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This is where Joe Gibbs has to really be the leader of this team,(merged)


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Like so many of you I am listening to the press conf with Joe and I am heart broken to hear the pain in his voice. The one thing I hope he does is step up and show strength and resolve for his team. I don’t like hearing him keep saying “I don’t know” “well have to see what happens” “I don’t know much about that”

I am looking to Joe to help me as a fan get through this and he needs to show his team that they can use his shoulder the lean on. Dont view this and a anti Gibbs thread it is not. I am just saying he needs to be the rock for his players and fans!

God bless ST and all of us fans that love him and this team so much!!

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For being here for me today....i have felt at alternative times today extremely sad....and at other times maybe a little silly because maybe I feared I was taking this too seriously....and I have experienced these conflicting emotions off and on with no real outlet, other than these message boards, over the severe wounding of a young man whom I have never met, but have watched and followed regularly for 4 years now....

I admit to being a critic of Joe Gibbs the coach this go around....but I do not think there is any question that what I needed, and what we all need, is Joe Gibbs the man....and perhaps there is a reason for people to be somewhere in a time and place....

I don't care whether or not the 4th and 1 call was correct...I care that this man is capable of caring for and helping heal the wounds of a group of young men that are obviously hurting...

and perhaps a fan base too...

and, regardles of wins and loss, I do not think there is a man more singularly qualified to do that than Joe Gibbs...

regardless of his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame...he has proven time and again he clearly is a HoFer as a Human Being...and thats what we need right now...

so thanks coach...

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Conrad87. Just to be clear I get what you are saying but if we cant expect him to sholder this for all of the players and fans then who will do it? Joe is our leader. We all at some point have dumped on him during times of passion the same way we have praised him in times of victory. But he is our leader and I dont think its too much to look to him to be the steady rock that helps us all get through this. The last thing I could handle at this great time of sadness would be to see our leader show signs of uncertainty or lack of resolve. Thats all I am saying!

Joe, I pray with you and all us fans for ST and please help all of us get through this.

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Does anyone know if Coach is going to hold a press conf tomorrow? I am very interested in his take on how the rest of the team is doing. I feel for and am praying not only for ST of course but all our players. I dont want to only get to listen to Vinny and Danny's thoughts, I would like to hear more from Joe. I trust Joe and would like to hear from him more then just the one presser he did this afternoon

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Can you give him 24 hours to gather his emotions and thoughts?

or does your dumbass expect him to have a ready answer in what? 10 hours after the incident and before the outcome of STs situation is known?

Wow, what a great reply to a post. Sorry I am such a dumb ass because I would like to hear how my favorite team and favorite coach are doing. I guess you and your personal attacks are the law and rule on this situation. Thanks for showing so much class and respect for your fellow skins fans who are just asking if JG is doing a press conf. I am glad that you know exactly how much time needs to pass before we can expect him to address the fans again. :doh:

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Sorry, after re-reading your post, it's clear I misinterpreted it. It's been one of those days...

No hard feelings. I understand what kind of a day its been. So have the Redksins said anything about what press conf will be done tomorrow? Really the reason I ask is that I have to travel to NYC tomorrow on business and would like to know if there was a schedule so I could log in and see what is being said. Esp from Coach.

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I don't know the time, but coach usually has something to say after 4pm... it's posted on the front page of redskins.com as a video. I'm sure he'll have something to say tomorrow and no doubt he will lead.

I hope he dedicates the rest of the season to Sean and leads us to the playoffs.

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After the initial shock Joe will get it together. I'm amazed at the emotional and spiritual leadership Prileau(sp?) and Thrash have taken. These guys are awesome leaders in adverse times. I know some people think these guys may not belong on the field, but they sure as hell belong in the locker and they're going to be a pillar of strength for this whole team.

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Look guys, I don't want to preach. Not by any stretch. It's not my place, and I'm not a good enough man myself to preach to anyone else. But I'll say this, Joe Gibbs is an amazing man. I receive his weekly "spiritial gameplan" by email, and it's truly awesome to see how he relates his personal struggles to his faith, and uses them as a tool to help teach the rest of us.

We all know the man is a Hall of Fame coach. But trust me, if there was a Hall of Fame for life, Joe Gibbs would have a bust in there too. I don't know if I could handle the struggles he's seen over the last few years. I mean, the struggles on the field have been bad enough, but he's also had his own health problems, a grandson fighting leukemia, and now one of his players gunned down. It's enough to make most of us question our faith. But not Joe Gibbs. Regardless of how Gibbs II turns out, ultimately, I will always love the guy for being the MAN he is.

Like Slingin' Sammy said, once he's had a chance to digest what has happened, Coach Gibbs will step up and be our rock. I can absolutely guarantee that.

If any of you are interested in checking out coach's website, and/or receiving his "gameplan," it's right here: http://www.joegibbsonline.com/. Like I said, I don't want to preach, but some of you might find it quite useful in difficult times.

God bless.


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After the initial shock Joe will get it together. I'm amazed at the emotional and spiritual leadership Prileau(sp?) and Thrash have taken. These guys are awesome leaders in adverse times. I know some people think these guys may not belong on the field, but they sure as hell belong in the locker and they're going to be a pillar of strength for this whole team.

Agree 100% :applause:

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Look guys, I don't want to preach. Not by any stretch. It's not my place, and I'm not a good enough man myself to preach to anyone else. But I'll say this, Joe Gibbs is an amazing man. I receive his weekly "spiritial gameplan" by email, and it's truly awesome to see how he relates his personal struggles to his faith, and uses them as a tool to help teach the rest of us.

We all know the man is a Hall of Fame coach. But trust me, if there was a Hall of Fame for life, Joe Gibbs would have a bust in there too. I don't know if I could handle the struggles he's seen over the last few years. I mean, the struggles on the field have been bad enough, but he's also had his own health problems, a grandson fighting leukemia, and now one of his players gunned down. It's enough to make most of us question our faith. But not Joe Gibbs. Regardless of how Gibbs II turns out, ultimately, I will always love the guy for being the MAN he is.

Like Slingin' Sammy said, once he's had a chance to digest what has happened, Coach Gibbs will step up and be our rock. I can absolutely guarantee that.

If any of you are interested in checking out coach's website, and/or receiving his "gameplan," it's right here: http://www.joegibbsonline.com/. Like I said, I don't want to preach, but some of you might find it quite useful in difficult times.

God bless.


Thanks for sharing this. I did not even know he had this. I get dailies from Rev Run and they help me keep things in perspective every day on what is important and what isnt. I am so happy that Joe does this every week and will sign up for them. It might be a good idea for one of the mods to create a thread that shows others this in case they did not know about it.

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