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Redskins: One of the BEST teams in the NFL? Yes!


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Look at who is playing tonight. The Cowboys and the Packers. Two 10-1 teams, both with strong Super Bowl possibilities.

The Redskins outplayed both of these teams except for some big plays and incredibly bad luck at the worst possible moment. Change one play in either of those games and the Redskins win both.

I don't know what it is about the 'Skins under Gibbs. Yeah, I'm no big fan of his ultra-ultra-ultra-conservative "try-to-kill-the-clock-with-a-7-point-lead-and-2-quarters-left" style, but that isn't it.

The 'Skins under Gibbs have just been "snake-bit" for some reason. All the key injuries every year, the games lost because of one single play, the fact that when the 'Skins fumble it bounces right to the opposition and when the opposition fumbles, it bounces right back to them (Romo sits to pee fumbled 3 times against us and every time it bounced perfectly back into his hands on a dead run - luckiest QB alive).

And now this latest tragedy. For such a devout religious guy, Gibbs has some serious bad luck. Don't know why. It's just weird.

It's sad to be a 'skins fan and to watch us be ahead by 10 points with 4 minutes left and just know that something - some freak, crazy play will happen and we will lose.

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I agree. As frustrating as the season was going before Taylor's death, we were actually playing pretty good football. If you take away the NE game, we have had a chance to win every other single game we've played in. And the losses we've experienced haven't been so much because the other teams outplayed us, but because we got sloppy, made mistakes, dropped passes, or beat ourselves.

Remember, we've been on borrowed time ever since we lost the starting right side of our O-line in weeks 1 & 2. My worry is that with the struggles on offense and seeing how differently the defense plays without Taylor (who our D is built around), the coaches are going to want to rebuild from the ground up, both on offense and defense.

I hate to have to go through that, because I really think we are a good team and right on the cusp of being legitimate contenders. Bring in new coaches or changing our schemes dramatically is just going to make it longer until we can really compete - and it's going to drive our good players away. I think if we can get our line back healthy for next season, we really have the makings of a great offense. Campbell has had his struggles, but he's also been getting a lot better. He has the tools to be a great QB, and if we would throw downfield more, his accuracy and timing would improve. Aside from him, Portis is still only 26, Moss and El are right around there, and we've got one of the best TEs in the league in Cooley.

I would really like to see what we can get out of Anthony Mix. If we can develop him into a decent option as a slot receiver, based on his size alone, he should be able to help and maybe avoid having to draft a receiver in an early round.

Taylor can never be replaced, but sooner or later we're going to have to try. I say take the absolute best free safety (with the best range and speed) we can find in the offseason, either through the draft or free agency. I just don't think Doughty, Pierson, or Fox can do the job. Then, use an early round pick on a defensive end, bring in a good veteran corner if Springs leaves, and use the rest of the picks to bring in a potential O-lineman or CBs (you can never have enough).

If we lose another game or two and its clear we aren't going anywhere this season, I would really like to see us bring up some of the practice squad players and see how then do in real game action, like Alex Buzbee.

Sorry I kinda got off topic here, but I think I almost agree with what you are saying. I wouldn't say right now we're one of the best teams, because we can't finish games and overcome our mistakes like the friggin' cowgirls can, but we are close to being one of the best teams if we can get everything firing on all cylinders.

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Cowboys outplayed us. They were the 2nd team to outplay us. packers, we should've won, but still.

Sorry but its simple. T.O. wouldn't have had half as many TDs had Sean Taylor been there. If you don't believe me then do some research on T.O. performances over the last for years against the Redskins when Sean Taylor was on the same field. I know, I know.......but it really is that simple.

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Cowboys outplayed us. They were the 2nd team to outplay us. packers, we should've won, but still.

The Cowboys are pretty much outplaying everyone right now. The fact that we were able to hang with them for most of the game is quite an accomplishment. Granted, it isn't as nice as a win, but it does give me hope for this team.


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Good freaking lord, not 3 days after one of our players passes, and we are back to the coulda shoulda wouldof posts, give it a rest, at least until next week.
trust me when i say this...i am just as hurt as you are, but threads like this are going to help me through it, yes i still shed tears over taylor, but i am still going to support my team and hope to see them in the playoffs, i hope you do the same
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Good freaking lord, not 3 days after one of our players passes, and we are back to the coulda shoulda wouldof posts, give it a rest, at least until next week.

