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Dammit to hell.


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There are 172 of us on line.

The page is burning up.

I feel like, after two months of being dead, I'm having life beamed back into me with all the stuff going on today. I can't stop hitting refresh. My boss just called and asked for updated documentation on a global project I'm running and I lied and said, "Dude, I'm sick. I can't even concentrate today."

He said cool, but by Monday :).

Sometimes the offseason is more exciting than the regular season. Threads are flying by. Once again this board is the fastest trigger anywhere in posting news and reports. When I have to lecture TEG again in the Tailgate I will just have to remember the real reason I'm here is because of days like today :).

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Today is so exciting. I have been a member of the board for quite some time, just havent posted frequently in a long time but I lurk the board all the time as it provides all of us with the ultimate forum to engage in discussion about our beloved football team. A day like today just has me in the posting mood again.

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I would like to personally thank all of you who started this board. I signed up a couple of years ago but never got the time to utilize it.

This is the first year that I've gone through an offseason while posting and reading the board every day.

I'm so excited about today I can't see straight. I got real bored with all the favorite movie threads and so forth.

This is awesome. Looks like speed in the backfield the likes of which we've probably never seen (except joe washington and B. Mitch in his prime maybe) and atleast one stud and hopefully two stud guards.

Its truly a great day to be a Redskin fan!

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The other thing a day like this does it it tells Die Hard how much more bandwidth he'll have to purchase :). We're a little slower than normal right now and I'm loving the wait because every pause means someone has posted three more things :).

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this is my first post after reading the board since the beginning of the season and with all the action going on today, I AM PUMPED!! please bring in thomas danny boy and hopefully fiore. i also love the trung signing because he comes at a cheap price salary wise. HAIL TO THE SKINS!!!

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