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Sean Taylor's Spiritual Condition

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I know that Sean Taylor was a tight-lipped, guarded and private individual. There are but a few recorded interviews with him that survive. For this reason, I may not get much of a response to the question I'm about to ask, but I would like to get insight if any exists. Does anyone know what Sean's spiritual/religious beliefs were at the time of his death?

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Gibbs told the media Sean became a much better Christian and over the past year he hasn't missed a service at the Chapel for the players. I was also told in a recent interview he had a question came up about faith/God/death and he said "I dont fear death". I wish I could find this clip of him saying this.. if anyone has it I'm sure it would bring comfort to alot of people.

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I know that Sean Taylor was a tight-lipped, guarded and private individual. There are but a few recorded interviews with him that survive. For this reason, I may not get much of a response to the question I'm about to ask, but I would like to get insight if any exists. Does anyone know what Sean's spiritual/religious beliefs were at the time of his death?

Joe Gibbs mentioned as the reason for Sean Taylor's changed behavior was his relationship with "The Lord".

That should answer your question...

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I personally believe that Taylor was saved and knew Jesus Christ as Lord. I mean that's what the chaplin said and that's what Coach Gibbs also said. Gibbs is such a great spiritual leader on and off the field. So in my mind i truly believe that he is in a better place....heaven!

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Not the exact quote but Sean said,he did not fear death and that God had been very good to him.I think some of Sean's father's words pretty much indicated his belief that Sean had a relationship with God.I believe Sean's father's relatshionship with God as well as several Redskin coaches and players had a very profound influence on Sean.

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I personally believe that Taylor was saved and knew Jesus Christ as Lord. I mean that's what the chaplin said and that's what Coach Gibbs also said. Gibbs is such a great spiritual leader on and off the field. So in my mind i truly believe that he is in a better place....heaven!

I'm pretty sure Gibbs would not say something that he didn't honestly believe about the spiritual condition of another man. If this is truly the case, and Sean knows Christ, then the tragedy is only for those he left behind, and not for him. That's very comforting to hear. I'm still looking for the transcript/audio file/video file where Gibbs or the team chaplain affirms this. Any help in that direction would be appreciated.

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don't understand what his new relationship with the "lord" has to do with this tragedy. How does him being religous or not make this any better or worse.

P.S. this is a football message board not a Religous board. I think we should keep religion out of this. I think it offends people.... Myself included.

Well, we (Christians )believe in Christ.He is our savior from our sins.Believing in and having a persaonal relation ship with Christ, is the only way to Heaven.You have the choice to not read this and comment if this bothers you .He had a question and was looking for an answer.

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don't understand what his new relationship with the "lord" has to do with this tragedy. How does him being religous or not make this any better or worse.

P.S. this is a football message board not a Religous board. I think we should keep religion out of this. I think it offends people.... Myself included.

No intention to offend, just find facts. I do feel that this topic is relevant to the situation at hand. You may not believe that one's stance on a particular set of beliefs has any bearing on their eternal destiny. I do (and with good reason). PM me if you want specifics. I'd be glad to tell you what I believe and why.

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don't understand what his new relationship with the "lord" has to do with this tragedy. How does him being religous or not make this any better or worse.

P.S. this is a football message board not a Religous board. I think we should keep religion out of this. I think it offends people.... Myself included.

Wow. Where to start with this one.

So, you see the word spiritual, and you click on this thread even though you are the type that gets offended by Christianity? Uh, does anything else need to be said? Why click on something you know you get offended by?

Next, if this is football ONLY, then we shouldn't talk about Sean's life. We, according to you, should only talk about how to fill his void.

And the Lord has a lot to do with this tragedy. If he accepted Christ as his savior, then he's in heaven with him. That is how this makes it better or worse.

If you get offended by this thread, then don't listen to anything from his funeral next week. They might mention the G word. I wouldn't want to offend you. Heaven forbid if they mention Jesus.

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don't understand what his new relationship with the "lord" has to do with this tragedy. How does him being religous or not make this any better or worse.

P.S. this is a football message board not a Religous board. I think we should keep religion out of this. I think it offends people.... Myself included.

Lighten up Nancy. SOME of us will find solace in the salvation of his immortal soul. SOME of us don't believe that this entire universe was created by sheer accident. SOME of us believe there is a Divine entity watching over us. And if you're offended..........I couldn't care less. Nobody forced you to read/respond to this thread.

