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Tired of all the Ramsey rumors

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Look, guys, I'm just going to jump onto my soap box for a minute, okay?

I keep hearing all these rumors about us wanting to jump up and take Palmer with the first pick in the draft. This would require us trading Ramsey away. No, first of all, I don't even want to start talking about how stupid it would be to trade Ramsey AND our 1st rounder to the Bengals.

Just answer me this question: Why would we use our pick (after trading away Ramsey, who has a year under his belt) for a rookie who may or not be any good?


It makes no sense. These stupid media types keep typing this rumor up every time they talk about the draft. I don't get it. We trade away the best looking QB we've had here for awhile to get some unknown guy who won't even really be able to make an impact until NEXT season?

In the journalistic world we like to call this STUPID.

Thanks for your time.

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Originally posted by Highway66

you are preaching to the choir

truth is you never know what Danny Dollar and his playmate Vinny cerrato are going to do..

I like Ramsey, but I wouldnt be surprised in the least to see something stupid happen between now and next season

Unless I've misunderstood the original post, you are definitely NOT the choir, Highway66 ... quite the opposite ... you are the target audience.

Most of the clear-thinking members of this community do not share your view that Snyder and Cerrato are constantly on the verge of doing something extremely stupid. We might be critical of Vinny in general for most of his sub-par performance history, and critical of Snyder for some specific mistakes he's made, but we don't generalize that to fear of wildly stupid actions in the future. THAT is what these crazy rumors represent.


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Originally posted by Highway66

I like Ramsey, but I wouldnt be surprised in the least to see something stupid happen between now and next season

Something stupid happening with Mr. Snyder running the team, now way, that could never happen. :silly:

He just wants to win. :deal:

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Can someone tell me how many times we've traded up under Snyder?

Once. One time in 4 years of ownership under that tyrannical little Danny Snyder. And we managed to land a stud LT with the pick. Not bad, huh?

How many times have we traded back? Well, a bunch of times if you count total trade backs, in any draft - all being last year. We traded down twice in last years draft in Round 1. And again in Round 2. I am not sure what has happened in late rounds (4-7) but we can pretty much disregard that as not being press-worthy.

But for some reason, we always get mentioned as a team that is just itching to trade into the top 5. :gus:

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