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Top 100 players in the Draft!Who I would like to see the Skins to select...?


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Oh Right besides Brady, you have successes like Grbac, Greise, Drew Henson. These guys are sure lightening it up. :laugh:

Being that you're young, you may not realize Griese posted a couple of good years. For many players, that's all they get in this league.

For a position like QB, you're judging by the wrong standard. For any school to put every one of its last several QBs, INCLUDING Scott Dreisbach, on an NFL roster for at least a year (or several like Griese) is QUITE an accomplishment.

I'd also go back to Jim Harbaugh too.

Grbac also had a few good years, you know. Seriously, does anyone around here think before they post?

As for Drew Henson, maybe he WOULD have been something if he wasn't busy trying to make the Yankees during his prime years. IF he stayed at MIchigan or just entered the damn draft after his one really good season, he would have been a top pick.

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QB's take 3-4 years of being in the system before you know anything about how they will work out or not.

What are you going to do, throw Henne out there in a new system that he barely knows as a rookie? Sounds like a plan if you want to go 3-13 next year.

Well, if you take SOME QB(I'm not sure who) and have him be the developmental guy, you wouldn't BE throwing him out there at the beginning. You'd stash him like Romo sits to pee, bring him along and when __Whoever__ faltered, you'd put him in.

I think Jason will get the nod but it doesn't hurt to bring in a guy who may be better in the long run. There's no guarantee that Jason will ever be anything more than "OK." I'm not saying go high pick or anything but a developmental guy is something they need.

And Jason himself may be that developmental guy if he can't beat out Collins next year.

Point is, QB is definitely a position where you benefit by taking a late pick or UDFA who shows real talent in some significant way and then grooming them over time. Usually it's a total bust and they're out of the league in a few years but sometimes you can at least cook up a serviceable backup. Which is not a bad thing for a late round acquisition.

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Being that you're young, you may not realize Griese posted a couple of good years. For many players, that's all they get in this league.

For a position like QB, you're judging by the wrong standard. For any school to put every one of its last several QBs, INCLUDING Scott Dreisbach, on an NFL roster for at least a year (or several like Griese) is QUITE an accomplishment.

I'd also go back to Jim Harbaugh too.

Grbac also had a few good years, you know. Seriously, does anyone around here think before they post?

As for Drew Henson, maybe he WOULD have been something if he wasn't busy trying to make the Yankees during his prime years. IF he stayed at MIchigan or just entered the damn draft after his one really good season, he would have been a top pick.

Then there is no need to call Michigan Quarterback U, unless it provided star Linebackers like Penn State or Ohio State.

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I don't want to burst your bubble , but this is Romo sits to pee's third year in Dallas. The major difference is he has an offensive line that's young and healthy. With an offensive line that stays healthy, you have options. When your offensive line is made up of second and third team guys, the QB doesn't look as good. Neither do the running backs. I won't say Romo sits to pee doesn't have skill, but his first year he did nada but hold a clipboard.

Garcia is in his 9th year. Kitna is in his 11th. So I guess they had more than 4 years to learn their offenses. Cutler was drafted in 2005 as was Campbell. Campbell looks good, too. He looks better when he has protection.

Wow. Talk about missing the boat by a mile.

Here, let me make it as simple as possible for you since you are clearly confused.

Argument: it takes 3-4 years for a QB to learn and prove himself in a NEW offensive system.

Response 1: Tony Romo sits to pee. This year was his first year in Jason Garrett's Norv Turner system. Before this year, they ran an enitrely different offense that was BP's old system. Ergo, this is Tony Romo sits to pee's first year in a NEW offensive system. It apparently took him 1 training camp to learn it NOT 3-4 years as the original guy said.

Response 2: Jeff Garcia. He went to the Eagles last year to Andy Reid's system after leaving Detroit. In his first season in Reid's offense, he was excellent and landed a starting job elsewhere. Ergo, Garcia learned that system in 1 year.

Rsponse 3: Jay Cutler: this is 2nd year in the pros. And irrespective of any stats, the simple eye test of watching shows that Cutler is much more proficient in his system than JC is in ours.

I could go on and on. But the fact remains: if you limit the pool to quality NFL quarterbacks, the vast majority of them learn their offense in season. I defy you to find an example of a quality QB who took 4 years to learn an offense. But that is what JC's supporters are claiming is necessary.

Bollocks to that.

He is well behind where he should be. If he does not DRAMATICALLY improve this off-season, we need to quit wasting time with him.

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Then there is no need to call Michigan Quarterback U, unless it provided star Linebackers like Penn State or Ohio State.

Thanks for proving you didn't read or lack the reading comprehension skills.

I'm not the first one to call it that. There's a reason. It's because QB is a totally different position than all the others. It is nigh on impossible for a program these days to churn out 1st round, star to superstar level players every time they enter the draft. For one, every year you can send LBs or linemen to the league, just about. There's only one QB who is going to get any playing time, usually, for about a 2 year period (sometimes more.) Then you have to be realistic and realize that the QB talent is very spread out now.

