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Money The Root of all Evil


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how the he!! do you expect me to believe that oil is the source of this war.

what about Saddam's imprisonment of the iraqi people?

what about his attempted assasination of president bush senior?

what about his weapons of mass destruction?

what about his missiles that go an illigal distance?

think before you talk, Jagsbch

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No, it's not about oil

By Benjamin Davis

Special to the Star-Telegram

I am a soldier in the U.S. Army, stationed overseas. I watch the news and read in the newspapers daily that my fellow citizens are against going to war with Iraq.

"No blood for oil" or "Let the U.N. inspectors do their job first" is the chant of the protesters.

What? How can people be so mistaken about the current situation in Iraq?

If there is a war, it will not be about oil. It will be about removing a tyrant from power over a helpless nation.

Saddam Hussein has killed thousands of Iranians and Kurds, a minority group in the northern region of his own country, using chemical and biological weapons.

He is no different from Adolf Hitler, who also killed thousands and then millions with the same tactics.

Saddam has defied the United Nations numerous times. How many chances does he get?

The United Nations is only delaying the inevitable war; the longer it waits, the more Americans and soldiers of coalition countries will die when the war to remove Saddam does happen. This back-and-forth negotiating that the United Nations is conducting with Iraq is the sign of a weak organization that no longer works.

More people need to understand that America's decisiveness in dealing with problems like Saddam's regime is what makes our country strong. If we do not deal swiftly with evil, it will only grow and become more harmful to the world.

A good example, again, is Hitler. He conquered most of Europe before the United States even joined the war. Everyone, including America, sat on their hands while he took over country after country.

If Japan had not attacked, forcing the United States into the war, I am sure Europe would be speaking German, East Asia would be speaking Japanese, Africa would be speaking Italian, and there would be no Israel -- or Jews.

Saddam has already tried to take over one country, and it is only a matter of time before he will try something equally insane.

Rumors are running through the military community to the effect that some Hollywood types do not feel that soldiers deserve the pay we receive, or further pay increases.

This floors me. My supervisor has been in the military for 12 years and is a noncommissioned officer, yet his income is so low that he is still eligible for earned income credits on his taxes.

The military works hard. I wake up at 4:30 a.m. every weekday and work past sundown most days. Many of my weekends are taken away because I am training, pulling guard duty or fulfilling various duties that must be done within the unit.

I spend weeks and months away from my home post because I am training to be more effective in combat. I have not seen my family in more than a year. I work hard to be ready in case there is a war.

I am not complaining -- I volunteered to serve my country. Everything I do is for one purpose: to preserve the freedoms that you and I enjoy as Americans.

I stand guard in the freezing snow while you sleep warmly in your bed.

I leave in a few days to stand guard in the desert, on the edge of an insane dictator's playground.

My own blood may be spilled so Iraq's citizens can enjoy the freedom that we have and that everyone deserves.

A war with Iraq is not about oil. It is about freedom, and I am willing to die for it.

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The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War With Iraq:

A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth

by W. Clark

A war with Iraq is not about oil. It is about freedom, and I am willing to die for it.
This statement should give us all pause. God bless our troops and their noble and outstanding service to us and the world.
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its always nice to see i'm not the only one supporting war with iraq. people complain that it would be "cruel" to kill off innocent iraqi people because of saddam.

for al those people, here's food for thought: i was talking to an iraqi one, and she ssaid that she wanted to go to war with us because she knew that we could beat them. with that it would take saddam out of power. thus, eventually bringing iraq back out of being a third-world country.:moon:

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Our angle in this one if I may be quite frank is the End Justifies the Means. Our interests are at stake, and if we have to sacrifise our economy, Half a centuries woth of diplomacy, all out world war three then we will do it. Because at this point the ship is going down and this Move (war with Iraq) Is the only way In the eyes of our leaders to keep it afloat. The world obviously wants to see us go down. Hence the defiance towards UN resolutions. But according to Bush We have enough Authority with Standing resolutions to attack as the UN even without majority consesus. I don't understand the complete legalities, but I do know that our leaders are trying to use every means of persuation to draw as much support to our freedoms enduring legacy as possible. Whether through bribes, blackmail, Tainted evidence or what have you, we are obviously in a desperate situation and no matter what actions we take to overtake Iraq the end looks to Justify the means, in the eye's of our Leaders. As Americans We have to pray for these guys, and hope for the best while expecting the worste that is sure to come about. This is it folks. Talk about Batten down the hatches...

