act or bad action that can't be excused by those excuses? If we give excuses to every action in the book, then noone is one evil. There is no wrong. There's only: Hey - I'm sick. Help me. It's not my fault.


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I'll say it one more time, clearly for you.

If you don't start, you can't get addicted.


Fighting an addiction IS DIFFICULT. Don't let yourself get addicted.

And anyone that tries drugs (weed, coke, pcp, alcohol) and doesn't know the risk of addiction isn't playing with a full deck of cards anyways. And that's probably because they dropped out of school and never learned about addiction.

People conciously make the decision to start.

They don't make the decision to become an addict. But once you've started, there's ALWAYS that risk.

thats funny because i graduated with a 3.2 and i have a bachelors degree.

but i was an addict...

you are bashing me for forcin my opinon on people but you are doing the same.. it's easier for you to just not be open minded and just think what you think. YOU've never had to deal with it so fro mafar of course there is ALWAYS an easy solution

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So the fact that your family is made of addicts (barring your mother and sister (and I assume you)) automatically makes you an expert on everybody else's problems and addictions?

Here's a serious question - how (and when) do we as a society say what can and what can't be blamed on genetics/addictions/bad parenting/etc.? Is there an evil act or bad action that can't be excused by those excuses? If we give excuses to every action in the book, then noone is one evil. There is no wrong. There's only: Hey - I'm sick. Help me. It's not my fault.


no i actually have personally dealt with addiction and will always do so for the rest of my life..

but for so long i thought the same thing as all of you, thats why i know yall havent had to deal with any of this.

but once it happend to me and i had to learn about it in order to help myself thats when my opinion changed..

I dont understand how someone can just say, if you want to stop its just that easy..

I was lucky, i got help and i had family that loves me and friends and a great girlfriend and im strong but it was very hard and i saw a lot of people relapse and some people never get clean some people want to stop but just feel trapped...

Im just tryin to tell you guys its a lot easier to pass judgement and opinion on something you dont know much about and have never had to deal with..

If you do any kind of research extensively you will come up with the same things i have been saying..

Im not saying my opinion is high and mighty but im trying to tell you from a standpoint of someone who has been in those shoes and have talked to a lot of Dr's and read a lot and had to basically learn all about addicition..

YOu have to First know addiction and understand in order to not become addicted.. everyone thinks " it wont happen to me" but in most cases it does... Yes if no one picks up anything and ever does it then they dont have to worry about it , but that's not reality...

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thats funny because i graduated with a 3.2 and i have a bachelors degree.

but i was an addict...

you are bashing me for forcin my opinon on people but you are doing the same.. it's easier for you to just not be open minded and just think what you think. YOU've never had to deal with it so fro mafar of course there is ALWAYS an easy solution

On a serious note, congrats on your Bachelor's Degree. Your addiction probably didn't make it any easier. And like I said before - I applaud your ability to make it through and improve your life.

And I've actually enjoyed this discussion - I've got no hard feelings for you. We disagree - you have your opinion. I have mine. I can live with that. :)

EDIT: I wrote this before I read your comments about not saying this to your face. If I knew you personally - then I'd definitely be discussing this with you face to face - I don't back down on my opinions no matter the reason. And if I didn't know you personally - then chances are we wouldn't be discussing this in the first place.

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what are you talking about?? IT's the truth.. alot of people have to deal with their kids addictions and then once they are forced to they have a better understanding about drug addcits. Drug Addiction and Alcoholism are not chosen... Some people can drink a beer and step away, some poeple can't .. you are BORN like that. and it's been proven.

I do not wish harm on his kids at all.. I said i hope his kids have to deal with drug addiction and then he will be forced to see how things really are..

YOu OBIVOUSLY have never had to deal with any of this, so if i were you. I'd stop while i was ahead.

You see andy reids kids? they are full blown drug addicts.. D oyou think they CHOSE to be like that? if you think they did you are sadly mistaken.

