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List your favorite Sean Taylor moment..


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For me, it's easy. When we clinched with a win in Philly, I went to the game and some dude was mouthing off to Taylor that he going to jail, I was there and had on my ST Jersey, and I said something to Taylor, like forget that dude, just knock some heads off, he looked over and nodded. ST was my hero and I'm going to miss him a lot. No one will ever replace him. Today has been a rough day.

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Too easy....the dive at the Linc on New Years Day '06.

But yesterday I kept thinking about those plays where he'd intercept one and then try to make more happen by lateralling it back to a teammate. I remember also screaming at him through the TV "What are you crazy Sean!!!".......then I laughed. I hope he's having a blast by the Lord's side.

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That's a great story, halter91. That sound so much like Sean.

2 things that stand out for me is the hit on Patrick Crayton in the Monday Night Miricle, and then that Pro Bowl decleater on that punter. He sent that guy to the moon!

But personally, I'm glad I got to see him in practice at training camp one time. I remember they were doing upper pads offense vs defense and the Offense handed the ball off. There were like 2 times in that series where Sean came up an layed the lumber on the RB. I mean it LOOKED like the Patrick Crayton Hit. The RBs would just get knocked back on their behinds. It was awesome to see.

Then after practice I stood in the front row leaning on the fence as the players came over to sign autographs. Sean was the first one to my section and he was just beside me signing autographs/posters/memorialbelia for little kids and he saw something he liked. He hollared over to Santanna Moss (who was taking his shoulder pads off behind him on the field, "Hey Santanna! Over here come take a look at this!" Moss came right over and Sean showed Moss this picture a kid had. ST had moss sign it and from there Moss continued to sign autographs with Sean Taylor, his friend. Sean was real nice to every fan that day. He signed as much as he could until some guy in a suit came and got all the players to go inside the complex. And he did it with a happy look on his face, like he really enjoyed and appreciated the fans.

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By far the fumble return for a TD vs. Philly @ The Linc. Usually it's just myself and my dad watching the game but my mom and sister also knew the Redskins were close to the playoffs. When ST dove into the endzone my entire family went nuts. This memory is second only to the miracle comeback in Dallas earlier that season.

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Well, I have two actually, that game against the Eagles to get us in the playoffs, being as it has basically been my only positive memory of the Skins.

But really, that preseason game against Denver when he had two awesome picks. I knew right then and there, he was gonna be a special special player. I'm just happy I got to enjoy watching him for every game he played in burgundy and gold.

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I say the philly game but what made me realize he was on another level then any other safety was when he took on Randy Moss 1 on 1 in his rookie season. They both jump for the deep ball (mind you this was Randy's last game as a viking) Sean jumped higher than moss which was unheard of or seen before in the nfl and he tip the ball and came down on moss and just burried his helmet into the turf! After that play Moss walked off the field and would never suit up as a viking again! LOL! He has so many plays it's hard to judge his number 1 play!

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When he spit in Michael Pittman's face. I loved that...in a weird way

Me too!!!!!!! He desreved it. Michael Pitman is a trash talking has been and need to come back down to earth! That gave them momentum to win that game! My opinion. Matter fact Sean saved us 2 times that game the fumble return and the incomplete in the endzone!

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So many. The return against Philly to send us to the playoffs was absolutely majestic. One of the most memorable moments for me as a Redskin fan.

The FG vs Dallas, and even just jacking the **** out of Crayton, not to mention Reggie Brown earlier this year. Man, I loved that safety.

I miss you, Sean.

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Both the Philly and Tampa fumble recovery and returns were awesome as well as the Moorman hit....that hit on Crayton was key as was the one on Jerry Porter though he held on. The return of the blocked FG against Dallas was heavenly but I must say the best moment and moments have been this week hearing all the stories we have never heard...from Doughty, Danny Smith, Theisman....just amazing window stories into his amazing soul...I'm tearing up just thinking about them....AMAZING.

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When they were playing Philly and Todd Pinkston is running a post route, the ball is in the air, Pinkston looks and sees Taylor, and just stops because he knows Taylor is going to decleat him.

From college, my favorite moment is the FSU game from 2002 where Miami was nursing a 1 point lead with about 4 minutes to play, FSU throws a 15 yard pass to convert on 3rd down, and Taylor hits PK Sam and helicopters him, separating Sam from the ball. It was clearly a fumble as Sam had taken about 3 steps, but they ruled it incomplete. Either way, Taylor's ferocious hit got his team a huge stop.

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