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Wilbon tries to rebound this morning


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Although Mr. Wilbon has tried to rebound (Get back some of his readers) this morning his column places him closer to the edge of the well to do attitude and even closer to the attitude of a man trying to walk in another man's shoes. However, he gets paid well to try and do that. AMERICA, God's shed his grace on thee:

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What exactly did he say wrong yesterday?

Yesterday he began his column by saying he was not surprised by the shooting death of Sean Taylor and more than anything I percieved it with bad taste were this morning he superceded his same sentiment by letting the reader know that this column would not be about Saens exploits on the field but about the other aspects of his life, which to me was better thab yesterday. Just one man's opinion.

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Yesterday he began his column by saying he was not surprised by the shooting death of Sean Taylor and more than anything I percieved it with bad taste were this morning he superceded his same sentiment by letting the reader know that this column would not be about Saens exploits on the field but about the other aspects of his life, which to me was better thab yesterday. Just one man's opinion.


Funny thing is I used to live to read the Post to get my Redskins news from afar. Today I am not even registered to read it anymore. The news for me comes from here, this site.

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Yesterday he began his column by saying he was not surprised by the shooting death of Sean Taylor and more than anything I percieved it with bad taste were this morning he superceded his same sentiment by letting the reader know that this column would not be about Saens exploits on the field but about the other aspects of his life, which to me was better thab yesterday. Just one man's opinion.

So you are upset because wilbon said he was not suprised this happened? I see.

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So you are upset because wilbon said he was not suprised this happened? I see.

Upset no, but a little angry about the timing of his personal view to the public in the same city the guy played in. I don't think you get the same comments from homer reporters in other cities. Yesterday was a very sensitive day and he should have respected that for all.

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Does it really matter what he says anymore. Because of the grief (some being extremely excessive) people on this board don't care what he says anymore and will just interpret as he is just some awful creature who is taken pleasure in Sean Taylor death or that is just mad at Taylor because he did talk to the media or mad because he works for that evil Washington Post.

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Does it really matter what he says anymore. Because of the grief (some being extremely excessive) people on this board don't care what he says anymore and will just interpret as he is just some awful creature who is taken pleasure in Sean Taylor death or that is just mad at Taylor because he did talk to the media or mad because he works for that evil Washington Post.

Personally, I don't know who Mr. Wilbon is. I passed by him at a golf tournament and he seemed to be a nice guy but he wrote and expressed his view too soon and created the wrong type of reporting for the very volitale situation. Today he did better.

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I cant imagine being upset over what Wilbon wrote. People are sooo gay about this stuff. He wrote the truth yesterday - If you were not shocked ST was shot, then you are either incredibly naive or just plain stupid. Sure, its terrible and I am upset as well but in no way was I suprised that he died by gun violence.

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I think what some people missed by not hearing Wilbons original comments, was that he made a public snap judgment about a guy he knew nothing about. He made himself look like an ass and it was a pleasure to watch him squirm lastnight on ESPN and try to back peddle a little.

Wilbon assumed that because Sean had a few minor scrapes with the law, that he was some sort of thug... ala Pac Man/Ray Lewis... which could not be further from the truth. He assumed because of that stereotype that how could you not expect Sean to be in a dangerous situation like the one he was in.

Problem is, Sean was not out clubbing, making it rain with his posse and got gunned down on the street.

Sean was sleeping in his home, with his fiance and daughter. He was gunned down for no apparent reason. Wilbon missed that and was way off base in his assumption about another human being and pretty much pasted Sean in the typical black male stereotype.

Hopefully Wilbon learned something here. He is one of the few reporters I like on ESPN.

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I cant imagine being upset over what Wilbon wrote. People are sooo gay about this stuff. He wrote the truth yesterday - If you were not shocked ST was shot, then you are either incredibly naive or just plain stupid. Sure, its terrible and I am upset as well but in no way was I suprised that he died by gun violence.


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I cant imagine being upset over what Wilbon wrote. People are sooo gay about this stuff. He wrote the truth yesterday - If you were not shocked ST was shot, then you are either incredibly naive or just plain stupid. Sure, its terrible and I am upset as well but in no way was I suprised that he died by gun violence.

What part his "violent and storied" past makes you assume he would be gunned down?

I think you are sterotyping a man you knew nothing about.

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I think what some people missed by not hearing Wilbons original comments, was that he made a public snap judgment about a guy he knew nothing about.


Wilbon assumed that because Sean had a few minor scrapes with the law, that he was some sort of thug... ala Pac Man/Ray Lewis... which could not be further from the truth.

Wait, hold up. You're getting on Wilbon for writing up his assumptions on a guy he knew nothing about?

What do you know about Sean's private life? Where exactly was Wilbon incorrect?

He's stating his opinion based on the factual evidence laid by Taylor's past. The truth is that no one knew what Taylor was like in his private life, and that includes you, me, Wilbon, and just about everyone else outside of ST's circle.

Don't jump on the guy for having an opinion based on what we actually knew about Sean, especially when you don't know the truth yourself. :2cents:

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People - it is not the sentiment of what Wilbon wrote, it was the timing. He wrote that hours after it was known that Sean was shot, and unfortunately, only hours before his eventual death. These kind of opinions are not only controversial, but at a time like this, are VERY insensitive.

