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Dexter Manley Jr.


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He made an ******* comment, but you know what, you just took it a step lower and just made yourself look like an *******.

:applause: on preaching against someone for making a stupid comment and then you took it even further.:doh:

Some people man..... yeah your right....... some people never learn from others mistakes, just like yourself.

You should be ashamed, wishing harm on someone elses children to prove a point.

what are you talking about?? IT's the truth.. alot of people have to deal with their kids addictions and then once they are forced to they have a better understanding about drug addcits. Drug Addiction and Alcoholism are not chosen... Some people can drink a beer and step away, some poeple can't .. you are BORN like that. and it's been proven.

I do not wish harm on his kids at all.. I said i hope his kids have to deal with drug addiction and then he will be forced to see how things really are..

YOu OBIVOUSLY have never had to deal with any of this, so if i were you. I'd stop while i was ahead.

You see andy reids kids? they are full blown drug addicts.. D oyou think they CHOSE to be like that? if you think they did you are sadly mistaken.

People do drugs and drink to cover up problems in their lives. Some people get addicted to those drugs and have to either clean up, or stay worthless.

So really, you have just mae yourself look like an ass. good job!

Next time, know what you are talking about before you speak out of turn.

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Hahaha, I posted this yesterday and totally forgot all about it until now. It seems that some people have a problem with what I said. For anyone who couldn't tell it was obviously the first thing that came to my mind because it was a joke and I felt it was pretty funny whether it is our team or not I still have a sense of humor.

As for being a newbie that is pretty funny I don't post much because whenever I do things like this happen but I have actually been around for awhile now. I have a bit of a twisted sense of humor so if you don't like it then don't read or respond, its much like changing the channel if you are offended, course people like to complain about that too; so basically I think people just feel this overwhelming need to whine about things now a days. Anyhow, my question was never answered.................just kidding :laugh:

Pretty amusing though about the other posts, it even went as far as people debating whether or not it is a disease which is just hilarious in its own right too. Oh yeah someone should waste everyone's time and do a poll about how my kids will turn out, that would be very interesting indeed.

But anyhow, my lasting remarks for this thread will be, if you aren't living in a country where you are offended then you aren't living in a free country. To all, have a nice day and see ya in another thread sometime.


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With all due respect and love for Dexter Manley Sr., I disagree with your assertion that it's a disease and not a choice. He made his choice the first time he snorted coke and choose to keep using. He could have stopped. He could have looked in the mirror and said to himself, "Hey! I'm rich, I'm famous, I play for the best damn NFL team ever in the league. WTF am I doing?" He choose not too. And while I have sympathy for him, and I'm happy that he cleaned up his life - I don't want to hear that it was a disease.

That's a poor excuse. "Help! I can't stop because I have a disease" is easier to say than - "I ****ed up. I know I've disappointed you all. I'll clean up and make you proud again". Far too many people are willing to blame "a disease" rather than facing reality and "making a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves". We all have defects of character. How we choose to admit them and face them is what really determines who we are as people.

And thank God that Manley Sr. was able to ultimately show how much character he had. :applause:

I'll get off my :soapbox: box now...

you too, have obviously never had to deal with anyone who has ever been a victim of addiction.

DO you think people want to be addicts??

Im asking you a serious question.. if you say yes, i recommend you do some research before you get on your "soapbox"

IT's been PROVEN that addiction is a disease. I'm not going to go into detail about all this because it's pointless but addicts have "addictive pesonalities" and they are born like that. If they never touch a drop of alcohol or drugs then they are fine, but once it's unlocked thats when it starts to become addiction and by the time the person who is addicted realizes it, it is too late.

Alot of people are ASHAMED to ask fo rhelp, and i see why.. because of people like yourself.. you are a jerk

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Hahaha, I posted this yesterday and totally forgot all about it until now. It seems that some people have a problem with what I said. For anyone who couldn't tell it was obviously the first thing that came to my mind because it was a joke and I felt it was pretty funny whether it is our team or not I still have a sense of humor.

