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Was Zorn a good decision?


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I don't know alot about Zorn, other then he was a QB coach and has no experience as a Coordinator or obviously HC. But a question pops into my mind. Do we want one of the primary criteria for the new HC to be that he gets along with or does not threaten Cerrato? Only time will tell if this works out.

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Ahhhhh, was Zorn a good decision........Do you mean as an Offensive Coordinator, or as a Head Coach? I'll assume you mean as a Head Coach, so my answer to that will simply be......God only knows, how long it will take before the answer becomes quite clear, to us. It may take one (1) year, 2 years, or even 3 years, assuming Snyder didn't simply ask him to baby sit the team for a year, until Bill Cowher comes back out of retirement. Don't ever underestimate, the unknown!

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If you want to have some kind of accurate idea about how Zorn is going to do for you, you have to get away from the idea that his only experience is as a QB coach. That may have been his only title for a long time, but the things he actually did for the Seahawks were not confined to the QB coach job description. He participated in offensive game-planning quite a bit, and contributed a lot of ideas, many of which were adopted by Holmgren. Plus, don't underestimate his knowledge of defenses, either -- he had to study the defenses of every team the Seahawks ever played, so he's not ignorant in that area, either.

I think it's a good hire for you, and a great opportunity for him. Best of luck to you next season (with the exception of one or two games...)

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No one can say...the guy has no play calling or head coaching experience - so how could anyone know that this is a good or bad hire?

It was a risk giving him the coordinator job, let alone the top dog position.

I was not real impressed with him a the press conf - but not disappointed, either.... so I am open minded and keeping the fingers crossed.

Obviously, only time will tell....

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There was no such thing as a perfect solution to this problem with the lack of proven candidates out there. You figure if Greg Blache and can keep us playing well on the defensive side, hopefully Zorn can have a significant impact on the offense. If that happens we should be really good.

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I don't know alot about Zorn, other then he was a QB coach and has no experience as a Coordinator or obviously HC. But a question pops into my mind. Do we want one of the primary criteria for the new HC to be that he gets along with or does not threaten Cerrato? Only time will tell if this works out.

You pretty much answered your own question with what i was going to say "Only time will tell if this works out."

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I told myself that I would reserve judgement on Zorn as a coach until I actually saw the team play a few games. However, watching how he has conducted himself just in the press conferences, and what he plans on doing, I am going to have to say so far I am impressed. Again, I will reserve actual judgement of his coaching ability until he has actually coached a game. But character wise, I like him.

My father brought up a good point today while we were talking about the new coaching situation. Is it possible with this hiring that Snyder has decided to not meddle so much in decisions, or did he choose Zorn just because none of the other candidates wanted the job for the lack of control they would have? Again, only time will tell...I hate waiting.

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Obviously it reamins to be seen if this was a good choice or not.

What I like is that he is a younger guy, surrounded by veteran coaches. He should be able to communicate well with the players, but also be kept grounded.

What I dont like is the simple lack of coaching experience. I didnt want Spags for the sole reason that he was DC for only 1 year. Zorn comes in with zero coordinator experince. A little disconcerting.

Alot too will have to do with who ends up as the OC. That can make or break Zorn as a head coach.

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Considering the depth of the coaching pool or should i say puddle, that was available, i like the hire. Results on the field will be the determing factor of course on whether it was correct or not, but it would be that way no matter who was hired. One minor advantage Zorn may bring is the fact that opponents have no history with his offense, only general schemes making gameplanning for us more difficult hopefully he will take advantage of this ,just my :2cents:

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