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our president a racist? NO WAY!!!!


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i have been so upset watching the news lately, because about three people that i've seen have called george w. bush a "racist." this truly upsets me, because i don't feel there's a racist bone in his body, and also if we are going into this war against iraq, we need to be "UNITED AS ONE" behind our president and our troops. the one i'm most upset about is actor danny glover making comments this past week about president bush being a racist. have you guys and girls heard anything like this? and what do you think of it?

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hmmm... John Ashcroft? Bush appointee; racist.

He's only the attorney general.

Bush, good 'ol boy from down South. Not sure if he is a racist, but I do know he is an ignorant and dishonest politician (not the only one). He's only got 3 more DUI's than I do. Still working on my first.

While his past youthful indescretions may have ended (in his 30's) he is in no way more qualified to take over the position his daddy once held than is Kim Il Jong II in North Korea. Both living off their namesake, causing a ruckus for many a year until all of a sudden it is time to grow up! What, already? My thirty-odd years of poor judgement and running companies into the ground will have to end? Can I still get high? NO! Drunk? NO! Snort? NO!! Awwww mannnn.

from CNN:

"The reclusive communist leader -- once portrayed as an unstable madman and a cognac-swilling playboy serviced by a team of women known as the "Pleasure Squad" -- still keeps a low profile"

We all know Bush isn't lo-pro. They definitely don't have that in common.

"Kim Jong Il was presumably surrounded by luxury and privilege throughout most of his childhood" hmmm....

"The preparation for war exceeds your imagination," -ex NK politician on KJ II

"Dr. Post, in his study of the Korean dictator, says Kim Jong Il also loves to drink a certain Hennessey cognac that sells for $630 a bottle in Korea. "He is the largest customer over the last 10 years, averaging between $650,000 and $720,000 a year in purchases -- while the average [North] Korean earns only about $900 a year."

These guys would have gotten along pretty well....

Oh by the way... I hate to admit it but I think we have to go to war. Will I stand by Bush? Only if he is wiping my ***. I have family in the military and wish them the best. I have an uncle who is the head of the Comfort. Bush is sending Americans overseas to do the work that he couldn't (Air Nat'l Guard deserter!) or maybe he was on a binge and forgot about reporting for a few years/decades...? I don't know....

Thank Jebus we have Colin Powell running the show.

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What the *ell is wrong with you? Do you not have a shred of respect for the office of the President? I haven't seen a more juvenile, asinine, low-brow, and offensive post since I found this site. A large number of folks voted for and respect the man you are flaming here. It doesn't make you look very clever if that is your intention. I thought Clinton was nearly unworthy of the office for 8 years, but I would never trash a sitting President as you've just done. I guess I am officially 'old' because your post makes me sick. I'd say shame on you, but its a waste of time.

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Originally posted by redman

I think you answered your own question.

(See also, Condoleeza Rice.)

so, because you employ/promote a minorty makes you not racist? i think it takes a bit more than that.

and sorry, I have no respect for George Bush nor Bill Clinton. Nothing to do with the office of the Presidency, just those who made it in... somehow.

Can't just blindly follow the leader. To do so would be irresponsible. Just because citizen A holds the office of "most powerful person in the world" doesn't mean he knows what is best for us.

Not complaining about drugs or getting high, just that our "leader" led a juvenile lifestyle for 30-odd years. And I think he is responsible enough to run our country? Yeah right! Takes more than an ® before his name and an overflowing war chest to get my vote. How about leading a life devoted to helping your fellow man...? Or serving your country's military...? Or a life devoted to scholarly pursuits..? There has to be more to qualify you than irresponsibility and wealth!

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[How about this. He may not be a racist. But lets see how he ran his campaign.

Summer 1999 W Bush's presidential chairwoman is Katherine Harriss is also Florida's secretary in charge of elections. She paid Database Technologies 4 million to go through Florida's voter rolls and eliminate anyone on the list suspected of being a former felon. The Governor of Florida let her do this, Oh, he was Jeb Bush, George W's brother.

The law states that ex-felons cannot vote. Katherine's people instructed the company to "blacklist" people with similar names, social insurance numbers, birthdates. The company stated this would produce false positives. They were told to go ahead with it anyway. 173 000 legitimate voters were permanently wiped off the list.