People do drugs and drink to cover up problems in their lives. Some people get addicted to those drugs and have to either clean up, or stay worthless.

So really, you have just mae yourself look like an ass. good job!

Next time, know what you are talking about before you speak out of turn.

I don't think you know what you're talking about man. You're telling me that some people are just born with addictions and that others aren't. You just said that by saying "some people can have one beer...., and some people can't", because that's how they are born.

I say Bull****. People live and die by choices they make everyday. They CHOOSE to be addicts. It does depend on what kind of lifestyle you came up with too. People who grow up around drugs and achohol probably do become addicts more than people who didn't grow up around it.

Or you can spin if you will and say the opposite. I grew up around drugs and alchohol and I'm not an addict. I saw what it did to my parents when I was young and I've never touched a drug in my life. I do drink, but I'm not addicted and I know when enough is enough.

People who don't know anything about either are more often to try it and they get addicted. Again, it comes down to CHOICES, not the way you were born.

PEER PRESSURE and CHOICES are the leading factors of drug addictions and alcoholism in this country. Try looking up the stats on those two. It's called COMMON SENSE!

PS: I can understand addictions that are contributed to mothers taking drugs while pregnant, but under normal circumstances, I have to throw the :bsflag:

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Last try.

I never said addiction isn't difficult to overcome.

But if you don't start, you can't get addicted. Saying that's not realistic is bull****, because I've never touched anything BECAUSE I'VE DEALT WITH ADDICTION. That's all I've been trying to get across. But instead of seeing that, you dance around and then even manage to threaten me at a Redskin game. Mature.

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Does he come with a cocaine addiction?

and you are so perfect right?...what a di*k head statement............Di*k head on coke or not dexter was the man! everyone feared him......imagine the people who never got caught doing any type of drugs but since dexter did he is to be stereo typed.............

everyoen makes mistakes ..rich or poor.........................

think about what you say before you do...................!!!!

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and you are so perfect right?...what a di*k head statement............Di*k head on coke or not dexter was the man! everyone feared him......imagine the people who never got caught doing any type of drugs but since dexter did he is to be stereo typed.............

everyoen makes mistakes ..rich or poor.........................

think about what you say before you do...................!!!!

Don't evade the forum filter like that.

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On a serious note, congrats on your Bachelor's Degree. Your addiction probably didn't make it any easier. And like I said before - I applaud your ability to make it through and improve your life.

And I've actually enjoyed this discussion - I've got no hard feelings for you. We disagree - you have your opinion. I have mine. I can live with that. :)

Yea, i agree.. you cant have everyone agree wit hyou no matter what.. people are still going to have their opinion on things..

I would have never touched this subject if i havent known what i was talking about..

I grew up hating drugs and alcohol and doing nothing but playing sports and didnt realize my family wer addicts bc it was hidden from me.. when i was a senior in high school my parents got divorced, we had to move out of the house i grew up in, i had to change schools my senior year, my mom was laid off her job from discover card and me and my girlfriend of 3 years broke up, so i was going into a major depression.. I started partying a lot and drinkin and that led to smoking snd stuff and before i knew it, i was addicted to pain pills.. I assumed they were safe bc they were from the DR and I didnt know they were so addictive. but by the time i realized it, it was too late and iwas too embarrassed to get help from anyone so for 3 years i had to deal with it..

Im telling you its not as easy as alot of you say, addiciton is one of the hardest things an individual has to go through.. SO many things can effect your sobriety an dthings are never the same..

I wish it was that easy and im sure a lot of other people do to, but if that was the case we wouldnt have so much crime.. Alot of the crime committed is to fund drug addiction.

IF it was that easy to stop, people would just do that. they would just stop.

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Some people on here like me, Some don't.. and that's fine..

I know unfortunately you can't have everyone in this world like what you say and you cant be friends with everyone.