As for being a newbie that is pretty funny I don't post much because whenever I do things like this happen but I have actually been around for awhile now. I have a bit of a twisted sense of humor so if you don't like it then don't read or respond, its much like changing the channel if you are offended, course people like to complain about that too; so basically I think people just feel this overwhelming need to whine about things now a days. Anyhow, my question was never answered.................just kidding :laugh:

Pretty amusing though about the other posts, it even went as far as people debating whether or not it is a disease which is just hilarious in its own right too. Oh yeah someone should waste everyone's time and do a poll about how my kids will turn out, that would be very interesting indeed.

But anyhow, my lasting remarks for this thread will be, if you aren't living in a country where you are offended then you aren't living in a free country. To all, have a nice day and see ya in another thread sometime.


you are entitled to your opinion and i respect that. But you also have to respect the fact not everyone is going to agree with your sense of humor.

and you must respect others opinons of what they think is right too, even if it isnt what you think is.

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Afternoon Mr. Pot, I'd like to meet Mr. Kettle.

ive never put anyone down on here for something they couldnt help or control, so say waht you want about "mr.pot" but it's rediculous... I talk **** and get uppity when im arguing about my redskins but you've never seen me once do that. I thought we were mostly grown men and women in here and could take a little foul mouth **** talkin like at the games but i have learned not.

Just let me know where i have made fun of someone or put someone down like that.. and i'll have NO problem apologizing. but i know i havent.

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Some people on here like me, Some don't.. and that's fine..

I know unfortunately you can't have everyone in this world like what you say and you cant be friends with everyone.

But I will tell you this, IM fair, and i dont mess around with peoples raw emotions about something they cant control. You will never see me attack someones physical or mental health state on if someone truely is learning impaired, or physically impaired or whatever the case may be.

I come on here to razz my fellow skin fans about stupid stuff, i never mean anythnig to go personal unless someone starts attacking me personally. Im here to just have fun just like at a redskins game...

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Try using the multiple quote feature on your posts so that you don't keep posting back to back to back to back with the same thing.

Also, you just sat here and slung names out at people because they didn't agree with you. Some people don't feel drug addiction is a disease because if you hadn't started doing it, there would be no room for addiction. You CHOOSE to start. You can CHOOSE to finish. Tons of people do it every day.

Just because you feel you're right doesn't make your opinion the be all end all.

And neither is mine.

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Try using the multiple quote feature on your posts so that you don't keep posting back to back to back to back with the same thing.

Also, you just sat here and slung names out at people because they didn't agree with you. Some people don't feel drug addiction is a disease because if you hadn't started doing it, there would be no room for addiction. You CHOOSE to start. You can CHOOSE to finish. Tons of people do it every day.

Just because you feel you're right doesn't make your opinion the be all end all.

And neither is mine.

tha's your opinion that someone starts and someone finishes but people get addicted. Mentally and Physically and cant just "Stop".. it's not that easy man.. if it was there wouldnt be addicts out there, everyone would be recreational drug users...

I'm pretty sure my opinion holds a little more weight than yours because if you do some research, addiction and alcoholism is considered a "disease"

and why is that?? it's because it IS a disease.

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He made his choice to do it yes, he did not consciously make the choice to become a full blown addict the first couple times he did it. After that it was probably too late. Alcoholism and addiction have been proven to be hereditary. It is referred to as a disease by almost every rehab clinic out there. You can have your opinion, but I hope it is a researched and educated one and not just some feeling you have.

thank you.. at least someone else is educated on this subject.

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tha's your opinion that someone starts and someone finishes but people get addicted. Mentally and Physically and cant just "Stop".. it's not that easy man.. if it was there wouldnt be addicts out there, everyone would be recreational drug users...

I'm pretty sure my opinion holds a little more weight than yours because if you do some research, addiction and alcoholism is considered a "disease"

and why is that?? it's because it IS a disease.

Your opinion does not mean more than mine. You keep doing that 'I am holier than thou" act. You keep getting off saying your opinion means more than other people's, and quite frankly that's why people don't like you. Why are you entitled to an opinion, but no one else is, unless they agree?

There are tons of people that could stop, I know a bunch, I work in a bar. They CHOOSE not to. Then there are people that know they should stop, but choose not to. There are also people that can't stop. No matter what.

