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What a win last night, in the Meadowlands! Just wanted to mention a few things:

-How about that call by the coaches, Betts on the Draw for the TD. I remember how everyone was furious at the coaches a few games back for a draw play in the redzone on 3rd and long. Well, 3rd and 9 at the 14 yard line; same call....different result. Enough said!

-Landry!!! That hit on Plexico was a déjà-vu. I saw a little bit of Sean Taylor during his rookie year. I had mixed emotions about that play, I loved the hit but I was mad he simply didn't walk away and let his play do the talking (I didn't know you could yell and smile at the same time). Aside from that play, he played amazing.

-Todd Collins...it wasn't pretty but he got it done. What else can you ask for. The key thing is that he didn't turn the ball over!! But I still want Jason Campbell back ASAP.

-The O Line looks to be getting in rhythm. They faced a tough Defensive Line and they held their ground. I'm very proud of those boys

-The ground games was excellent. CP did his thing and Betts finished the game off for us with the first down at the end. Sellers, always with the exciting plays. One week he's running over defenders…another week he hurdles over them! I love that guy. Tune in next week to find out what he does to the next defender in his way.

All in all, I just wanted to express my excitement somehow. A great win for the team....Playoffs is NOW!


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I share alot of the same feeling you expressed above as well, even as broke up as this team is this season, we still have guys filling in and plugging up the holes. I would love nothing more than to see us make the playoffs this season, I feel it would put closure to a crazy injury pleagued season. Keep up the good work Skins.

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Great post, I agree with all of your points. I want to add these:

-Smoot/Springs played lights out last night, one of our top offseason priorities should be to keep Springs a Redskin until he retires, he's earned his money here IMO

-Andre Carter is becoming a very smart FA acquisition and when we get him some help on the other end via the draft, our defense will be scary.

-Stephon Heyer did a fantastic job against one of the best DEs in the game, Mike Strahan, props to him.

And I just want to go back to the Landry point, he was playing FS most of the night last night and looks like he can hold his own at that position. I was pissed at the taunting call he prompted but damn he does remind me of a very young Sean Taylor. I'm VERY happy we drafted him now.

Also, people have been talking **** about Doughty but he played the SS position very well. I think he can stay at that position and start next year. :2cents:

Great post again man :cheers:

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What a win last night, in the Meadowlands! Just wanted to mention a few things:

-How about that call by the coaches, Betts on the Draw for the TD. I remember how everyone was furious at the coaches a few games back for a draw play in the redzone on 3rd and long. Well, 3rd and 9 at the 14 yard line; same call....different result. Enough said!

-Landry!!! That hit on Plexico was a déjà-vu. I saw a little bit of Sean Taylor during his rookie year. I had mixed emotions about that play, I loved the hit but I was mad he simply didn't walk away and let his play do the talking (I didn't know you could yell and smile at the same time). Aside from that play, he played amazing.

-Todd Collins...it wasn't pretty but he got it done. What else can you ask for. The key thing is that he didn't turn the ball over!! But I still want Jason Campbell back ASAP.

-The O Line looks to be getting in rhythm. They faced a tough Defensive Line and they held their ground. I'm very proud of those boys

-The ground games was excellent. CP did his thing and Betts finished the game off for us with the first down at the end. Sellers, always with the exciting plays. One week he's running over defenders…another week he hurdles over them! I love that guy. Tune in next week to find out what he does to the next defender in his way.

All in all, I just wanted to express my excitement somehow. A great win for the team....Playoffs is NOW!


-the draw play was killing the defenders. At one point, it looked they called the same draw play 3 times in a row.....mostly because it was productive.

-using Landry as a free-safety looks like a genious move by GW. That boy can run, and he can hit. He almost had a pick, but had to come over plex to try and get it.....still made a great play on the ball.

-Todd Collins doesn't make mistakes, doesn't fumble the rock when getting sacked, and despite not being armed with a bazooka for an arm, he can still make the deep throws. He looks more than servicable to me.

