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Redskins: One of the BEST teams in the NFL? Yes!


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Again' date=' this is a little weird to talk about...but whatever our long-term plan for the secondary was is in total ruin right now.

A few weeks ago, we had three young, healthy number one picks. A good veteran. And some veteran death.

Now, we have Landry and some veteran death.

I think we probably are going to be forced to deal with the secondary in the off-season, which is a disaster considering the needs we have up front.

But, Rogers is probably going to take until the end of '08 to make a full recovery and who knows if he will ever be the same.

Taylor is...well....you know.

Springs probably won't return next year.

Smoot is basically a backup at this point.

And none of the rest are really long-term solutions to anything. I think Doughty could play in a secondary if he was surrounded by a strong cast. I don't think he can play full-time with average or below-average players.[/quote']

I don't see your logic here. Yes, losing a talented player like Taylor is a big hit, but it doesn't make the plan "a total ruin".

What makes you think Rogers won't be ready to play by the beginning of the season next year? Certainly there can be some setbacks, but being a young guy he can bounce back.

Certainly there is a chance that Springs could not return, but that's not a sure thing, especially if Rogers has a setback. Personally, I expected that the Skins would probably draft a CB at some point next year anyways.

As for Smoot, lets just say that I didn't see Romo sits to pee throwing his direction all that often. He can still start in this league.

As for Doughty, he's a young guy still learning the game. I expect that he will get better with experience, which he's going to get plenty of until the end of the season.


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"You're only as good as your record." We're a 5 - 6 team at the moment. Woulda/coulda/shoulda means nothing, in the end, you either do it or you don't. So far, the Skins haven't done much.

Here's hoping to a repeat of 2005.

And not only that, we're squaring off against the Bills in a battle for which team can claim to be the best 6-6 team in the NFL.

Now just to post a disclaimer: if other 5-6 teams in Denver, Houston, Minnesota, Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia or Arizona wins, or if 6-5 teams like San Diego or Tennessee lose, then we'd have to have playoff system to determing the "best" 6-6 team. Notice I didn't include Detroit, also at 6-5, because we hold the tie-breaker on them.:silly:

So, a win this week would definitely help your argument. That and four more victories might get us the playoffs. Otherwise, not much to talk about here.

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The 'Skins under Gibbs have just been "snake-bit" for some reason.

It is not just Gibbs. This team has been 'snake bit' since 1992. Everyone in the world attributes it to us just becoming a perennially bad team. However, I see it differently. Too many strange things have happened, up to and including STs passing. Just think about it......

- the year we started 7-1 with Norv one year, and then failed to make the playoffs.

- Schottenheimer starts 0-5, then wins 5 straight to put us in position, then falters down the stretch.

- Spurrier failing miserably despite his (dare I say) unbelievable track record at the next level down.

- Joe Gibbs comes out of retirement as a hall of famer, only to partake in the same kind of bad luck that has plagued this team since he left.

Now, I know many of you will be itching to say.....'but it was Norv, or Spurrier' or anything else that would indicate it was ONE PERSON fault at that time. However, I think this unusually bad luck may be too thick for ANYONE to fix. I remember hearing some wild story about a group of Native Americans putting a curse on our team shortly after we won our last Superbowl. At the time that concept sounded ridiculously funny to me. But, low and behold, JG retired shortly after that......and then 15 years of unbelievable bad luck followed. Now I look back at that 'curse' rumor, and want to go find a medicine man to help us remove it. I just can't shake the feeling that being a fan of our once glorious franchise has been nothing more than painful for the longest time. I can't NOT be a fan, so, am I in for a lifetime of torture? I don't know, but something needs to be done. And, if Dan goes out and does all of the things that seem right in the world of football......hires a GM, gets another big name coach, makes wise trades, etc, etc........will what we see on Sundays really change for the better? Honestly, I don't know. The powers that be seem to only toy with us and tease us with big talent, and good starts......

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Sean Taylor is gone and it's not very tactful of you to bring up his name in a conversation like this. Sean was a hall of fame player, he could have won us the cowboys game along with so many games in the future as he was on the verge of becoming the best safety the league has ever seen. Can you please not mention the "if we had Taylor, we would have won" thing again. Everytime we have a blown play in the secondary one could say if we had Taylor that wouldn't have happened. But we don't have taylor anymore, the redskins are a taylorless team forever. I'm really going to break down if I see something else like that again. We all know we lost the most talented player on our team. Don't shove it in our faces please. :cry:

What did he do wrong? How is he being not tactful?

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I don't think Sean would like that additude, he would want us to be the fanatics that we are. I would love to go out and win this for ST

I effing hate it when people say that.

You know what else Sean wouldn't like? His daughter being fatherless.

I couldn't care less about football right now, but with Taylor, we were hoisting a Lombardi next year or the year after.

Now I've lost all faith.