But my opinion is, if you don't start, you can't get addicted. It's called will power.

To me, it's like knowing playing in asbestos causes cancer, but you do it anyways. You know the risks, and you're playing with fire. If you get addicted, disease or not, that's your own fault. After that you need to be a man and make sure you stop if you can't do it on your own.

PS: I am educated on this subject. Thanks for the concern.

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Your opinion does not mean more than mine. You keep doing that 'I am holier than thou" act. You keep getting off saying your opinion means more than other people's, and quite frankly that's why people don't like you. Why are you entitled to an opinion, but no one else is, unless they agree?

There are tons of people that could stop, I know a bunch, I work in a bar. They CHOOSE not to. Then there are people that know they should stop, but choose not to. There are also people that can't stop. No matter what.

But my opinion is, if you don't start, you can't get addicted. It's called will power.

To me, it's like knowing playing in asbestos causes cancer, but you do it anyways. You know the risks, and you're playing with fire. If you get addicted, disease or not, that's your own fault. After that you need to be a man and make sure you stop if you can't do it on your own.

PS: I am educated on this subject. Thanks for the concern.

yeah you're educated on this because you work at a bar?:rolleyes:

And i REALLY dont care if people online dont like me.. HAHAHA ( i think i'll cry now)

I have plenty of friends..

I actually have years of research behind my opinion( in which 99.99% of the DR's agree with me) and personal experience with these subjects.. You are think you know what oyu're talking about "because you work at a bar"

You are SHOWING you have no idea what you are talking about...

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yeah you're educated on this because you work at a bar?:rolleyes:

And i REALLY dont care if people online dont like me.. HAHAHA ( i think i'll cry now)

I have plenty of friends..

I actually have years of research and personal experience with these subjects.. You are think you know what oyu're talking about "because you work at a bar"

You are SHOWING you have no idea what you are talking about...

Dude, the bar statement was showing I know people with addictions. I'm educated on the subject because I attended college for a physical education degree, and a part of that is classes on addiction and violence. I'm a teacher. Teachers in NY are required to learn about violence and addiction.

And the reason I gave a reason on why people don't like you is because you keep bringing up the fact that people don't like you. I didn't pull it out of thin air.

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you too, have obviously never had to deal with anyone who has ever been a victim of addiction.

DO you think people want to be addicts??

Im asking you a serious question.. if you say yes, i recommend you do some research before you get on your "soapbox"

IT's been PROVEN that addiction is a disease. I'm not going to go into detail about all this because it's pointless but addicts have "addictive pesonalities" and they are born like that. If they never touch a drop of alcohol or drugs then they are fine, but once it's unlocked thats when it starts to become addiction and by the time the person who is addicted realizes it, it is too late.

Alot of people are ASHAMED to ask fo rhelp, and i see why.. because of people like yourself.. you are a jerk

No, I never said people wanted to become addicts. My point is they make a DECISION to use a drug - which they have got to know is addictive - then they are at fault - not any "disease". It's the moral equal of saying "WOW! How did I get lung cancer!? You mean inhaling years of smoke into my lungs was a bad thing!? Well I'm gonna sue the cigarrette manufacturers! It's their fault I'm an idiot!" Don't even get me started on the morons who tried suing McDonald's because they ate nothing but fast food and ended up having health issues.

They made a bad choice - all I'm saying is that they stand up and admit that fault (not necessarily in public - but at least to themselves). Not standing up, being an adult, and admitting you made a stupid choice and tossing blame at disease is an easy way out. At some point I think you have to start asking people when are they going to stop blaming their childhood/disease/TV/etc. for the stupid things that they do. It's accountability. Try taking some.

And I applaud those who find the inner strength and work their way into better lives with those that love them. :applause:

Oh, and the name calling? Thanks...you've added so much to the discussion. :doh: Congrats.

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Dude, the bar statement was showing I know people with addictions. I'm educated on the subject because I attended college for a physical education degree, and a part of that is classes on addiction and violence. I'm a teacher. Teachers are mandated to learn about disease and addiction.

And the reason I gave a reason on why people don't like you is because you keep bringing up the fact that people don't like you. I didn't pull it out of thin air.