-left side is stable, the right side is starting to play like men. Heyer and Fabini did their thing on run blocking, allowing us to run the ball to the right side rather than left all day long. Heyer shutdown Strahan on the pass plays, so the line is starting to come together.

-CP did his thing and so did Better. The line played aggressive on run blocking, so that opened up holes for the RB. And despite not having an awsome performance, TC made some critical throws deep, which opened up the offense, making the Giants take that extra man out the box. Plus Big Mike is back and fully healty, his pressence was definitely felt out there.

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I'm glad you're excited, and I truly want to get excited about this team again, it's just seeing the same old problems creeping up again, that we luckily overcame last night.

Not calling a timeout on our last drive of the first half enfuriated me once again. They were running the ball at will but let the clock run down so they could only call passing plays from 1st and goal. I've been trying to defend our coaching on this, I'm aware every coaching staff makes mistakes, but this is just inexcusable to have happen EVERY single time you get into a clock management situation with such a highly paid coaching staff.

Our second half offense is anemic, and the guys just look like they're playing scared, so afraid of making a costly mistake that they let teams hang around for oppurtunity after oppurtunity to come back and win. I do believe we'd be running better in the 2nd half if we had Randy & Jon in there, but there has to be something we can figure out to do by now to put together a couple drives to put a game away and not rely on our defense getting big stop after big stop.

Why aren't we running more screens when people are bringing so much pressure? Sure I love watching CP take on blitzers, but it may be more effective for us to let the 1st level get to the QB and have CP dodging the 2nd level guys that he's unable to get to on a consistent basis when our line isn't blocking well. If Brandon Jacobs didn't get Carlos Rogers syndrome, he would have abused us with the screens they ran. We ran a few screens, the ones set up well and called at the right time were big plays, we need to see more of that. It may end up being the one thing we can do well, and have defenses backing off on bringing so much pressure on us.

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I'm glad you're excited, and I truly want to get excited about this team again, it's just seeing the same old problems creeping up again, that we luckily overcame last night.

Not calling a timeout on our last drive of the first half enfuriated me once again. They were running the ball at will but let the clock run down so they could only call passing plays from 1st and goal. I've been trying to defend our coaching on this, I'm aware every coaching staff makes mistakes, but this is just inexcusable to have happen EVERY single time you get into a clock management situation with such a highly paid coaching staff.

Our second half offense is anemic, and the guys just look like they're playing scared, so afraid of making a costly mistake that they let teams hang around for oppurtunity after oppurtunity to come back and win. I do believe we'd be running better in the 2nd half if we had Randy & Jon in there, but there has to be something we can figure out to do by now to put together a couple drives to put a game away and not rely on our defense getting big stop after big stop.

Why aren't we running more screens when people are bringing so much pressure? Sure I love watching CP take on blitzers, but it may be more effective for us to let the 1st level get to the QB and have CP dodging the 2nd level guys that he's unable to get to on a consistent basis when our line isn't blocking well. If Brandon Jacobs didn't get Carlos Rogers syndrome, he would have abused us with the screens they ran. We ran a few screens, the ones set up well and called at the right time were big plays, we need to see more of that. It may end up being the one thing we can do well, and have defenses backing off on bringing so much pressure on us.

1) Clock management hasn't really been a problem the last few weeks. The point was to run the clock out at the end of the half. We didn't think those draws would actually get us down to a first and goal.

2) Yes, it's very anemic to go out there on the first drive and score a touchdown. Let's get some more iron in that Gatorade!

3) Screens aren't working very well for us lately. Our line simply breaks down too quickly when they're rushing six or seven, and they had a spy the entire time to make sure that the screen didn't develop.

4) Blah blah blah, if they didn't have so many drops, blah blah blah. Every team has drops. We would've been at LEAST 10-4 if we didn't have the drops that we had. We are where we are, so stop making excuses for either team.