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Originally posted by Jagsbch

Our angle in this one if I may be quite frank is the End Justifies the Means. Our interests are at stake, and if we have to sacrifise our economy, Half a centuries woth of diplomacy, all out world war three then we will do it. Because at this point the ship is going down and this Move (war with Iraq) Is the only way In the eyes of our leaders to keep it afloat.

Okay, lemme see if I have this straight, Jagsy-baby.

A war with Iraq is going to wreck our economy, yet a war with Iraq is the only way to keep the boat (i.e. America -- and the American economy with it) afloat... correct?

C'mon, Jags, you can do better than that. At least try to keep your loony conspiracy theories grounded with some sense of storytelling logic, sir. It makes for better reading. Also, speaking of better reading, Jags, please work on your grammar, which is atrocious (to put it mildly).

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Regarding Grammar, mom and dad Divorced when I was in 9th grade, so I dropped out after completeing it to help support family, I am the oldest of seven step dad was a "Dead beat". Boo hoo hoo right, wrong. I figured I could always go back to school I did, just didn't make it back to grammer school yet. Sorry.

Now my take on the economy. The impact the war is going to have on it, is going to be huge. But appearently our leaders seem to assume, the size of this impact is going to be miniscule compared to the impact the Euro would have on our economy, IF it took the place of the dollar in the gulf region. One world order is this countries biggest enemy at this point, as long as the dollar is not it's form of currency. Conspiracy? Well Like Blair say's there will always be conspiracies. Have you ever heard of a war without conspiracies. This is why we must act.

Iraq's deadline is more a less based on an event of epedimic pruportions heading our way or rather we are heading it's way, actually both when you consider all the cosmic players involved. Given that satelite links could be disabled we have to strike and be in position before this happens. This information could very well indeed compromise the integrity of our intelligence, but as long as it is a conspiracy, guess I am just guessing right, and considering how I dropped out of Highschool how educated could the guess be? So there you have it. But mark my words we will strike before March that mush has been confirmed to the media.

It seems we have no choice in the Matter. We have to secure the area in the event of an impending Global holacaust. So if we actually survive, and Jesus doesn't come; when the dust settles, we will own the Persion Gulf. Guess it's a good thing there are females in the millitary, our men can procreate with their own kind, if the good ol US of A Get's enhialated... I mean beiside's the commet debrix, solar flare tidal wave, and God only knows what else is converging on us, those in the Know are worried sick regarding the astrological impact we are facing right over our horizon. OH ya, how many Nukes do we have pointed at us again? If you ask me I know this sounds Ironic but Isreal is the safest place to be now, and thats not too safe, but the chance of survival with all the information I have is better there than anywhere else I can think of.

Expect the worst, and hope for the best. If you have been putting off that last minute detail of getting right with the Lord, I think now is a good time to do it. Rise and Shine: Revealli

Start living. That's the next thing on my list...

There I guess that will give the critics something to bash me with. enjoy....

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Sheesh, and I thought he was stoopid when he was just spouting anti Islamic dogma:rolleyes: This really takes the cake though.

The article he provides a link to is interesting and well written. At the very least the author provides references for his sources.

However, Jagsbch's assertions of "the end time" being near is just silly. Almost from the beginning of time so called prophets have predicted the apocalypse. So far, they're Oh-fer. http://www.survivingtheapocalypse.com/thefeatures/


Jags, just a hint. You don't have to have a boatload of formal education to be well read and knowlegeable. I suggest you do some more research on some things and come to your own conclusions. As for the grammar issue, nobody's perfect however you will greatly enhance your credibility and probably even your job prospects if you improve in this area.

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