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so if we finish 6-10.....

Brandon Lloyd Christmas

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so if we finish 6-10, which sounds very likely, can gibbs possibly stay on for another season??? this would be his 4 year 2nd tenure record:

2004: 6-10

2005: 10-6

2006: 5-11

2007: 6-10

27-37 = 42% winning percentage

could we all just realize that if we go 6-10 this year, his second tenure has just been a huge failure? or do we really have to put up with this again next year. ill obviously watch this team until my last day on earth, but my god its gonna be painful to watch gibbs trot out with this team next year if hes still here. i just cant take losing the way we do anymore, and im sure plenty of you feel the same way.

cmon danny, make us proud. get us another coach PLEEEEAAASEEE!

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Do you honestly feel that gibbs has not made any progress? If you want to look at the W/L column im sure most would say yes.

However, Gibbs was handed a team thats was absolutely horrible when he came back. I feel like at this point with a few additions and a little more game time for our QB, this will be a top tier team.

Lastly, snyder will not fire gibbs. gibbs will not walk away from something that he has built. This team is close to being a contender and JG will be here to see it through.


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so youre saying that no matter who is our coach, the lack of a GM and our assbackwards front office, nobody can do better than joe gibbs?

Thats my assessment. Maybe someone could come in and win a few more games here and there, but this organization does not seem to care about long term success. Who the hell wants another one-and-done season like '05?

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I think we are two good drafts away from being a consistently good team no matter who coaches this team. We are decimated every year by a few injuries. We are old and weak on the lines. Two injuries to the offensive line should not derail the season. 34 year old defensive ends shouldnt be counted on to get to the QB. We need some young, energetic blood on both units. Guys who can get to the QB make the secondary look better, and it looks like we will have alot of questions in the secondary.

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Can someone honestly tell me what any other coach could do here with the following issues.

*an aging roster thats young in only a few spots due to mishandled drafts

*An old and injury prone offensive line

*Receivers who are always injured and dont have the size to go up and catch passes

*A battered secondary, both by injury and tragedy

*A defensive line that cannot get to the QB

* 2/3 starting linebackers on the wrong side of 30

We are a team with barely any young talent. Free Agency is our end all. Like I said, this team is two drafts away from being consistently good.

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I would never disrespect the man by calling for his head, especially under the circumstances, but I'm starting to feel like he's tarnishing his legacy, at least to outsiders.

The fact is he's been very good at keeping everyone motivated and coming up with good gameplans, only to be completely outcoached on Sunday. We don't have to go through the whole list of heartbreaking, infuriating defeats, but we've suffered a lot more of those than we've enjoyed glorious victories.

And at this point, the team seems to have acquired a losing mentality. They don't expect to win. In the 4th quarter, when good teams bring it home, our guys seem to be looking around for someone else to be a hero, hoping they don't make a huge mistake.

The one huge, unmistakeable difference I've noticed between Gibbs I and Gibbs II is that in Gibbs I, the guy DEMANDED perfection. He got the absolute maximum out of everyone on the roster, carving unique roles on his team for guys no one else wanted.

This time around, he seems resigned to how "up here," all the games are close, everything comes right down to the wire, and you just hope to end up on the winning side. If not, well there's nothing much you can do about it.

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Do you honestly feel that gibbs has not made any progress? If you want to look at the W/L column im sure most would say yes.

However, Gibbs was handed a team thats was absolutely horrible when he came back. I feel like at this point with a few additions and a little more game time for our QB, this will be a top tier team.

Lastly, snyder will not fire gibbs. gibbs will not walk away from something that he has built. This team is close to being a contender and JG will be here to see it through.


please tell me what progress you think gibbs has made? progress should translate to wins on the field i would assume. he took a team that spurrier had at 7-9 and 5-11, and turn them right back into just that, a losing team.

and the team wasnt "absolutely horrible". we still have plenty of those same players with us today. he added some big name free agents, we had a few good early round draft picks, and we get the same result.

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Can someone honestly tell me what any other coach could do here with the following issues.

*an aging roster thats young in only a few spots due to mishandled drafts

*An old and injury prone offensive line

*Receivers who are always injured and dont have the size to go up and catch passes

*A battered secondary, both by injury and tragedy

*A defensive line that cannot get to the QB

* 2/3 starting linebackers on the wrong side of 30

We are a team with barely any young talent. Free Agency is our end all. Like I said, this team is two drafts away from being consistently good.

i agree with you. but the sad thing is, gibbs is the reason this team is so old and terrible. he has neglected the draft for 4 years in his get rich quick scheme, and were going to suffer for it bigtime. we have no depth, were way too old (because he refused to use the draft), and now were stuck.

we havent drafted a WR in god knows how long

our best Dline drafting since i can remember has been a 5th rounder and a 6th rounder who are solid, but nothing great.

we have drafted one good LB, and blades looks to be a solid LB in the future

we havent drafted an olineman in god knows how long, or at least one that made an impact.

all we do is sign old aging players that end up staying for a short stint, then they go, and the only young olineman we had, we let go to FA. god talking about this team is like having a bad nightmare.

side question: what are the chances we see a major overhaul at some point?