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I was absolutely amazed by the O-line play, and also the play calling. It seems like the Giants DL could never completely figure out what we wanted to do so they had to be kept honest, still though the Giants probably have the best DL in the NFL and the fact that we kept sacks low, and rushing yards high is a great testament to their grit. Especially with 2 of our anchors missing.

I also saw a lot of Sean Taylor in Laron Landry, same sort of style of play, same sort of swagger. He will be a good one.

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I agree with pretty much everything that has been said but I just want to point out the reason why Todd Collins works so well. He's been in this system for at least 6 years. He knows the playbook MUCH better than JC does and he's a vet. I was very happy when they played him instead of Brunell when JC went out. If we would have played Brunell we probably would have lost the last two games. GO Todd!!

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When I saw them running that draw to Betts, I was like "No no no! Yes yes yes!" I can't believe how effective that draw was for both teams. As for the Landry hit, I'm so upset with the NFL and their Nazi-ish ways of regulating players. This is football: players try to break each others' fingers down at the bottom of a fumble pile; players talk trash on a regular basis on the offensive and defensive line; players are looking to hurt each other on every play; and the NFL is worried about endzone celebrations and taunting hurting another player's feelings? This is getting ridiculous. Instead of helping out former players and their disabilities, they're making rules against being happy.

BKSkinsFan, I totally agree with you. How aggravating was it when we didn't call a timeout with around 40 seconds left. Instead, we give ourselves 21 seconds to put it in. I knew at that point we would be coming away with a field goal. I must have gone on a ten minute rant to my father after that. I told him, "This is the difference between a good team and an average team."

As for our second half offense, I agree we're playing scared. I'm even surprised we got that one TD. Despite the win, we're still lacking that killer instinct to put teams away.

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Great post, I agree with all of your points. I want to add these:

-Smoot/Springs played lights out last night, one of our top offseason priorities should be to keep Springs a Redskin until he retires, he's earned his money here IMO

-Andre Carter is becoming a very smart FA acquisition and when we get him some help on the other end via the draft, our defense will be scary.

-Stephon Heyer did a fantastic job against one of the best DEs in the game, Mike Strahan, props to him.

And I just want to go back to the Landry point, he was playing FS most of the night last night and looks like he can hold his own at that position. I was pissed at the taunting call he prompted but damn he does remind me of a very young Sean Taylor. I'm VERY happy we drafted him now.

Also, people have been talking **** about Doughty but he played the SS position very well. I think he can stay at that position and start next year. :2cents:

Great post again man :cheers:

Thanks man...you brought up good points I didn't mention.

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1) Clock management hasn't really been a problem the last few weeks. The point was to run the clock out at the end of the half. We didn't think those draws would actually get us down to a first and goal.

The point is good clock management is extremely important, and even the biggest homer has to admit it is something we lack.

2) Yes, it's very anemic to go out there on the first drive and score a touchdown. Let's get some more iron in that Gatorade!

We needed at least 1 decent drive after that to put the game away and we couldn't do it. Yes the first drive was great, but after that drive we went 3 and out, 4 plays and a punt, 5 plays and a punt, and another 3 and out before getting the ball back to run the clock out. We've been doing this all season, and you're going to fault me for pointing out another glaring weakness?

4) Blah blah blah, if they didn't have so many drops, blah blah blah. Every team has drops. We would've been at LEAST 10-4 if we didn't have the drops that we had. We are where we are, so stop making excuses for either team.

We'd have a better record if our offense didn't fizzle out in the 2nd half continously, and we make better decisions at crunch time. I'm not making excuses for the Giants, although stating the obvious of them flat out dropping passes they should have caught would have had the ending of this game at least being closer score wise is not a stretch.

I know I'm coming off sounding negative, and if you look at my post history, I'm not the negative, fire everybody, overreacting type that fills this board. I'm just a frustrating fan that is tired of seeing the same mistakes over and over and over again. The second half of every game I watch, I feel like I'm waking up in Punxsatawney listening to Sonny and Cher. Luckily, it didn't happen this week, but we have no chance for the playoffs if the groundhog keeps seeing his shadow.

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