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The LESSON from tonight?


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Never play prevent defense. Ever. We totally shut them down by stacking the box early. So we get a lead and we drop everyone back into coverage. Suddenly, their QB has all day to throw and they come back on us.

Glad we won. Amazing win on the road against a great team. Amazing job shutting down Peterson.

Just don't play prevent defense.


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Never play prevent defense. Ever. We totally shut them down by stacking the box early. So we get a lead and we drop everyone back into coverage. Suddenly, their QB has all day to throw and they come back on us.

Glad we won. Amazing win on the road against a great team. Amazing job shutting down Peterson.

Just don't play prevent defense.


I hate these kinds of posts. What do you think New England was doing up 28 against Miami today? And they have the greatest coach alive. So spare me.

Fact is, the only way Minny was coming back was if we started turning the ball over and/or giving up big plays. There was no way that a mistake prone QB like Tavaris Jackson was leading 4 drives against us for scores against any type of defense, prevent or otherwise. Blitzing like crazy in the second half could have been the quickest way to put them back in the game. Minnesota has produced a surprising # of big plays in the passing game this year and it comes from being overagressive on defense.

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You know how stubborn GW is, backing off on Defense whenever we have the lead is why we lost so many games

Bull****. Our inability to do ANYTHING on offense in the second half of games and trying to sit on leads like we have the 2000 Ravens defense is why we have lost so many games in the 2nd half. Protecting leads is just as much about offense continuing to produce and take time off the clock as it is about defense. Someday, the ignorant Greg Williams haters will realize that.

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I'd say the biggest lesson needs to be DO NOT GO FOR 2 WHEN YOU'RE WINNING, UNTIL THE 4TH QUARTER!!!!! When it was 25-14 and Minn recovered the "supposed fumble", theyre a TD/2 pt/FG away from tie. With a kicked XP and its 26-14, do the math...

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I hate these kinds of posts. What do you think New England was doing up 28 against Miami today? And they have the greatest coach alive. So spare me.

Fact is, the only way Minny was coming back was if we started turning the ball over and/or giving up big plays. There was no way that a mistake prone QB like Tavaris Jackson was leading 4 drives against us for scores against any type of defense, prevent or otherwise. Blitzing like crazy in the second half could have been the quickest way to put them back in the game. Minnesota has produced a surprising # of big plays in the passing game this year and it comes from being overagressive on defense.

I hate these kind of responses to perfectly reasonable threads. We have been losing games we lead in late all season by going into that idiotic prevent defense and you say there is nothing wrong with it?

I truly cannot stand these homers who come in and say you cannot offer any criticism if we win. "Hey we won so everything was perfect!"

No, it wasn't.

Sorry pal, we won but we came damn close to givin it away.

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Lesson learned from today? People will always find something to ***** about.

Geesh Coach.

Ok, how about this.

Everything we did was wonderful. The defense we called in the second half was perfect and Joe Gibbs is God.

Did I get that right?

Sorry folks, we almost let a team we had down 25 - 0 come back on us, but nothing went wrong. And according to Coach, if we say something was wrong, we are bad fans.

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I also hate it when GW goes into prevent defense. But, sometimes I understand, you have to in the 4th quarter to give your secondary a rest. They can't chase guys all around for 4 quarters near the end of the season.

But Gw goes into prevent for too many plays.

Anyway, it was a great win. Both sides of the ball played most of the game very well. The gameplanning for this game on both sides of the ball was excellent.

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Geesh Coach.

Ok, how about this.

Everything we did was wonderful. The defense we called in the second half was perfect and Joe Gibbs is God.

Did I get that right?

Sorry folks, we almost let a team we had down 25 - 0 come back on us, but nothing went wrong. And according to Coach, if we say something was wrong, we are bad fans.

Almost? The closest they got was 11. Did you expect a shutout? Holding them to 100 yards? Sheesh, go to bed.

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Geesh Coach.

Ok, how about this.

Everything we did was wonderful. The defense we called in the second half was perfect and Joe Gibbs is God.

Did I get that right?

Sorry folks, we almost let a team we had down 25 - 0 come back on us, but nothing went wrong. And according to Coach, if we say something was wrong, we are bad fans.

Geez Pierce. How about the Vikings won five in a row for a reason. How about the Redskisns shutting down one of the more dominant running games in the league right now that helped lead that team to those 5 wins. How about the other team shows up to play as well. How about the fact that the team won despite the fact that most said that they couldn't. How about that D forcing some mistakes and helping win that game. How about almost nothing.

