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Going For It on 4th and 1 - Lost us the Season!! (Merged)


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That logic is skewed...we still got great field position after that that we wouldn't gotten, and things would have happened differently had we kicked the FG.

6 turnovers cost us the game....nothing else.

Oh I took the consideration of the 4 turn overs in the game and that is why you have to put up as many points on the board as possible when you know your players are having a hard time hanging on to the ball. As a coach you are suppose to put up as many points as possible where you can take them. We still had a lot of football to be played and I now the Skins win when they are down after the 2nd half as in the case today and not taking the 3 points ment you HAVE to get a TD and nothing else. That is tough for any average team specially after last week when JC got INT towards the end of the game.

You have to give JC and the O as much help as possible.

Also, lLast week when we went for 4th and 1 to a kick a 50yarder now that was just simply stupid....oh wait not getting 3 points when you can is even more dumb!!!

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Threads like this that second guess decisions made under pressure in the heat of the game don't mean ****. You can sit here and say we could have tied the game etc. etc., but the coaches don't have a freaking looking glass into the future.

We were barely able to move the ball in the first half, and judging by that performance you have to take your chances when they present themselves.

In hindsight in backfired, so what. It was a gutsy call and what impressed me the most is that Gibbs didn't let that bad play deter him from going for it in a similar situation just a few moments later.

Of course nobody is going to mention how crucial that call was, and how it set us up to be back within striking distance.

People taking shots at Gibbs over his decision are wankers of the highest order, no doubt about it.

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Worst post ever.

Everyone here always talks about Gibbs having no balls.

I LOVED that call, even though we didn't get it. I LOVED IT. You gotta play to win the game.

Get a clue OP... horrible post.

You can now peacfully step away from your computer. Does that feel better now.

Having smart balls is always better then the dumb ones. I would rather be called gutless and win the game instead of being a hero and still lose. Case closed and delete your post instead!!!

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I always defended going for the FG in those situations, in close games you take the points...

I was shocked he went for it there, and felt that would come back to haunt them at the end of the game

Exactly. It's unfortunate that (some) people are quick to jump all over someone for criticizing without even thinking about if the criticism is valid. Simple football 101. There's situations where you go for it, and there's situations where you don't. Gibbs seems to choose wrong most of the time.

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I was all for going for it until he handed off to Portis. Has he ever seen the physical make up of Betts compared to Portis? Plus, the entire Bucs D knew where it was going. I was for it if we could come up with a decent play, if not, just kick it. Either way, we suck, so it doesn't matter. If losing this means Gibbs retires, then I'm all for it. I say we tank the rest so he leaves and we get a good pick.

I agree.. We need to cut some of this dead weight and find some real fans.. oh wait... That's not where you were going with that? My bad...

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Exactly. It's unfortunate that (some) people are quick to jump all over someone for criticizing without even thinking about if the criticism is valid. Simple football 101. There's situations where you go for it, and there's situations where you don't. Gibbs seems to choose wrong most of the time.

Thank God there is someone out there who understands football 101. I am not bashing JG, I am still his supporter and hope he still comes back next year - but you just simply can't go for 4th and 1 that early in the game. You have to put up as many points as possible because you don't know how many points you are going to need to win the game at the end.

If it was 4th Q I am standing right behind JG regardless of the outcome of the play!!!!

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Exactly. It's unfortunate that (some) people are quick to jump all over someone for criticizing without even thinking about if the criticism is valid. Simple football 101. There's situations where you go for it, and there's situations where you don't. Gibbs seems to choose wrong most of the time.

yup, it's all about the circumstances...when he went for it on the 45 and got it, that was a good call...not taking the easy 3 in a 9 pt. game with plenty of time left is a BAD CALL!

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Football 101 is this

If you've got an inch to go for a first down, it's the 4th quarter and your're down by 9 so a TD will be needed in order to win. You go for it.

You could HOPE that you'll get back in a position to score again, but you certainly can't expect it. If it had been more than 1 yard, sure then yes kick the FG and close the gap to 6.