Not exactly sure how you can't equate spirituality with death anyway. You honestly thought this wouldn't cross people's minds?


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Wow. Where to start with this one.

So, you see the word spiritual, and you click on this thread even though you are the type that gets offended by Christianity? Uh, does anything else need to be said? Why click on something you know you get offended by?

Next, if this is football ONLY, then we shouldn't talk about Sean's life. We, according to you, should only talk about how to fill his void.

And the Lord has a lot to do with this tragedy. If he accepted Christ as his savior, then he's in heaven with him. That is how this makes it better or worse.

If you get offended by this thread, then don't listen to anything from his funeral next week. They might mention the G word. I wouldn't want to offend you. Heaven forbid if they mention Jesus.

If Sean Taylor were Jewish, would you be here saying it's too bad he's burning in hell?

That's the attitude that offends people.

Christianity has become so muddled these days. How could people really claim to know how God decides who gets into heaven?

Sure, it's right in the gospel, "No one gets to the Father but through me." But if you would take off the blinders, you would realize that you can live a Christ-like life and never even know Jesus existed.

A soul is more than "Do you believe in Jesus? Check yes or no." but I'll leave the qualifications for Heaven entry up to God.

Even if it were documented that Sean Taylor were athiest or Jewish or Buddhist, I hope no one here would claim that God can't grant entry to heaven on a case-by-case basis if he would so like.

The title of this thread implies that the "spiritual condition" of non-Christians dooms them all to hell.

Even if you think that, don't post that here. Christianity and elitism have nothing in common. Somehow, unbaptized babies in limbo, non-believers burning in hell, and this elitist crap has been assimilated into Christian doctrine.

My thoughts? None of us are getting out of earth alive. God knew that when he made us. We're coming home to him. WE. All of us whom he created. We're his CHILDREN!!!! Yeah, even the non-Christian ones!

I don't know what form heaven takes, or if the individual even exists, or if we just become on big collective ball of spirituality and emotion and love. I don't care what it is, but I know that good people are there.

Don't ever let someone tell you that you are or not saved. God will tell you in your heart. He won't make it super-obvious maybe.....but at your most trying times, he will tell you.

Love one another as I have loved you. THAT rule over-rode everything. Regardless of commandments, or fasting, or whatever, if you follow that ONE rule, you're all set. Sean Taylor gave his life to his family. He used his love for his family as his strength to defend himself against armed men using only a machete.

It's In Hoc Signo Vinces all over again.

Sean's in Heaven guys. Just think about it really hard. You will feel it. :smile:

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ThePreciating- "Love one another as I have loved you. THAT rule over-rode everything. Regardless of commandments, or fasting, or whatever, if you follow that ONE rule, you're all set."

I dont want to get into a religious debate (which i probably will be) but thats not the "one rule"

36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[c] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Matthew 22:36-38

To love others like He loved us is important but it clearly hangs on loving your God first and foremost

I hope Sean did accept the Lord into his heart but in the end it is not my judgement.

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ThePreciating- "Love one another as I have loved you. THAT rule over-rode everything. Regardless of commandments, or fasting, or whatever, if you follow that ONE rule, you're all set."

I dont want to get into a religious debate (which i probably will be) but thats not the "one rule"

36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[c] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Matthew 22:36-38

To love others like He loved us is important but it clearly hangs on loving your God first and foremost

I hope Sean did accept the Lord into his heart but in the end it is not my judgement.

Did he also not say "When you do these things for the LEAST of my brethren, you do them for me." To love another is to love God.

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I thought the father said they were Seventh-Day Adventist

I don't know exactly what they believe, but its an offshoot of the Protestant beliefs

I am a Seventh-day Adventist and I can say that we believe on the Bible only. The fact that we are saved by Christ's mercy alone is at the forefront of our beliefs. I heard that there at the end of his life Sean became a vegetarian. While we don't believe that becoming vegetarian is necessary for salvation, we believe that God wants us to treat our bodies as a temple, and that means living as healthfully as possible. Maybe Sean's becoming a vegetarian meant that he was returning to his religious roots, which is a very good sign.

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don't understand what his new relationship with the "lord" has to do with this tragedy. How does him being religous or not make this any better or worse.

P.S. this is a football message board not a Religous board. I think we should keep religion out of this. I think it offends people.... Myself included.

This post was offensive.

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