It's about time this place started getting a little of that unbridled optimism back. We'll have Sean in the back of our minds for a long, long time... but life is going to have to resume eventually.

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As someone who has recently lost his father completely unexpected (pulminary embolism), I know all about the pain of loss. I also know that life goes on. I am sad for Sean Taylor, his family and those that loved him, but I refuse to stare at the wall for weeks as a result.

YMMV, but I've mourned. Time to move on with a positive attitude. Assuming Sean is in Heaven right now, he probably feels sorry for us bums left behind here.

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Good freaking lord, not 3 days after one of our players passes, and we are back to the coulda shoulda wouldof posts, give it a rest, at least until next week.

Football is still going to happen, and we're still going to talk about it. Not meaning to be harsh. Everyone deals with things differently. If you're not ready to talk or read football, it's understandable. Best think I can suggest is don't come into threads you aren't ready for.

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Who really cares how our season has gone. It means nothing.

Lots of us care. The greatest honor you can pay to your lost is to press forward and honor their memory with your actions. Anyone truly worth loving would want you to move forward with courage and embrace the life you are blessed with.

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Again, this is a little weird to talk about...but whatever our long-term plan for the secondary was is in total ruin right now.

A few weeks ago, we had three young, healthy number one picks. A good veteran. And some veteran death.

Now, we have Landry and some veteran death.

I think we probably are going to be forced to deal with the secondary in the off-season, which is a disaster considering the needs we have up front.

But, Rogers is probably going to take until the end of '08 to make a full recovery and who knows if he will ever be the same.

Taylor is...well....you know.

Springs probably won't return next year.

Smoot is basically a backup at this point.

And none of the rest are really long-term solutions to anything. I think Doughty could play in a secondary if he was surrounded by a strong cast. I don't think he can play full-time with average or below-average players.

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I guess we can over look the super close calls against the Dolphins, Eagles, Jets and Arizona?

Yes. Kinda like overlooking the scare in Buffalo for the Cowboys.

The OP is exactly right. We are a few plays from leading the division, and you can lay whatever negativity on it you want. It doesn't change the fact.

This is a really good team, with horrible luck in 2007.

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As much as I hate to quote him, I agree with Bill Parcells "you are what your record says you are" Yes, we outplayed every team on the schedule except the Pats, but there are reasons we lost all 6 of those games, and those reasons say that we are not one of the best teams in the NFL. I would say that we have the talent to be one of the best teams, but the best teams don't fumble 4 times in a half, blow coverages against the best reciever on the other team and the like. I feel like we could very easily be 10-1 right now, but we could also just as easily be 2-9. These things that we see as "minor" and "correctable" are the very things that separate the bad teams from the good teams, and the good teams from the elite teams at this level. Until we get better at these things we think of as "small details" we cannot be considered one of the best teams in the league.

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As much as I hate to quote him, I agree with Bill Parcells "you are what your record says you are" Yes, we outplayed every team on the schedule except the Pats, but there are reasons we lost all 6 of those games, and those reasons say that we are not one of the best teams in the NFL. I would say that we have the talent to be one of the best teams, but the best teams don't fumble 4 times in a half, blow coverages against the best reciever on the other team and the like. I feel like we could very easily be 10-1 right now, but we could also just as easily be 2-9. These things that we see as "minor" and "correctable" are the very things that separate the bad teams from the good teams, and the good teams from the elite teams at this level. Until we get better at these things we think of as "small details" we cannot be considered one of the best teams in the league.

I couldn't have said it any better.

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Sorry but its simple. T.O. wouldn't have had half as many TDs had Sean Taylor been there. If you don't believe me then do some research on T.O. performances over the last for years against the Redskins when Sean Taylor was on the same field. I know, I know.......but it really is that simple.

Sean Taylor is gone and it's not very tactful of you to bring up his name in a conversation like this. Sean was a hall of fame player, he could have won us the cowboys game along with so many games in the future as he was on the verge of becoming the best safety the league has ever seen. Can you please not mention the "if we had Taylor, we would have won" thing again. Everytime we have a blown play in the secondary one could say if we had Taylor that wouldn't have happened. But we don't have taylor anymore, the redskins are a taylorless team forever. I'm really going to break down if I see something else like that again. We all know we lost the most talented player on our team. Don't shove it in our faces please. :cry:

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