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Lol.. OMG. Are we really doing this? Now Mayweather has convinced you guys that he's better than Ali. And no, you didn't say it directly, but you're getting at it.


How on God's green Earth did you gather that from his post?!! OMG is right, you are ****ing pathetic dude. Just sad.

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Ali floats and Floyd runs lol, Floyd never moved as much as Ali. Ali was a clincher as well, the double standard is ridiculous.

"As well." So admit Mayweather IS a clincher.

Ali floats and Floyd runs lol, Floyd never moved as much as Ali. Ali was a clincher as well, the double standard is ridiculous.

"As well." So you admit Mayweather IS a clincher.

How on God's green Earth did you gather that from his post?!! OMG is right, you are ****ing pathetic dude. Just sad.

Don't sit there and play games. You guys want to say it but is afraid to.

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I think his biggest issue is thinking that we love May and hate Pac.

I don't think any of us feel that way. This all started with the delay of the fight initially, when many of us said Pac would lose anyway.


I don't hate the guy, I saw his weakness. I don't love May, I see his advantages.

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I think his biggest issue is thinking that we love May and hate Pac.

I don't think any of us feel that way. This all started with the delay of the fight initially, when many of us said Pac would lose anyway.

I don't hate the guy, I saw his weakness. I don't love May, I see his advantages.

Great post

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Ali floated, but he stung you. Just go look at the last Ali/Frazier fight. He also had one of the best jabs of all time.

This version of Mayweather does nothing but run, hold and potshot. Take an unbiased look at Mayweather in recent years. Every time his opponent is in good position, he clinches. That's good boxing?

Its smart boxing

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Great post

Please. YOU said, "Pac's entire career is garbage." You constantly imply, in a cute way, that Pacquiao used PED's with absolutely no proof. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't you recently compare him to Zab Judah's sorry ass? You can play games all you want, but if Pacquiao took an enormously amount of IV's and their was a shred of suspicion leading up to the Mayweather fight, Paula and your view on that situation is MILES different than it is. Don't deny it.

Now we've all went back in fourth on this, I don't hate Mayweather. My biggest gripe with him is that I DO NOT believe he wanted any part of Pacquiao when Pacquiao was at his best. I believe the "take the test" was nothing more than a smokescreen.

Its smart boxing

Being a clincher is smart boxing? Maybe, but it's frustrating to watch.

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DM, Let it go dude.


I will say, that you have never stated that you hated May...you simply crap on him every chance you get.


Big difference of what people who stated May would win acted like.

I hate to call you a fanboy...but you are. It's rather absurd when you think about it.

You knew his weaknesses also...you simply ignored or deflected from them.

Edited by Kosher Ham
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This discredits your entire post.

I hate Mayweather, but you don't hate Pacquiao? Dude, you're being a huge hypocrite.

Plus, let's not play games. Your hero Mayweather is not the most likable guy in the world. Most people would call him a piece of ****. Would they be wrong?

DM, Let it go dude.


I will say, that you have never stated that you hated May...you simply crap on him every chance you get.


Big difference of what people who stated May would win acted like.

I hate to call you a fanboy...but you are. It's rather absurd when you think about it.

You knew his weaknesses also...you simply ignored or deflected from them.

So when Rexx call Pac's entire career garbage. That's OK though. That gets a pass because he's speaking y'all language. It's perfectly fine for all of you to drool over Mayweather, but if you're a fan of Pacquiao, you're a fanboy. The double standard is ridiculous.

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I hate Mayweather, but you don't hate Pacquiao? Dude, you're being a huge hypocrite.

Plus, let's not play games. Your hero Mayweather is not the most likable guy in the world. Most people would call him a piece of ****. Would they be wrong?

So when Rexx call Pac's entire career garbage. That's OK though. That gets a pass because he's speaking y'all language. It's perfectly fine for all of you to drool over Mayweather, but if you're a fan of Pacquiao, you're a fanboy. The double standard is ridiculous.

Not only did I retract that statement on NUMEROUS occasions, but I got called out on it by a few and furthermore, there wasn't one single person who agreed with it. My God you try so damn hard.

Growing tired of arguing the same points with you because you ignore a lot of **** and only address what you choose to address. The annoying part is, even when your simple-minded theories are thoroughly debunked with common sense and proven facts, you STILL CONTINUE TO REPEAT THE SAME DUMB ****.

You go well out of your way to discredit Floyd. Nobody else here does that to Manny. As much as You may think I do, I simply just state facts. Your posts are filled with opinion. That's the big difference here DM.

So when you say you don't hate Mayweather, it's very hard to believe and easy to call bull**** because you repeatedly go above and beyond to bring this man down. I would take you a lot more seriously if you argued more facts and didn't ignore the facts that debunk the little you do bring forth.

But because everything w/u is so opinionated when it comes to Mayweather (and negatively at that) I really don't take you serious. You debate boxing a lot but in a real boxing debate, you would get destroyed by anyone with half a brain.