Its called TACT, people.

Upset no, but a little angry about the timing of his personal view to the public in the same city the guy played in. I don't think you get the same comments from homer reporters in other cities. Yesterday was a very sensitive day and he should have respected that for all.

Don't waste your time with him - you will get nowhere.

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I cant imagine being upset over what Wilbon wrote. People are sooo gay about this stuff. He wrote the truth yesterday - If you were not shocked ST was shot, then you are either incredibly naive or just plain stupid. Sure, its terrible and I am upset as well but in no way was I suprised that he died by gun violence.

What Mr. Wilbon doesn't mention is what Sean was doing this year (holding bake sales w/ the kids in his nieghborhood, going to schools to help young kids. Speak about that and stop always looking at what America perception of what the man was.. Get some up to date facts about a person out there not yesterdays old news.

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You guys need to back up for a minute.

Sean did have some issues with guns, and the law in recent years. The stat with that cause of death for young African-American males is what it is.

Be honest, we'd be a lot more surprised if this happened to guys like Campbell or Cooley. That doesn't mean we're not surprised. But, as tragic as this all is. These opinion writers are doing what we want them to do.

Lets not confuse Wilbon's stuff yesterday to a guy like Shapiro who simply doesn't get it anymore.

What Mr. Wilbon doesn't mention is what Sean was doing this year (holding bake sales w/ the kids in his nieghborhood, going to schools to help young kids. Speak about that and stop always looking at what America perception of what the man was.. Get some up to date facts about a person out there not yesterdays old news.

Come on man. If he wrote that nobody thought this could happen, especially after the comments Sean made himself before last season. Then I don't know. But if Wilbon just wrote about bakesales and school visits. That would be ignoring the case at hand.

This could all be connected to the ATV stuff. This could be just people planning on breaking in and not expecting anybody home. This could be a planned murder. We don't know.

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People - it is not the sentiment of what Wilbon wrote, it was the timing. He wrote that hours after it was known that Sean was shot, and unfortunately, only hours before his eventual death. These kind of opinions are not only controversial, but at a time like this, are VERY insensitive.

Its called TACT, people.

Don't waste your time with him - you will get nowhere.



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People - it is not the sentiment of what Wilbon wrote, it was the timing. He wrote that hours after it was known that Sean was shot, and unfortunately, only hours before his eventual death. These kind of opinions are not only controversial, but at a time like this, are VERY insensitive.

Its called TACT, people.

Don't waste your time with him - you will get nowhere.

Something tells me that whether he said this on Monday or 2 weeks from now the reaction would be the same.

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Sean did have some issues with guns, and the law in recent years. The stat with that cause of death for young African-American males is what it is.

Uh, he had one incident, the ATV thing. That's pretty much it. What I got upset about was comparing him to Iverson. Iverson really was a kid getting in trouble with his friends. I didn't see the same thing with Taylor.

Yes, I don't know Taylor, but guess what? Neither does Wilbon. Wilbon would have been better off just keeping his mouth shut until he actually had some information, rather than making some unsubstantiated speculation right after the guy's death.


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Uh, he had one incident, the ATV thing. That's pretty much it. What I got upset about was comparing him to Iverson. Iverson really was a kid getting in trouble with his friends. I didn't see the same thing with Taylor.

Yes, I don't know Taylor, but guess what? Neither does Wilbon. Wilbon would have been better off just keeping his mouth shut until he actually had some information, rather than making some unsubstantiated speculation right after the guy's death.


Thanks you:applause: :applause: :applause:

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Uh, he had one incident, the ATV thing. That's pretty much it. What I got upset about was comparing him to Iverson. Iverson really was a kid getting in trouble with his friends. I didn't see the same thing with Taylor.

Yes, I don't know Taylor, but guess what? Neither does Wilbon. Wilbon would have been better off just keeping his mouth shut until he actually had some information, rather than making some unsubstantiated speculation right after the guy's death.


My bad. I thought he got arrested one other time also.

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I cant imagine being upset over what Wilbon wrote. People are sooo gay about this stuff. He wrote the truth yesterday - If you were not shocked ST was shot, then you are either incredibly naive or just plain stupid. Sure, its terrible and I am upset as well but in no way was I suprised that he died by gun violence.

Thats not what he was saying on Doc Wlaker yesterday, He was saying he was not suprised that Sean Taylor WAS SHOT, because he was Sean Taylor and had made some mistakes.

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Whether you think it was a surprise or not, the fact is a man was murdered. A man with an 18 month old daughter.

For the media and others to keep bringing up his troubled past is just not necessary. Whether or not this can be tied into anything in his past is baseless speculation, and refutes the fact that this can happen to ANYONE. I for one am having trouble sleeping at night worrying about my wife and daughter after this.

I see the media as ruthless heartless vultures praying on people in difficult times in order to get a good story to make a name for themselves. Whether it be people focusing on the negative past of Sean, or people asking ridiculous questions to his teammates like, "Did you guys cry?", they never seem to try to put themselves in that situation, and ask themselves, how would I like someone close to me to be portrayed, or how would I feel if someone asked me this after I lost a loved one?

That's why people are angered by Wilbon's statements, that's why I am tired of hearing about Sean's past, it's not how I want him to be remembered, he deserves better, and the people close to him deserve better.

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