For any program to send pretty much all of its last 6-7 starters and have 3 of them turn in very good years, go to the playoffs and have one of them be a candidate for the greatest of all time---that means you're QB U.

There are simply no schools turning out QBs that make NFL rosters at that rate.

I'm swiftly learning it's nearly impossible to have a discussion with you, you seem more interested in laughing at things you didn't understand in the first place.

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We're probably going to get a shot at someone we didn't think we would and there will also be people who shoot up the draft boards, making us a little peeved.

I have NO idea who will be there at 21. It's a lot easier to project the top 5-10 picks when you have a pick in that range. I guess it's better to have a lower pick but it does make it tougher. Depending on who is about to go, we may want to package another pick and move up, but nothing extravagant and ONLY for a guy we really want and who will make an impact.

For whatever reason I'm just not as up on college football this year, aside from a couple teams but there should be some good talent later in the draft to snag.

You are better getting a wideout from a 'running conference' like the Big 10 or Big 12 than from the SEC. You're better off getting a running back from the SEC than the Big 10. (this is not 100 percent, obviously.)

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i really dont want derrick harvey...hes an undersized DE who seems better fit for the 3-4 scheme...we already have one guy who is strictly a pass rusher in andre carter we dont need another in harvey.....calais campbell however has the size and speed that would be ideal for both run and pass situations and i would like to see him in the burgundy and gold at this early juncture...though i know this sentiment will probably change as the combine gets underway etc.

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i hate tech but to grab Chris Ellis in the second would be a major steal this is like the brother version of jared allan!and justin harper would also be a steal considering his punt return ability,size,speed,and he consistently catches the ball and he made a one handed touchdown heres the video:http://youtube.com/watch?v=EOu8dMAha0s go to 2:55 to see the entirety of the catch

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Wow. Talk about missing the boat by a mile.

Here, let me make it as simple as possible for you since you are clearly confused.

Argument: it takes 3-4 years for a QB to learn and prove himself in a NEW offensive system.

Response 1: Tony Romo sits to pee. This year was his first year in Jason Garrett's Norv Turner system. Before this year, they ran an enitrely different offense that was BP's old system. Ergo, this is Tony Romo sits to pee's first year in a NEW offensive system. It apparently took him 1 training camp to learn it NOT 3-4 years as the original guy said.

Response 2: Jeff Garcia. He went to the Eagles last year to Andy Reid's system after leaving Detroit. In his first season in Reid's offense, he was excellent and landed a starting job elsewhere. Ergo, Garcia learned that system in 1 year.

Rsponse 3: Jay Cutler: this is 2nd year in the pros. And irrespective of any stats, the simple eye test of watching shows that Cutler is much more proficient in his system than JC is in ours.

I could go on and on. But the fact remains: if you limit the pool to quality NFL quarterbacks, the vast majority of them learn their offense in season. I defy you to find an example of a quality QB who took 4 years to learn an offense. But that is what JC's supporters are claiming is necessary.

Bollocks to that.

He is well behind where he should be. If he does not DRAMATICALLY improve this off-season, we need to quit wasting time with him.

Dude, don't waste your breath. They are just in denial. Jason Campbell is dumb as bricks plus rocks. He will never be good. He was Joe's biggest blunder and could very well set our franchise back years behind the rest of the East. We could of had three more quality players on our roster, and instead, we get Campbell.

Face it people, he really does suck. Todd "noodle arm, but at least I have a brain" Collins runs this offense a hell of a lot better.

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Romo sits to pee has a squad around him that JC doesn't. Give Jason a Terrell Owens. Don't you realize when QBs have a #1 WR their stats go up, Tom Brady was a Qb that throw for 25-29 Tds a year but now with Moss, its up to 50. Mcnabb had his best year ever with Owens. Peyton has Harrison and Reggie Wayne. Culter didn't look very good and his stats are similiar to JC. Garcia played the west coast offense in sf, andy reid and marcucci come from the holmgren tree

Wow think before you post. JC played in a horizontal offense his whole life and now he is a playing a vertical timing offense. If it not for his playmakers, the redskins were in prime position to be 7-1 to start the season

:notworthy :applause: :cheers:

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Nice work on creating the thread.

Reggie Smiths speed does scare me at corner against the NFL receivers.

i hate tech but to grab Chris Ellis in the second would be a major steal this is like the brother version of jared allan!
Boy is that correct! I find it very hard to believe Ellis would be there that late. If so it would allow the Redskins to pick the best available OL or DB in the first round depending on which is addressed via free agency. My hope is their big splash in FA is at DB and let us draft linemen.
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My PICK would be Sweed

I certainly wouldn't be against that pick if the value was there, which I think it is. I'd rather pick up Sweed, who I think is going to be very good, than just pick up whatever D lineman is available. Unless somehow we make a trade for Fitz...then it is a moot point.

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