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Cowboys outplayed us. They were the 2nd team to outplay us. packers, we should've won, but still.
as a cowboy fan my take may be different than yours, but i feel that the redskins talent wise are among the top 5 teams out there. the skins are similar to last years cowboy team. every week is a defensive struggle and the defense will have games where they are sluggish etc. the defense will also get worn down. in the skins case rather quickly, so much emphasis is put on the defense to win they often overplay themselves early in the season, then the injuries hit. on offense gibbs tries not to put too much pressure on campbell to win the game, thereby throwing short middle and sideline routes that are safe and occasionally lobbing one downfield to keep the defense honest. as campbell progresses the offense will become more explosive. when campbell gains the confidence to attack the defense and dare the defense to blitz the skins offense will be explosive. the receivers are in place, good r.b. great t.e. above average receivers. until then you can beat the best and lose to the worst team. but gibbs is doing the right thing, until then. as a defense i would sit back and let campbell peck away and he will eventually throw me the ball before he completes 12 passes to reach the end zone. in time he will get their in 2-3 passes. so in summary they may be top 5 but also bottom 5.
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The Cowboys are pretty much outplaying everyone right now. The fact that we were able to hang with them for most of the game is quite an accomplishment. Granted, it isn't as nice as a win, but it does give me hope for this team.


Well Minnesota held the offense to 17 points, it was the turnover Minnesota had that led Dallas to return it for a TD.

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Well Minnesota held the offense to 17 points, it was the turnover Minnesota had that led Dallas to return it for a TD.
which is like saying that the eagles almost beat new england however that does not diminish the fact that the pats may be the best team in the history of the nfl.
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I'm just going to take Sean Taylor's advice from this point on.....

"Those games are over, let's move on to the next."

I still think we pull an "05" with a better shot at a SB matchup.

i also believe the redskins will play with a renewed vigor. i also think that the team will take a few more injuries in the process, which would not bode well for playoffs.
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As of now, I have absolutely no feel for where the Redskins are going as a team. And it honestly surprises me that anybody else could feel any different. While emotion is a powerful tool, the Redskins schedule within the next 2 games, it being this late in the season, the nature of this murder, it's hard to imagine how the Skins are going to put it all together in such a short period of time.

If you look at past teams that had to deal with emotional trauma (such as the Minnesota Vikings dealing with the death of DT Korey Stringer, or the Saints and the Katrina aftermath), the successful ones had time to deal with their grief and put together a gameplan. The Redskins don't have that luxury.

I won't say that the 2007 Redskins are done, but it's very difficult to imagine how they will deal and somehow get into the playoffs.

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honestly saying that the redskins are one of the best teams in the NFL is simply ignorant. i am a die hard and feel they could easily be 10 and 1 but the fact is we are 5 and 6. i feel like we could be a top team but we cant claim that until we start winning the close ones and playing through bad luck.

but so everyone knows I am normally very optimistic about the skins and i say how we could be 10 and 1 all the time. my dad always comes back bby saaying good teams win the close games. we havent done that so far this season but i see that changing due to all the experience the team and coaches have had in close games and the redskins are going to be playing inspired fball.

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Even if we win this week, you can hardly expect them to put a string of victories together that'll take them to the play-offs. I think we all got a little too excited this year thinking our time had finally arrived, but in truth how far did we really expect to go with Jason Campbell still learning the position. Before Sean Taylor's death I felt we needed to retool the offensive line in the off season, but by then who knows what other weakness will be exposed. Do we still have a first round draft pick?

I say forget the play-offs and let's reload and comeback big next year! Campbell will feel more comfortable and we've already found a #3 receiver in Keenan McCardell. Now, all we need is a back-up to Rock Cartright and a huge offensive lineman who isn't injury prone, ie, Jon Jansen.

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Even if we win this week, you can hardly expect them to put a string of victories together that'll take them to the play-offs. I think we all got a little too excited this year thinking our time had finally arrived, but in truth how far did we really expect to go with Jason Campbell still learning the position. Before Sean Taylor's death I felt we needed to retool the offensive line in the off season, but by then who knows what other weakness will be exposed. Do we still have a first round draft pick?

I say forget the play-offs and let's reload and comeback big next year! Campbell will feel more comfortable and we've already found a #3 receiver in Keenan McCardell. Now, all we need is a back-up to Rock Cartright and a huge offensive lineman who isn't injury prone, ie; Jon Jansen.

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The level of talent we have in this team has never been in question. This team is loaded with enough talent to be 9-1. But theres a difference between having a high threshold and being consistent. The Packers and the Cowboys are consistent. One game our defense is an utter failure, the next our offense fumbles 4 times in 1 quarter. There just isnt any consistency, in any facet of this team.

Its not just enough to have a lot of potential, you have to be consistent as well. Remember, it only takes one loss to be eliminated from the playoffs.

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Good freaking lord, not 3 days after one of our players passes, and we are back to the coulda shoulda wouldof posts, give it a rest, at least until next week.

I for one am glad to see a thread of this sort. There's been nothing but gloom and doom around here.:doh: It's understandable and I'm still sad about it but I'm even more pissed than I thought I'd be. The initial shock is over. Tragic...yes, life altering for me ...no. And the coulda woulda shoulda you'll always have that with anything. Nice thread! Let's kick some Bills' ass.:applause:

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