But those that say to kick a FG instead of going for it on 4th and a hangnail to go is "Football 101" Sorry it's "Puss Football 101"

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i liked the go for it call, I just didn't like the play call, a everyone was expecting an up the gut play there, a pass or spreading them out would have been a better call, but I like the guts to call it :/

Let's not forget that on that drive or the one before we went for it on 4th and 1 and made it :/

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The same people bashing Gibbs for going for it on 4th and 1 are the same ones who have been bashing him for not going for it in previous weeks. It is execution people, go back, watch Pete Kendall on that play. He missed his block which happened to be Brooks who made the play. Nothing wrong with the call, it is EXECUTION. The players job is to execute, no wonder the coaches have shown no confidence in them in previous weeks.

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You can now peacfully step away from your computer. Does that feel better now.

Having smart balls is always better then the dumb ones. I would rather be called gutless and win the game instead of being a hero and still lose. Case closed and delete your post instead!!!

Well, we could likewise say: Why don't YOU delete YOUR [original] post and thus delete this entire, worthless thread?!

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100 % player failure here - 4th and one miss made no difference in the outcome. What is to say we try a kick - and it gets blocked? Or a bad snap the way we were droping every ball today? Or many other things. All I can say atleast Gibbs had the back bone to do what he thought was right with out burning a Time Out - he made a decision and the players failed him again.


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you dip****s..it's always easy to 2nd guess and hindsight's 20/20.. you ***** when we don't go for it..you ***** when we do.. i'm glad to see us go for it..we just didn't execute..

Without calling you a name since I would still like to post on this board. Let's see who really is smart here you or pure logic. Getting 3 points required no iffy excution. Getting the 4th down still didn't guarantee that we would get a TD.

One in hand is ALWAYS better than two in the bushes. Maybe your parents forgot to teach you that!!!!

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You can now peacfully step away from your computer. Does that feel better now.

Having smart balls is always better then the dumb ones. I would rather be called gutless and win the game instead of being a hero and still lose. Case closed and delete your post instead!!!

We had already converted a 4th and 1, and this was a 4th and inches at the 4 yard line. You kick, what, a 21 yard field goal? No, you're down by 9 points which a chance to get a TD. As well, if you miss, you're pinning them back at their own 4 yard line and your defense is playing lights out. And guess what happened anyways, they went 3-and-out!

I loved the call. Gibbs also should have gone for it on 4th down twice last week against the Cowboys instead of kicking that 50 yarder.

I'm the first one to call out Gibbs on bad play calling. But he showed up today with heart and wanted to win the game. He made the right call. Open your eyes.

Besides, a FG there changes the rest of the game's course anyways. You can't sit there and say we would have automatically had a chance to tie at the end of the game. Because, you know, if we kick that FG, then we have to kick off to them, giving them better field position than at their own 4 yard line. We ended up getting a FG out of that punt because they were pinned back so far. Perhaps we don't automatically get the 2nd field goal if we go for the first field goal and then kickoff.

Know the game, open your eyes, and use your brain.

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How is losing to TB IN TB "rediculous?!" :whoknows:

Yeah, I know. We were actually underdogs in that game, and every talking head on TV picked the Bucs to win. The Bucs are no joke

Also, on the 4th and 1: we would have been down three coming into that last drive, and no one in their right mind would have played for over time. We would have taken a few shots into the endzone to win it outright, then line up for the kick. In the grand scheme of things, missing the 4th and 1 didn't change anything.

What did put our season in jeopardy was giving them the ball 4 times within field goal range. We basically spotted them 12 points

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Yeah, I know. We were actually underdogs in that game, and every talking head on TV picked the Bucs to win. The Bucs are no joke

Also, on the 4th and 1: we would have been down three coming into that last drive, and no one in their right mind would have played for over time. We would have taken a few shots into the endzone to win it outright, then line up for the kick. In the grand scheme of things, missing the 4th and 1 didn't change anything.

What did put our season in jeopardy was giving them the ball 4 times within field goal range. We basically spotted them 12 points

Actually, I think we spotted them 16 of their 19 points.

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