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Rider jacket?


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My brother says he wants a "Rider jacket" for Christmas...I had no idea what he meant, so he said it's a jacket people wear when they ride quads. He says he wants a red and white one from Honda, but I'm not sure I'm looking at the right thing. Are rider jackets the same thing as motorcycle jackets? What am I looking for?

Thanks in advance :)

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I was looking at those too, but I can't imagine he wants a leather jacket...and when I asked him how much these things usually cost, he said "like 50 bucks"... so I don't know. I'll just have to ask him to be more specific. Thanks, though

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Here are the closest one's I've found so far although white isn't a popular color.

Joe Rocket Honda Rider Jacket

Honda CBR Textile Jacket

Honda SuperSport Textile Jacket

Those are the closest things I could find anywhere near that price range without goin into full quality leather which can be $300+. Maybe you could tell him to pick the jacket he wants and you'll cover $70-80 of it and he covers the rest. You could maybe even make it a joint gift with someone else in your family?

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