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Sean Taylor's Spiritual Condition

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I cannot wait to play football with ST in heaven one day...

Dude, me and my friend were talking about that Wednesday! That is exciting. I knew there would be someone who would cause some trouble talking about being offended in here, and I thank everyone for keeping it under control. Sean clearly had a relationship with Christ before he passed, and because of this, we know he is in heaven, with Him. We can all take some solace in that.

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It sure is...It's going to be a beautiful thing. To get to see God, Jesus, I have my little brother who is in Heaven I can't wait to see him and my grandpa and now Sean Taylor.

It's going to be wonderful...

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"

1 Corinthians 2:9

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Great wisdom can be found outside the bible. I am not ready to dismiss religion, however, given the state of the world today (us vs. them) I think all organized religion needs to look at itself, and return to its basics. To call yourself a christian, and then to chastise someone for not sharing your beliefs, is the ultimate act of paganism. I am paraphrasing Mahatma Ghandi here because I could not find his orginal quote, and believe me I looked--"I would like Christians except that--so often, they are so unlike their Christ."

All truth is God's truth. There might be kernels of truth in other belief systems, just as nature itself points us to a creator. But, wisdom is not the point of Christianity in the sense that having it gives one a connection to God. One can have a great deal of knowledge (facts) and wisdom (the ability to put facts to use) and still not have a relationship with God. Christ's sacrificial death on behalf of all sinners (you, I and everyone else) is what makes a restored relationship with God possible.

Ghandi may have witnessed poor behavior (i.e., behavior inconsistent with Christian teaching) in Christians during his lifetime and that is definitely a shame. However, that doesn't invalidate the teachings of Christ. The questions for Ghandi should've been "Who is Jesus Christ? Do his claims have validity? Why should I believe him over other religious figures?" While it's understandable that the teachings of Christ became less attractive to him because of Christians who did a poor job of living them out, he stopped short in his quest for truth.

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don't understand what his new relationship with the "lord" has to do with this tragedy. How does him being religous or not make this any better or worse.

P.S. this is a football message board not a Religous board. I think we should keep religion out of this. I think it offends people.... Myself included.

Some people do. If the topic offends you don't click on it. By the heading it was obvious what was going to be discussed.

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Great wisdom can be found outside the bible. I am not ready to dismiss religion, however, given the state of the world today (us vs. them) I think all organized religion needs to look at itself, and return to its basics. To call yourself a christian, and then to chastise someone for not sharing your beliefs, is the ultimate act of paganism. I am paraphrasing Mahatma Ghandi here because I could not find his orginal quote, and believe me I looked--"I would like Christians except that--so often, they are so unlike their Christ."

You wouldn't be much of a believer in Christ if you agreed that other paths are correct, now would you? Particularly since the Bible makes it clear there is only one way to God, and that is through Christ.

As for being unlike Christ, that clearly is a problem and one that the Bible makes clear God takes very seriously (that would be the "do not take God's name in vain" commandment). But then we will never be exactly like Christ since, whether Christian or not, we are all sinners.

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All truth is God's truth. There might be kernels of truth in other belief systems, just as nature itself points us to a creator. But, wisdom is not the point of Christianity in the sense that having it gives one a connection to God. One can have a great deal of knowledge (facts) and wisdom (the ability to put facts to use) and still not have a relationship with God. Christ's sacrificial death on behalf of all sinners (you, I and everyone else) is what makes a restored relationship with God possible.

Ghandi may have witnessed poor behavior (i.e., behavior inconsistent with Christian teaching) in Christians during his lifetime and that is definitely a shame. However, that doesn't invalidate the teachings of Christ. The questions for Ghandi should've been "Who is Jesus Christ? Do his claims have validity? Why should I believe him over other religious figures?" While it's understandable that the teachings of Christ became less attractive to him because of Christians who did a poor job of living them out, he stopped short in his quest for truth.

Great post.

err and I just had to slip this in here :)

"Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord."

Jeremiah 9:23-24

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Did he also not say "When you do these things for the LEAST of my brethren, you do them for me." To love another is to love God.
Then why did Christ mention two commandments? Why not just say "Love one another"? It's because that's not all there is to it. You must love God AND love your fellow man. The ten commandments follow the same pattern - first 4 focus on God and the last 6 focus on loving your fellow man. Trying to ignore God and still think you are in His good graces is not a wise way to go. Unfortunately our feelings are not always an accurate indicator of what we should do - whether in life or in relationships or in our spiritual state.
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Great post.

err and I just had to slip this in here :)

"Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord."

Jeremiah 9:23-24

Very nice Scripture....

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Gibbs told the media Sean became a much better Christian and over the past year he hasn't missed a service at the Chapel for the players. I was also told in a recent interview he had a question came up about faith/God/death and he said "I dont fear death". I wish I could find this clip of him saying this.. if anyone has it I'm sure it would bring comfort to alot of people.

My apologies if this has already been posted in this thread, as I don't have the time to read the entire thing. But if you go to the Video section of ES, someone has a tribute video that incorporate the sound byte of him speaking about this.

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don't understand what his new relationship with the "lord" has to do with this tragedy. How does him being religous or not make this any better or worse.

P.S. this is a football message board not a Religous board. I think we should keep religion out of this. I think it offends people.... Myself included.

For those of us who are believers IT Matters, because if he is saved, then there is hope we will see him again in heaven. That's the reason of the hope that is in us.

As for you being offended, I am sorry if that offends you, but Sean Taylor was more than just a football player. I don't see anything wrong in discussing this, but the truth is unless we knew Taylor personally we may never have known the truth either which way.

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I feel this is the most important topic yet;(souls) religion has always been offensive to some because of belief, but the Word of God is Offensive because the truth is what it is the Truth. The truth only offend those who are living contrary to it. The only way to the Father is through the Son, but Jesus is more concern about souls unlike the groups of his time the pharisees and sadducees that sought the law but behaved as though their own religious rules were just as impotant as God's rules for living. Homework for those who care look up the word christian and disciple and you'll find an overwhelming differents.Then tell me whats more important to Jesus.

PS Christain is mentioned 3 times and Disciple 257 times pending translation KJV

I feel that many have chosen the Faith, but are not being Discipled

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I am not questioning the validty of Christ's teachings, just the hypocrysy of many of his followers. Lots of God fearing folk out there are mighty prejudiced, and mighty judgemental. Two traits that I find very un-Christ-like. I am sure all of you are good people, who like me, wish honor Sean's memory in the way they see fit, but like many of you I am ardently prepared to argue my beliefs. If Sean was a religious person, good for him. More religion, earlier, may have saved his life. If the guy who orginally objected to this thread wants to be offended by your discussion of religion? Good for him as well. It is his right as a Person and more importantly its his right as an ES member. Something we can agree on: God bless Sean and Go Skins!

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I feel this is the most important topic yet;(souls) religion has always been offensive to some because of belief, but the Word of God is Offensive because the truth is what it is the Truth. The truth only offend those who are living contrary to it. The only way to the Father is through the Son, but Jesus is more concern about souls unlike the groups of his time the pharisees and sadducees that sought the law but behaved as though their own religious rules were just as impotant as God's rules for living. Homework for those who care look up the word christian and disciple and you'll find an overwhelming differents.Then tell me whats more important to Jesus.

PS Christain is mentioned 3 times and Disciple 257 times pending translation KJV

I feel that many have chosen the Faith, but are not being Discipled

Exactly...and the truth is people are afraid to have to be responsible for their actions and to someone up above.

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