I said some people don't like me, some do. (that's hardly saying "people dont like me) I was saying unfortunately not eveyone in this world is going to like me.

the same is with you.. some poeple like you, some don't. that's life.

Just because you brush up on subject doesnt mean you KNOW or are EDUCATED on the subject of addiction..

I've been in a family of addicts my wholoe life ( other than my mom and sister ) and I know a thing or two about this.. Not just reading through a book and voicing my opinon..

THe day you are in the drivers seat for a subject like this ill relate to you, but until then you are just saying what YOU think people can do because you have no idea what it's like.

If it was the easy to quit being an addict or alcoholic do you think there would be as many as there is in this world? I mean give me a break..

You think people CHOOSE to be addicts and become a slave to something?

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what are you talking about?? IT's the truth.. alot of people have to deal with their kids addictions and then once they are forced to they have a better understanding about drug addcits. Drug Addiction and Alcoholism are not chosen... Some people can drink a beer and step away, some poeple can't .. you are BORN like that. and it's been proven.

I do not wish harm on his kids at all.. I said i hope his kids have to deal with drug addiction and then he will be forced to see how things really are..

YOu OBIVOUSLY have never had to deal with any of this, so if i were you. I'd stop while i was ahead.

You see andy reids kids? they are full blown drug addicts.. D oyou think they CHOSE to be like that? if you think they did you are sadly mistaken.

People do drugs and drink to cover up problems in their lives. Some people get addicted to those drugs and have to either clean up, or stay worthless.

So really, you have just mae yourself look like an ass. good job!

Next time, know what you are talking about before you speak out of turn.

Wait, know what I'm talking about? I do. I know alcoholism can be affected by genetic predispositions, but you completely missed the whole point on my post. Alcoholism runs in my family, I've seen what it does, my best friend was diagnosed with alcoholism, so please, don't lecture me from your pedastal. FURTHERMORE. YOU CONTRADICT YOURSELF.

I do not wish harm on his kids at all.. I said i hope his kids have to deal with drug addiction and then he will be forced to see how things really are..

I copied that right out of your post. "I don't wish harm on his kids"..... which you follow with this gem "I hope his kids have to deal with drug addiction" so basically, you are suggesting that his kids either have their own drug addictions and thus have physical or psychological pain, or that they know someone close to them that has a drug addiction and have to deal with the emotional pain of seeing that.

So, there is the evidence that you just wished some sort of harm or pain on his children to teach him a lesson "then he will be forced to see how things really are.."

quoted right out of your original post.

And you're telling me to not speak out of turn?

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Ok, you're bordering on ridiculous.

I said, "If you don't start, you can't get addicted" - True or False?

I also said, "Some can stop but don't, some don't want to stop, and some can't" - True or False?

Do you know me, or what I've dealt with in my life regarding addicts? - Yes or No?

You have no idea what I've gone through or not gone through, and quite honestly your high and mighty stance is not only annoying, but it's assinine.

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No, I never said people wanted to become addicts. My point is they make a DECISION to use a drug - which they have got to know is addictive - then they are at fault - not any "disease". It's the moral equal of saying "WOW! How did I get lung cancer!? You mean inhaling years of smoke into my lungs was a bad thing!? Well I'm gonna sue the cigarrette manufacturers! It's their fault I'm an idiot!" Don't even get me started on the morons who tried suing McDonald's because they ate nothing but fast food and ended up having health issues.

They made a bad choice - all I'm saying is that they stand up and admit that fault (not necessarily in public - but at least to themselves). Not standing up, being an adult, and admitting you made a stupid choice and tossing blame at disease is an easy way out. At some point I think you have to start asking people when are they going to stop blaming their childhood/disease/TV/etc. for the stupid things that they do. It's accountability. Try taking some.

And I applaud those who find the inner strength and work their way into better lives with those that love them. :applause:

Oh, and the name calling? Thanks...you've added so much to the discussion. :doh: Congrats.

people get lung cancer fro mbeing addicted to ciggarettes and NOT being able to quit.

that's what addiction is.. you can stand up and admit fault all you want for being an addiction but drugs ar ehard to overcome its NOT THAT EASY.