But I will tell you this, IM fair, and i dont mess around with peoples raw emotions about something they cant control. You will never see me attack someones physical or mental health state on if someone truely is learning impaired, or physically impaired or whatever the case may be.

I come on here to razz my fellow skin fans about stupid stuff, i never mean anythnig to go personal unless someone starts attacking me personally. Im here to just have fun just like at a redskins game...

Get off of the coke man. It has you real good.

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I'm not sure if someone has posted this article in this thread yet, if so sorry to take up so much bandwidth, to be honest I only read 3 pages.


Defensive end Manley leaves Oregon after 1 year

The Associated Press

EUGENE, Ore. - Oregon defensive end Dexter Manley II, the son of the former Washington Redskins star, is leaving the Ducks.

Manley played in 11 of 13 games in his only season at Oregon after transferring from Santa Monica College before the start of the 2006 season.

The 6-foot-2, 280-pound reserve, who has one season of eligibility left, had three sacks (his only ones of the season) in a rout over Arizona State.

"I wish Dexter well and told him I would help him transfer to somewhere he could receive more playing time," Oregon coach Mike Bellotti said.

Subscribe to the Tucson Citizen

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I didnt threaten anyone at a redskins game.. I said i guarantee half you people wouldnt be getting live in real life like you are on here. redskins victory or death, this wasnt directed at you. I was rsponding to different people differently..

I said if yall ever want to, just holler at me. Im ALOT of redskins game. im 6'5'' im not hard to see.

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Well when you personally have gone through something, and its beend around you your whole life, you tend to know what you are talking about VS someone who has never had to deal with it...
Was'nt trying to say that you did'nt know what you were talking dawg. You have obviously gone through some tough **** and made it out on the possitive side and for that I commend you, no doubt.

I was simply talking about the way you are carrying on conversations with everyone. But from this point on I'm gonna do me.

NONE of yall would see me at a football game and get all live like this so yall make sure to get your venting out now, like most of you do over the internet..

IF any of you ever do, just let me know.. ILL HOLLER AT you at the next skins game ;) :laugh:

Like I had mentioned before, you are giving your opinion and reading opinions, but at the same time you are capitalizing your words (like your hyped or something) and calling people asses and jerks. Now you are saying that they are getting live.

Personally, I don't get into all that typing back and forth BS. I'm not saying that I have'nt gotten into some heated diffrences of opinion conversations, but I'm just not into anything further than that on a message board. If I've got a beef with someone we can take to the street. **** all that typing BS.

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Was'nt trying to say that you did'nt know what you were talking dawg. You have obviously gone through some tough **** and made it out on the possitive side and for that I commend you, no doubt.

I was simply talking about the way you are carrying on conversations with everyone. But from this point on I'm gonna do me.

Like I had mentioned before, you are giving your opinion and reading opinions, but at the same time you are capitalizing your words (like your hyped or something) and calling people asses and jerks. Now you are saying that they are getting live.

Personally, I don't get into all that typing back and forth BS. I'm not saying that I have'nt gotten into some heated diffrences of opinion conversations, but I'm just not into anything further than that on a message board. If I've got a beef with someone we can take to the street. **** all that typing BS.

i apreciate that love, and that's exactly my point.. my beef isnt over the internet, im a face to face type of dude.. Maybe thats why i have more friends in real life then on the internet, also. alot of you dont know my dameanor, im really cool but i think a lot of people take what i say the wrong way.. I dont take a lot of **** serious but i do take **** i have dealt with and struggled with serious,and for someone who has never had to deal with **** like that to say its just simple and everyone who becomes addicted its their own fault and this ****.

I took responsibility for my addiction and got help, but it wasnt my fault i was physically addicted and couldnt get off the **** by myself.

some people cant get out of their addictions with help, much less without.. so what is so easy about that?

im really over talking about this and you do you.

It's easy to peg someone as the bad guy when you dont know them and they are rivaling your opinion but when almost everyone in here contradicts themselves i just think some things should be dropped.

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