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Do you honestly feel that gibbs has not made any progress? If you want to look at the W/L column im sure most would say yes.

However, Gibbs was handed a team thats was absolutely horrible when he came back. I feel like at this point with a few additions and a little more game time for our QB, this will be a top tier team.

Lastly, snyder will not fire gibbs. gibbs will not walk away from something that he has built. This team is close to being a contender and JG will be here to see it through.


Okay I've kind of accepted that as true for a while, but now that I think of it. What WAS so bad about our team when Gibbs took over? We had gone 8-8 the year Marty was here, what was so bad about our club? Can anyone explain that too me. And I just had a thought, would we be in this situation if we had hired the other Defensive Coach we had AKA Marvin Lewis? Its possible he might be gone from Cinci at year end due to being fed up with players attitudes there, if he's available maybe we can get him as our head coach, and dump Williams Current scheme? Is such possible, or is that wishful thinking?

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This teams woes all comback to personel decisions. Remember in his first tenor Gibbs had NOTHING to do with what talent the team brought in. It is not his strong suit, never was.

For example... in New England.. who is more responsible for their success... Bellicheck or their GM that loaded the team with Brady, Moss, Seau, Wilfork, Vrabel, Welker, Maroney, etc...

I would argue that their success is much more a result of their GM than any of the coaches.

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I think we are two good drafts away from being a consistently good team no matter who coaches this team. We are decimated every year by a few injuries. We are old and weak on the lines. Two injuries to the offensive line should not derail the season. 34 year old defensive ends shouldnt be counted on to get to the QB. We need some young, energetic blood on both units. Guys who can get to the QB make the secondary look better, and it looks like we will have alot of questions in the secondary.

I agree here, I do not know who this wonder-coach would be that a lot of us is clammering for who can make players rush the passer, block somebody, cover receivers while not fumbling and throwing interceptions . We need players also and while we are on this "get rid of Gibbs" crusade we are campaigning for the very guy that we complain about each and every week (Greg Williams) because more than likely when Gibbs do leave Williams will be our coach and then what?

Maybe it is time for Gibbs to leave but be careful what you ask for, you just may get it.

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he has neglected the draft for 4 years in his get rich quick scheme, and were going to suffer for it bigtime. we have no depth, were way too old (because he refused to use the draft), and now were stuck.

This stragedy started long before Gibbs came back, and will continue long after he leaves. Yet we sit here and clamour for a new coach.

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I think Gibbs should just finish out his contract. Its only one more season.

And honestly, like a lot of others have said in this thread, I dont think anyone can do a better job at head coach for this team, the team overall has just been basically **** the past 10 years, regardless of who was leading our team

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The team is a coach and a few drafts away from being a contender. Gibbs is coaching 80's style football. He thinks it's 1987 again and the Hogs are intact and busting heads. A somewhat promising QB is about all that is going for them. The Oline is aging and the D line is underperforming. Portis is getting beat down and over used. They lost the best player last week. Lots to fix.

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The only things I don't like about our remaining schedule are the one day of practice this week and the Viking's newfound ability to put up 42 points in a game.

Despite the one practice we will get, the Bears looked just as bad if not worse than us last night, putting up 16 points and blowing the game late. Their defense is banged up but effective, however their offense is pathetic.

The Vikings, as I said, scare me right now with their running game and ability to score.

The Giants are inconsistent and we can win if we don't beat ourselves first.

Dallas will be 14-1 most likely and won't be playing quite as hard in week 17.

Anyway, Im going with 8-8 or 7-9 if only because the NFL will not let us move the Thursday game. The last thing we need is yet another new coaching staff, regardless.

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I'm absolutely not happy with losing, and watching my favorite team lose consistently for the past 15 years has been very tough to watch.

In watching those losing teams, along with watching the current team, I see a distinct difference that apparently not many others see. I never see these guys give up, I never see them look like they're too frustrated to keep trying. During the Norv and Spurrier eras, I recall many times where our guys looked so down you could tell they just knew they were in a bad situation and wanted out.

That may not mean much to some, as most people continue to just look at the win loss column to judge us, and I can actually understand that, however I see the togetherness and willing to fight until the end as a good thing for our team. It's a step in the right direction instead of the same old hire and fire methods that have been used previously.

Even the people calling for Gibbs to be fired, there is no way that you can deny we have endured some extremely difficult situations that are beyond his control.

Jansen out for the year, Thomas out for most of the year, Moss hurt, Portis coming in with a bad knee, Randle El being injured, Lloyd getting hurt (I know he did little here, but he could have had his shot), Thrash getting hurt, our d-line hasn't been healthy, Marcus Washington hurt, Springs dealing with his father, Carlos out for the year, and most of all the worst tragedy our franchise has ever endured with Sean's passing, he was also injured before that and we all know how we feel the 3 games would have panned out if he was back there for us. I understand teams deal with injuries all the time, but this list is far beyond what team's normally endure and are still able to win with.

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