NOt everyone knows what they will get addicted to? it's genetic... Some people can drink and walk away and some people drink and become alcoholics.. what makes the one person who was just tryin to drink like the other person but it was in their DNA that alcohol is their addiction..

you are really showing you too dont have a clue about addiction and alcoholism..

its always easier to be on the outside and say "its their own fault, blah blah blah" but the truth is it's not.

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Ok, you're bordering on ridiculous.

I said, "If you don't start, you can't get addicted" - True or False?

I also said, "Some can stop but don't, some don't want to stop, and some can't" - True or False?

Do you know me, or what I've dealt with in my life regarding addicts? - Yes or No?

You have no idea what I've gone through or not gone through, and quite honestly your high and mighty stance is not only annoying, but it's assinine.

you have proved by your remarks you have no idea whats its like to deal with addiction.

thats how i know. You just dont get it.

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people get lung cancer fro mbeing addicted to ciggarettes and NOT being able to quit.

that's what addiction is.. you can stand up and admit fault all you want for being an addiction but drugs ar ehard to overcome its NOT THAT EASY.

NOt everyone knows what they will get addicted to? it's genetic... Some people can drink and walk away and some people drink and become alcoholics.. what makes the one person who was just tryin to drink like the other person but it was in their DNA that alcohol is their addiction..

you are really showing you too dont have a clue about addiction and alcoholism..

its always easier to be on the outside and say "its their own fault, blah blah blah" but the truth is it's not.

If something is based on genetics, say, alcoholism, and you want to safeguard against becoming an addict, don't drink. So what if your friends drink, let them, that doesn't mean you have to.

I've never touched any kind of drug, why? I know the health risks, and I know the chance of addiction. I was proactive and I defeated addiction before it even started. Care to continue arguing that people don't "know" they can become addicted. People who do these things know addiction is a risk.

I'm not suggesting that it's not difficult to overcome addiction, and I never have. That's why you need friends and family to help you when you've succumbed to it. But it could have been avoided had you not even started a behavior that could be detrimental to your health when it comes to addictions.

It's simple.

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Wait, know what I'm talking about? I do. I know alcoholism can be affected by genetic predispositions, but you completely missed the whole point on my post. Alcoholism runs in my family, I've seen what it does, my best friend was diagnosed with alcoholism, so please, don't lecture me from your pedastal. FURTHERMORE. YOU CONTRADICT YOURSELF.

I do not wish harm on his kids at all.. I said i hope his kids have to deal with drug addiction and then he will be forced to see how things really are..

I copied that right out of your post. "I don't wish harm on his kids"..... which you follow with this gem "I hope his kids have to deal with drug addiction" so basically, you are suggesting that his kids either have their own drug addictions and thus have physical or psychological pain, or that they know someone close to them that has a drug addiction and have to deal with the emotional pain of seeing that.

So, there is the evidence that you just wished some sort of harm or pain on his children to teach him a lesson "then he will be forced to see how things really are.."

quoted right out of your original post.

And you're telling me to not speak out of turn?

ive personally dealt with addiction and alcoholism. Everyone in my family except my mom and sister have a problem with something.

IM not even going to continue to argue this with yall because you wont know what its like until you have to go through it..

People have to deal with drug addiction everyday, by saying i hope he has to deal with it throug his kids is a way to make him a better person..

Im one of the stronger people who is on the other side but NOT everyone is strong enough or has enough courage to come out and admit they have a problem. its embarrasing and people like yourself dont understand because you DONT KNOW.

just drop it

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Just because you brush up on subject doesnt mean you KNOW or are EDUCATED on the subject of addiction..

I've been in a family of addicts my wholoe life ( other than my mom and sister ) and I know a thing or two about this.. Not just reading through a book and voicing my opinon..

So being in a family of addicts, vs going to school to learn about addiction and actually knowing the phsyiopsychological aspects of it and assuming that he hasn't been in the "drivers seat" for it isn't the same?

Unless you're a doctor who works with addicts and actually has the educational background to effectively comment on the subject, regardless of personal experience, you should sit the next couple plays out if you know what I mean.

So your personal experience > Kdawgs personal experience (assumption)

Kdawgs educational background >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your educational background.

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