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Bull****. Our inability to do ANYTHING on offense in the second half of games and trying to sit on leads like we have the 2000 Ravens defense is why we have lost so many games in the 2nd half. Protecting leads is just as much about offense continuing to produce and take time off the clock as it is about defense. Someday, the ignorant Greg Williams haters will realize that.

i can agree with that but you got to admit though GW sure backs off big time though, QBs have a field day in the second half, maybe thats why the offense be out of sync because they dont be on the field much because the D is letting the other team just rip them apart and it gives their D momentum

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Dirk, I love ya man, but I think he has a very valid point. Just like you say on offense, you can't change what you've been doing to win the game. Once you do that... well, then there's a much better chance you're going to lose.

As impressive of a D coordinator as Williams is (I rank him right behind Kiffin and J Johnson), his single fatal flaw can be his stubborness. Perhaps that's also what makes him a great coordinator and motivator, but it is also a flaw at certain times.

Last season was an example of his inflexibility. Cleary teams had 'figured out' the Redskins offense, and of course we also suffered from a talent deficiency. To Williams' credit, he reformulated the defense in the offseason with GREAT results. But I think in the short term, he can be somewhat stubborn... and to (cruely) use a Norv Turner saying, Williams believes "what I do works."

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Learn the difference between a cover 2 defense and prevent and then maybe we can chat.
:applause: :notworthy :notworthy

Thank YOU!!!! We didn't play Prevent. We were playing some kind of man coverage, though.

You guys wonder why we stopped doing what was working? The vikings changed their gameplan. In the first half, we would blitz to stop the run and get pressure because they kept on doing rollouts.

In the 2nd half, they scrapped the run and we needed to go into a coverage type plays. When a team makes an adjustment, your defense should too. They did, but we didn't prepare for Jackson to light us up like he did in the 2nd half.

I'm beginning to think that some of you guys don't even know what Prevent defense is. It isn't when you have man coverage on a guy. Its when you drop everybody and give a 10 yard cushion. :doh:

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Geez Pierce. How about the Vikings won five in a row for a reason. How about the Redskisns shutting down one of the more dominant running games in the league right now that helped lead that team to those 5 wins. How about the other team shows up to play as well. How about the fact that the team won despite the fact that most said that they couldn't. How about that D forcing some mistakes and helping win that game. How about almost nothing.

How about the fact that they have 7 Pro Bowlers? How bout the fact that they could have clinched a playoff spot with a win in front of their home crowd? Nah. Only 45-0 will suffice for some around.

I knew that team would come out ready to kill in the second half. Their damn season was on the line. No shame in them making a few plays in the second half. A- coaching job.

(The minus is for the 2 point attempt up 22-0, which I would have given them even had Cooley held the ball. Somebody needs to take that 2-point chart away from Gibbs and hand it to him at the start of the 4th qtr. He's screwed this up a couple of times this season :doh: )

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I just want to say that I am eating all the bad things I have had to say about this team over the season. They played well in every facet of the game tonight. And Gibbs even chipped in with the Challenge of the Year, making up for the Buffalo Two-Time-Out Debacle, and then some.

Go Skins, Beat the Cowgirls!

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I have never understood, and possibly will never understand the philosophy of, "If what you are doing is SO wildly succesful that you dominate the other offense and completely shut them out, then in order to play the best defense possible you should completely reverse what you were doing".

It is illogical, irrational, has never made sense, and really has never been effective. Its one thing to do it with 3 minutes left, its another with 20 minutes left. Further, if a team is up by 4 scores, WHY is it a big risk to allow a big play, considering the team is STILL up by 3 scores.

It just defies common sense. Fortunately the offense put the nail in the coffin there.

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:applause: :notworthy :notworthy

Thank YOU!!!! We didn't play Prevent. We were playing some kind of man coverage, though.

You guys wonder why we stopped doing what was working? The vikings changed their gameplan. In the first half, we would blitz to stop the run and get pressure because they kept on doing rollouts.

In the 2nd half, they scrapped the run and we needed to go into a coverage type plays. When a team makes an adjustment, your defense should too. They did, but we didn't prepare for Jackson to light us up like he did in the 2nd half.

I'm beginning to think that some of you guys don't even know what Prevent defense is. It isn't when you have man coverage on a guy. Its when you drop everybody and give a 10 yard cushion. :doh:

Yeah we did play prevent... Just because we didnt play a cover 3 doesnt mean it wasnt a prevent philosophy. When you stop blitzing, and you drop your LBers very deep, its a prevent. Call it what you will, tie a pink bow around it, and paint it any color you want, its still a prevent defense.

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