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Sean Taylor's Spiritual Condition

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....So, to say that there is but one way to God is correct. Jesus declared this to be the case. To imply that God is unjust in allowing only one way is shortsighted and selfish. God has lavished mercy on us all. To reject this gift of eternal life that God offers through the death of his Son is the height of arrogance.

It is not ARROGANT to not have been raised to believe that God's name is Jesus. How horribly judgmental of you! All the Jewish kids out there are at the height of arrogance???? Can you really mean to post something with implications so disgustingly offensive, inflammatory, and insulting?

Listen, I'll stop arguing with you, but your posts should be meant to COMFORT, not to EXCLUDE.

We are in this TOGETHER. Please, let us grieve TOGETHER.

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Duly noted. Sorry if you were offended by my expression of my faith in response to another's post. My intent was not to offend, but to inform. I felt that I was at least commonly courteous in all my posts. Sorry you didn't see it that way.

What Christians call the "Golden Rule" is an idea that has been promoted by several religions and has acceptance in the personal philosophies of atheists and agnostics as well. It's based on the inherited human trait of empathy, the ability to feel what others are feeling. We'd all be better human beings if we did this more often before we act. But, I think that, as a religious majority in the USA, Christians need to be especially careful and aware of their duty not to abuse their power.

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I'm failing to see how 'Christian abuse of power' figures into this discussion.

Okay, I'll explain.

For most Christians, their religion is a private matter. They keep it in their homes and in their churches. Many other seem to feel that their faith is something that needs to be put on display in public parks, in public buildings, and in public forums like this one. This is what I see as an abuse of power because it is only the knowledge that your beliefs aren't going to be shouted down by the majority that affords you the privilege.

You call it your "right" and not a privilege, but a right is an advantage that can be enjoyed by all.

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It is not ARROGANT to not have been raised to believe that God's name is Jesus. How horribly judgmental of you! All the Jewish kids out there are at the height of arrogance???? Can you really mean to post something with implications so disgustingly offensive, inflammatory, and insulting?

Listen, I'll stop arguing with you, but your posts should be meant to COMFORT, not to EXCLUDE.

We are in this TOGETHER. Please, let us grieve TOGETHER.

Being raised in a certain belief system does not necessarily preclude that one will carry those beliefs into adulthood. I know plenty of people who've walked away from what they've been taught and raised to believe. I wasn't raised in a Christian home, either. I began to believe in Christ during early adolesence.

My argument is not that those who are ignorant are arrogant, but those who clearly see what God has done but still choose to reject his mercy. I admit, looking back at that post, I can see where it comes across as harsh.

The truth remains that what Christ taught is very polarizing and divisive. It was the same while Christ walked the earth. In fact, the religious leaders of his day sought to have him killed because of his claims of Godhood. But it isn't right to tell someone something comforting and deprive them of the truth, especially when that truth involves their eternal destiny. To lead someone to believe a lie just to spare his or her feelings is not only dishonest, it's downright cruel.

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"In every religion, there are those who would drape themselves in the mantle of belief and faith only to distort it’s most sacred teachings -- preaching intolerance and resorting to violence" Hillary Clinton

Did you just quote the woman who can't tell the truth about voting to support the war? TWICE!!

Not only is she wishy washy on everything in life, but recently she said that there is more than one way into heaven. She's calls herself a Christian. So, she just said her own beliefs were incorrect. She also mentioned something that the bible doesn't. Tolerance. That's a PC word that's been made up by wimps and liberals so they can feel good. God is a jealous God and he does not tolerate worshipping idols.

Quoting an idiot that believe that women have the right to murder children is not going to help in a "spritual" debate. She could be the mother of the antichrist. :)

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Did you just quote the woman who can't tell the truth about voting to support the war? TWICE!!

Not only is she wishy washy on everything in life, but recently she said that there is more than one way into heaven. She's calls herself a Christian. So, she just said her own beliefs were incorrect. She also mentioned something that the bible doesn't. Tolerance. That's a PC word that's been made up by wimps and liberals so they can feel good. God is a jealous God and he does not tolerate worshipping idols.

Quoting an idiot that believe that women have the right to murder children is not going to help in a "spritual" debate. She could be the mother of the antichrist. :)

I'm not thrilled by any of the candidates, but anyone who inspires this much hate from the intolerant among us deserves my vote.:D

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don't understand what his new relationship with the "lord" has to do with this tragedy. How does him being religous or not make this any better or worse.

P.S. this is a football message board not a Religous board. I think we should keep religion out of this. I think it offends people.... Myself included.

This is a message board for various topics....says so in the description..

Stop wearing your feelings on your sleeve.

These folks had questions about Sean's spiritual condition. As a christian, we believe a person goes to heaven based upon whether he has accpeted Christ.

Sounds like from what JG has said that Sean came to know the Lord and had changed his life.... II Corinthians 5:17.

Sorry you are offended but really.....

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If Sean Taylor were Jewish, would you be here saying it's too bad he's burning in hell?

That's the attitude that offends people.

Christianity has become so muddled these days. How could people really claim to know how God decides who gets into heaven?

Sure, it's right in the gospel, "No one gets to the Father but through me." But if you would take off the blinders, you would realize that you can live a Christ-like life and never even know Jesus existed.

A soul is more than "Do you believe in Jesus? Check yes or no." but I'll leave the qualifications for Heaven entry up to God.

Even if it were documented that Sean Taylor were athiest or Jewish or Buddhist, I hope no one here would claim that God can't grant entry to heaven on a case-by-case basis if he would so like.

The title of this thread implies that the "spiritual condition" of non-Christians dooms them all to hell.

Even if you think that, don't post that here. Christianity and elitism have nothing in common. Somehow, unbaptized babies in limbo, non-believers burning in hell, and this elitist crap has been assimilated into Christian doctrine.

My thoughts? None of us are getting out of earth alive. God knew that when he made us. We're coming home to him. WE. All of us whom he created. We're his CHILDREN!!!! Yeah, even the non-Christian ones!

I don't know what form heaven takes, or if the individual even exists, or if we just become on big collective ball of spirituality and emotion and love. I don't care what it is, but I know that good people are there.

Don't ever let someone tell you that you are or not saved. God will tell you in your heart. He won't make it super-obvious maybe.....but at your most trying times, he will tell you.

Love one another as I have loved you. THAT rule over-rode everything. Regardless of commandments, or fasting, or whatever, if you follow that ONE rule, you're all set. Sean Taylor gave his life to his family. He used his love for his family as his strength to defend himself against armed men using only a machete.

It's In Hoc Signo Vinces all over again.

Sean's in Heaven guys. Just think about it really hard. You will feel it. :smile:

You pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. The only one who should be concerned with whether or not I go to heaven is me. It's really none of anyone else's business. I can't stand when someone is worried over a whether or not a perfect stranger is saved or not.

On a lighter note, I always love when bible thumpers ask me, "Have you found Jesus?" I always tell them, "I didn't even know he was lost."

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