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Sean Didn't "Die" He Was Murdered


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King G- you are absolutely correct. ST was murdered- people need to acknowledge this- this wasnt accidental, it wasnt natural causes- he was murdered. I hope the police get the ****s that did this. There is nothing anyone can do to bring ST back, its so unreal that this superhuman star of our defensive backfield has been snuffed out by some thug. I hope we get to know more about the real Sean Taylor in the days and weeks ahead. RIP ST- Redskins nation will never forget you!!

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He was murdered and there is no question about this. I just pray someone will come forward with some information to get the police on the right track. I just heard Larry Coker say that Brian Pata's family begged him to do what he could to find the murderer and they still aren't any closer to finding the people who did it. And he was murdered as well. This whole situation is a trajedy in so many ways.

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ESPN is a joke! why can't they call it a murder..instead of passing away?? They are totally missing the point.. The best safety in the NFL is murdered! compare that to if the best QB in the NFL was murdered say Favre, Mannning, Brady.. I bet there would be awhole different approach to the passing away< murder!

I want justice

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I think the sadness and pain everyone is feeling will turn into anger over how stupid and senseless this was.

Sean was sleeping in his house, with his family. Something everyone of us has done. Other than being in the bathroom, it is the most peaceful time of the day for everyone.

He didn't pass away, he didn't just simply die...


They had better find these guys. Was it a hit, or a burglary that went sour.

It all in the hands of the Miami-Dade Police.

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Yea - I have been hearing many say that he has passed, has died etc... I have not heard many say that he was Murdered but that is exactly what it was. They cut the phone lines, broke down his bedroom door and shot him in his groin. By the accounts I heard he was trying to protect his girlfried and thier baby who were also in the room. Nothing was stolen and the people who did this raced away after the shooting. This was a murder... a hit.

I hope the police do a good job in this investigation and nail who ever is responsible.

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Ok YES Sean was MURDERED however, the media can not say he was murdered because he lived after the shooting and died from the injuries due to the shooting. I know it's not fair but that's just how it is. Had he died before at the house before they could get him help, they would be allowed to say he was murdered. I'm not sure, can't remember but I think it has something to do with FCC.

Yes, he was murdered cold blooded, premediated murder. His home (reportly) broken into twice in the past month, Gibbs understood he wanted to be there to protect his family because of the break ins thus giving him permission to stay home oppose to attending the game. Now another break in and this time the cut the phone lines, shoot twice and end up shooting him leading to his death. It was calculated. I know Gibbs is probably having a hard time dealing with the "what ifs". One can clearly know it was planned. The other break ins occured on the weekends and if I remember correctly they said the 3rd and the 18th who ever it was knew he didn't make the trip with the team Sunday so he had to be home. The first two where done to bate him into coming home if he wasn't already there. I pray that they catch the person(s) responsible for this and we as Redskins fans can keep an eye on it and if it in the least bit seem they are slacking, flood the Miami PD office with calls, letters, email, anything it takes to let them know the case needs to stay open and not fall into the cold case files.

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This whole situation has such blatant racism in it. If a white football player had been killed the way ST was the news media would have said he was "murdered." ST was murdered and yet they say he "died." Just another demonstration of the news media pushing the black male athlete sterotype.

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Someone needs to murder the ****s responsible just like they murdered Sean the deserve nothing less than to suffer not a quick painless death no they need it to be slow,loud and nasty.The ****es took away one of Washingtons biggest heroes and for what??because he went to go get an ATV(which belonged to him in the first place)back which happened how many years ago,i'm not sayin this is what the murder stemed from but if it did,those cowards are just ignorant selfish and stupid to just take another human life like that.Thats like me taking back a TV that was stolen from me,then having the thieves kill me because I did,like it was there TV to begin with.This whole thing reeks of setup and jealousy.If they wanted what Sean had they should have worked hard for it like he did,not get mad cuz he had something they did'nt and murder the man because of it,this is just my speculation, i'm sorry for the rant but like all of you I am so hurt and shocked by all this and i'm tryin to get whats on my mind out as best as possible.This all still just seems so unreal like a bad ****ing dream,my mind won't accept that Sean is gone...R.I.P. Sean we all love you.

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This whole situation has such blatant racism in it. If a white football player had been killed the way ST was the news media would have said he was "murdered." ST was murdered and yet they say he "died." Just another demonstration of the news media pushing the black male athlete sterotype.

I don't want to stir the pot, but this is very uncalled for and has no basis whatsoever. Please keep your personal agendas to yourself. There is no room for this at this time.

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I'm trying to resist speculating, but this thing is driving me crazy inside. We know that the house was burglarized earlier, because JG confirms a conversation with ST regarding the entry. Where did the information about the knife on the bed come from and has it been confirmed? Here's what's troubling me. ST is a tough guy, so he thinks he can handle a burglar. But there's no way he leaves is infant daughter in another room. It just wouldn't happen. Especially since there was no alarm on. I seriously doubt he lets his girlfriend or daughter in the house if there has been a sign of violent intentions. He could afford a hotel room for a couple days.

We're missing a big chunk of the puzzle. Either the knife story is false, which it may be, or he knew the identity of the killer and it was someone close to him. Maybe someone else has some ideas.

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I guess that's what makes this so hard to accept...the fact that someone took his life, not that he died of natural causes. I'm not saying that it would be any easier if he had died from natural causes, but to see Taylor work through his mistakes and start to turn his life around only to have it taken from him -- well it makes me angry.

I've never met him, but since yesterday I have felt so completely unfocused and upset. It's like I still can't believe it. I can't imagine what the family, players and coaches are going through right now.

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Let's look at this without emotion. There are alot of rumors flying around right now.

First off, almost every alarm system runs through a phone connection. If you cut the phone lines to the premisis then the alarm is disabled. This is simply done by going outside to the ONI (outside network interface) where the buried service line meets the in-house wiring. This is Miami and an AT&T service area. This would take one second to accomplish.

Second, the knife on the bed. From the previous breakin we "know" that there was a knife left on the masterbedroom bed. Maybe this knife was used to pry open the sliding glass door. Who knows, they didnt say. It's a one story home in south Florida. I WILL GUARANTEE you he has sliding glass doors in at least the master bedroom and livingroom/familyroom.

Third. This is most likely an act of retrabution for whatever. After just watching Gibbs and Snyder talk about Sean it is QUITE CLEAR that their focus was on his maturity over the last 18 months. That calls into question his previous years and the individuals he chose to hang with. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that this act was done by some pathetic piece of **** who use to hang with Sean in some capacity. Even Sean's attorney stated there were alot of jealous individuals over Sean's success.

This is absolutely a waste of a life. How much more tragic could it be? I must remember though there are tens of thousands of people murdered in this country every year that go unnoticed. Its only when our loved ones or heroes fall prey that we seem to pay attention.

May God be with Sean and his family.

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I want to add another thought. I hated Sean Taylor! As an Iggle fan I couldn't stand this guy when they played them. He was fierce, arrogant, ****y and walked tall. Everything my beloved 1991 Eagles defense represented.

I hated him because I han nothing but respect for his gameplay. I'm gonna miss him. I remember when Jerome Brown died, I was devistated. Strange, I feel the same way. When you break it down and remove the team colors, they're warriors, gladiators. 24 years old is far too young to have it all taken away.

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