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That was just uncalled for,(Of Noisy moment of silence and Ray Lewis. Merged)


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no ray looked like he was fighting back tears.


all my years as a canes fan................tears in the eyes of ray lewis is the one thing i never thought id ever see in my life

it really says something about the bond that all the UM guys have

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In case you missed it, the same thing happened in DC. Bunch of jackasses screamed during the moment of silence. Oh well. For the record, it did sound like they yelled "I love you Sean."

Yes he said ''We love you Sean''! I was on the uppers and he was on the other side of the field. He yelled it so loud Sean heard him and smiled! lol

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I must be in the minority in that I smiled when I heard some in the crowd actually cheering during the moment of silence at FedEx. It was annoying at first, but then I couldn't help but smile at it. They loved Sean and his onfield presence was never quiet. *shrug*

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I heard "redskins suck" in there.

Not saying I'm judging all fans but there was an awful lot of SUSTAINED noise. In FedEx, there was total quiet, then some idiots got their signals crossed and THEN they shut back up and it was quiet again.

Every here heard "redskins suck". Doesn't suprise me with the game in baltimore.

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Every large gathering highlights the fact that too many people today have no damed clue how to carry themselves with respect.

They honestly think a moment of silence is for everyone else, and they can take that moment to call attention to the most important person in the world, them.

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I can't believe I'm going to type the following words, but we could all learn from Dallas fans. The moment of silence in their stadium was just that-- dead silent. There was no yelling, no drunks making asses of themselves, nothing. You could feel the respect they all had for Sean. It's unfortunate that FedEx couldn't do the same...

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