Edited by Rexx1240
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You never discredits Pacquiao. Have you totally lost it? Just how many anti-Pacquiao videos staring Paula Malignaggi has you posted and how many anti-Mayweather videos has I posted? I will admit, I'm not a fan of Mayweather's style. I think he's boring. I like Pacquiao's style better. I do feel that Mayweather waits until the perfect time to fight certain fighters, namely Pacquiao.

And will you share these 99% facts on Pacquiao.

Dude you need to get off of your soapbox. You don't like Pacquiao.

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You never discredits Pacquiao. Have you totally lost it? Just how many anti-Pacquiao videos staring Paula Malignaggi has you posted and how many anti-Mayweather videos has I posted? I will admit, I'm not a fan of Mayweather's style. I think he's boring. I like Pacquiao's style better. I do feel that Mayweather waits until the perfect time to fight certain fighters, namely Pacquiao.

Once again you interpret things how you want. Never said I didn't discredit him. I have went on record to say I feel his career is overrated. But unlike you, I don't just leave opinionated statements like that just floating out there. I gave a MULTITUDE of FACTS to support my opinion. You fail to do that more often than not.

And that last sentence is the pot calling the kettle black. I've already went in depth on that subject. You, as a Pacquiao fan, should be the last person calling put opportunists when I've even went as far as to provide links of Roach admitting such. Smh

Edited by Rexx1240
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And will you share these 99% facts on Pacquiao.

Dude you need to get off of your soapbox. You don't like Pacquiao.

What?? Share them?? Are u kidding?? I'm gonna just say you are..

Also you can call it a dislike for Pacquiao all you want. But you know what, I've always been a fan of the level of offensive skill he brings to the ring. I didn't start really turning a side eye until he started to adamantly refuse testing. That made a lot of people suspicious. Then when he starts testing, you instantly see a clear drop off in production, instantly. I think Roach as a trainer is overrated, Koncz is crooked (fact, not opinion) and I despise Arum for the way he treats his fighters and the way he constantly deceives the boxing public.

Now as for my posts on Pacquiao, you make it very very VERY difficult to talk positively about him. You accept nothing bad and overblow all the good. I also dislike that he's constantly put on the same skill level as Floyd. Baffled me for years. As an avid fan of the sport, I just never saw it.

I say a lot of good about Manny in boxing discussions. But to you, no. Take it as dislike all you want but you need to know the facts about your idol and his career. Sorry to crush your dreams kiddo.

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You say Pacquiao's career is overrated. Where's the facts to prove that? Pacquiao has had one hell of a career and his body of work is astonishing. I made this point many months ago, but Pacquiao has beaten a slew of hall of famers in their primes. If you think Pacquiao is overrated, you must consider Mike Tyson the biggest hype job of all time.

And there's absolutely no proof of Pacquiao and PED's. Mayweather? There's smoke.

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You say Pacquiao's career is overrated. Where's the facts to prove that? Pacquiao has had one hell of a career and his body of work is astonishing. I made this point many months ago, but Pacquiao has beaten a slew of hall of famers in their primes. If you think Pacquiao is overrated, you must consider Mike Tyson the biggest hype job of all time.

And there's absolutely no proof of Pacquiao and PED's. Mayweather? There's smoke.

Go back to the original post I made right after the fight and you'll see the facts I gave. My opinion will always be supported by facts bro, always. Whether it's right or wrong and whether you agree or disagree, I'll always make sure you see where I'm coming from. You just constantly choose to turn a blind eye.

As far as Mike Tyson, I'll say this and we can leave it at that:

No disrespect to IronMike but out of his entire career, name for me his 5 biggest fights....

There's smoke with Floyd, regardless of all the facts presented, there's still smoke but none with Pacquiao?? Lol. Prime example of why I can never side with you even the few times I may slightly agree. You are the ****ing worst my dude just sickening ugh

Edited by Rexx1240
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What?? Share them?? Are u kidding?? I'm gonna just say you are..

Also you can call it a dislike for Pacquiao all you want. But you know what, I've always been a fan of the level of offensive skill he brings to the ring. I didn't start really turning a side eye until he started to adamantly refuse testing. That made a lot of people suspicious. Then when he starts testing, you instantly see a clear drop off in production, instantly. I think Roach as a trainer is overrated, Koncz is crooked (fact, not opinion) and I despise Arum for the way he treats his fighters and the way he constantly deceives the boxing public.

Now as for my posts on Pacquiao, you make it very very VERY difficult to talk positively about him. You accept nothing bad and overblow all the good. I also dislike that he's constantly put on the same skill level as Floyd. Baffled me for years. As an avid fan of the sport, I just never saw it.

I say a lot of good about Manny in boxing discussions. But to you, no. Take it as dislike all you want but you need to know the facts about your idol and his career. Sorry to crush your dreams kiddo.

If you don't like Pacquiao, I could care less. It's you and others who gets offended if anyone say anything negative about Mayweather. The reason Mayweather gets so much heat is because he says stupid **** and for not fighting Pacquiao years ago among other things.

So let's get this straight, Pacquiao is overrated. Roach is overrated. Everyone in Pacquiao's camp is crooked. But Mayweather and everyone in his camp is clean. Yeah, whatever.

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