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Is it not strange that the perfect season, is the same year as the Spygate scandal?


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My brother and I were talking about this yesterday and just felt some strange and odd coincidence that the same year a team goes perfect(SB pending) is the same year of what I think is a "swept under the rug" scandel that Roger Goodell wanted to make disappear.(great friends with Craft family)

Now I know I'm beating a dead horse here,but I think this topic really needs to be discussed again as well as investigated!

I'm sure most fans are just taking this as a team rallying behind their coach for being accused of cheating and therefore proving they didn't need to cheat to be great!

...And that's fine...!But it doesn't excuse the fact that Bill Belicheat "himself" was involved with this and not only got a payraise to pretty much eliminate the 500 thousand dollar fine he was punished for,but everything is all fine and dandy with a 1st round draft pick stripped from them as well!

So I have a few questions that I would like answered by "anyone"!If they can?

1)How long has this been going on?Wouldn't multiple seasons of this immoral distaste of the sport require a harsher punishment?The 1919 blacksox scandal was so severe,that they were all banned from baseball for life!Pete rose can no longer enter the HOF for his gambling!Does this mean that the "Patriots" as a whole or nobody is reponsible for anything of such punishment?Is this not as bad, if not worse than the use of steroids or HGH,that the current MLB are dealing with right now?

2)Why wasn't this investigated further?From what I understand,there was film,documents and quite a bit of evidence that the public never got to see!Is it not ironic,that Robert Kraft and Roger Goodell are very good friends?Why was this not investigated further by a group of people or am I wrong on this?

I ...in my life have never seen a coach fined for such a large amount of money(500k),then the Franchise 250 K,then stripped of a 1st rounded to boot!I guess I feel like I'm being told that there will be a punishment that I have to accept,but I really don't get to know all the details and information of what Billicheat did!(other than taping)Was there more going on that we all don't know?If this info was released,how crippling to the NFL would it be as a whole?

3)But the thing that bothers me the most is why was Belicheat the only recourse of action in all of this?Was he the only one involved?Did Robert Kraft "the owner" have any knowledge of this as well?How long has Robert Kraft,Belicheat and the organization as a whole been doing this?Are other teams doing this as well and a problem they don't want released?

4)Why no suspensions?It seems players are being suspended heavily by Goodel as he is setting a precident for illegal substances or illegal activity!I may be wrong but isn't espionage illegal?

Everyone seems to have a problem with Barry Bonds being the homerun king,with no "actual" proof of him taking or useing Steroids or HGH or performance inhancing drugs...Yet he is and will be ridiculed probably for the rest of his life for assumptions made by the media and/or the "the Mitchell report" even though not directly named like Roger Clemens is.Even baseball talk about "Asterisks" by his name in the HOF ...(if he does go into the HOF)

....Yet everything is all good with the Patriots after being PROVEN that they cheated to improve their franchise and team with the winning edge!

But this wasn't from the Players even though it has been proven that Rodney Harrison has been in trouble for the use of Steroids and I would bet my left lugnut that he isn't the only one on that team using steroids!

This was from the coaching staff!

(Hypothetical example)What would the NFL and/or Media do if the Redskins were caught minupulating the CAP over the last 10 years illegally somehow?Let's say....money under the table.....?or singing bonus that were not documented...?

I mean afterall...who can really have 3 WR's making more money than most teams OFFense...? :doh: J/K there... :silly:

My point is....Would this be considered cheating?Forget the fact that we suck for a minute....Ok?

But would that be cheating in your eyes...?

What if I were to say,that whatever the Patriots do or (did? :doh: ) actually makes them unstoppable?

How would you feel about that as a football fan...?Can't change it cause it's history....in the books...!

I think it's worse than Steroids...Steroids may improve you as an individual..........but to find some loophole or Illegal advantage could create a dynasty as a team!

What if I play everyone here(extremeskins) at CHESS and knew everybody's move?Would I be the next Bobby fisher or am I just the next punk that should be run out of town?

Your thoughts?

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Who knows? Maybe karma in the form of the Giants will beat em in the Superbowl?

Remember when it was the other way around and the Pats were in the SB as the team lucky to be there, facing a seemingly unbeatable Rams team?

...sports are funny that way.

Even that scrub Tennessee team came within 1 yard of beating that '99 invincible Rams. Ditto Denver with GB 2 years prior.

Too bad the Super Bowl is ONLY one game, not 7 like the NBA Finals. You lose-that one or 2 game-changing plays can really haunt you for the rest of your life. At least in basketball and baseball, you can learn from your game 1 mistakes and adjust.

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Too bad the Super Bowl is ONLY one game, not 7 like the NBA Finals. You lose-that one or 2 game-changing plays can really haunt you for the rest of your life. At least in basketball and baseball, you can learn from your game 1 mistakes and adjust.

Too bad??? That's why I LOVE football over any other sport.

One game, get your **** together or suffer. Nothing better than that IMO. :applause:

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What? Randy's situation was off-the-field. Goodell can't do anything about that.

Sean's unfortunately was on-the-field during a game.

where have you been players have been getting suspensions left and right since Goodell came into office. Player conduct is something that is being taken very seriously this year and off field issues as well.

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come on. The tape was not used in that game, and honestly, do you think they would have lost to the jets regardless? Stop being jealous of their success, they are probably the best team of all time. Bill belichek is an awesome coach we could only wish to have. Stop being a baby.

No, they most likely wouldn't have lost. However, they did it and got caught. It just makes you wonder how many times they did it and didn't get caught and were able to use it the information at a later date. Doesn't matter if "others" do it, it still should result in a significant penalty.

BB is an awesome coach. Obviously with TB he would be a good coach, yet not awesome and certaily wouldn't have won 4 SBs (I'm counting chicken embryos I know). I do have a major issue with him winning coach of the year only 2 months after being busted for cheating. Kind of like be crowned valedictorian when you got caught plagarizing your senior project.

Don't worry though....the Pats are going down. Why? Because I'll be "cheering" for them this SB. It's the kiss of death. Teams I've cheered for in the playoffs: Bucs, Seahawks, Packers, Chargers, Jags. Now you know why I don't gamble.

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It is just sour grapes for people to attribute what the Patriots have done this season to cheating.

Stealing signals is part of sports. It's done in baseball, basketball, and football too. If teams can get their play signals intercepted so easily, whether with videotape or observation, they deserve to lose.

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It is just sour grapes for people to attribute what the Patriots have done this season to cheating.

Stealing signals is part of sports. It's done in baseball, basketball, and football too. If teams can get their play signals intercepted so easily, whether with videotape or observation, they deserve to lose.

It might be. For me, I just lost more respect for BB. Doesn't matter if "Others do it", it's still cheating. And, I hardly consider having to redo your signals week-to-week and having a guy hold a towel on either side of you to be "intercepted so easily".

I respect what the Pats have done - especially Sunday. Overcoming 3 ints by TB and winning a different way is the hallmark of a truly great team. That's what bugs me more than anything about the cheating: they are SO good that they don't need to do it.

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