66% were black.

In Florida most Black people are democrats.

The elections supervisor of Madison county was on this list. She could not vote, and had no felony record. Anyone who wanted to protest this situation had to submit to fingerprinting. If they protested at the voting stations they were arrested.

Bush himself would not have been allowed to vote, or his kids.

Good thing they were not registered in Florida, or Black.

Is this racist? Bush's administration might call it "the voting axis evil". There is so much more as to how he stole the presidency but we have too much to worry about now, like, vague orange warnings of something that may or may not happen here or somewhere else. This chump IS the biggest insult to the presidency hands down! Anyone can be president if your daddy was one and you have a cousin who is a supreme court judge and a brother who is a governor.

Hail to the Chump!

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don't like him- don't believe the country has prospered under his stewardship and it does not seem to be improving at a noticeable rate (we're three years in, his positions/policies must have had some impact by now). However, I don't think he is racist. I also believe that the election, however dubious and frightenening due to its sheer number of coincidences or wrongdoings must be put in the past. We should judge W for his presdency, his actions, his intentional inactions, and the circumstances that were within and outside of his control.

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Hey Charley, ever read 'Flowers for Algernon'??

You forgot to mention the part where Bush tries to disenfranchise thousands of military absentee voters....oh wait, that wasn't Bush now, was it? Do we have to dredge up Florida? All in favor of blowing up Tailgate altogether, say 'aye'?

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She paid Database Technologies 4 million to go through Florida's voter rolls and eliminate anyone on the list suspected of being a former felon.

Speaking of ignorance......once again. It is illegal for felons to vote

Ignorance seems to be the theme of the day here.

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She paid Database Technologies 4 million to go through Florida's voter rolls and eliminate anyone on the list suspected of being a former felon.


Just because you are suspected of being a former felon (aka to Harris as MINORITY) doesn't mean you should be disenfranchised. You should understand that many people who were not allowed to vote should have been able to.

And as far as disenfranchising the military vote, how come military officers that posted after the legal date to vote were allowed to? Is that one of the military benefits?

And one last sad note:

When did the Presidency of the United States stop being a position for the country's best, brightest, and most capable?

Unfortunately it seems too many have lost their idealism. Vote with a conscience, vote NADER! A man for the masses, with your interests in mind. No contributions necessary.

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a link to the article about Katherine Harris and how she paid to have voters disenfranchised:


small example of what happens when your ballot looks really screwed up and you can't figure out how to vote properly:

"It appears on the surface that lame graphic design is at the root of this ballot problem, especially in Palm Beach County where Jewish votes were given to a man who always has a nice word to say about the Third Reich.

But even more telling is the situation in the Daytona Beach area. In that county, the Socialist Workers Party candidate, James Harris, received a whopping 9,888 votes. When your observers arrive, they will discover that the socialist revolution in Daytona Beach is running a distant third to drunken college spring breaks and NASCAR racing. In fact, you will be hard-pressed to find a single Bolshevik in Daytona Beach, let alone a decent cappuccino.

What CBS News discovered is that these 9,888 votes in Daytona Beach for the socialist Mr. Harris represented more than HALF of his ENTIRE 19,310 votes nationwide! Some might see this as a communist plot; election officials in Florida have tried to pass it off as a "computer glitch." I call it fuzzy math."

from the great Michael Moore, champion of the common man and common sense!

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Ignorance seems to be the theme of the day here.

After reading AJ's posts...I couldn't agree more :)

Posting a link and quote (or article) is simple AJ, see watch...


Cigarettes Distributed For Gore Vote

Homeless Voters Given Ride, Cigarettes

MILWAUKEE, 12:21 p.m. EST November 6, 2000 -- -- Campaign volunteers for the Democratic Presidential campaign were discovered distributing cigarettes to homeless voters after the volunteers had recruited the homeless specifically for their vote Saturday.

Gore Campaigners Distribute Cigarettes Milwaukee's WISN 12 News caught workers for Vice President Al Gore's campaign giving packs of cigarettes to homeless voters that they had transported to cast absentee ballots.

"We've been pretty busy, going to the shelters," campaign volunteer Connie Milstein said. Milstein volunteers for the Gore campaign in New York and came to Milwaukee to help get out the vote.

"They had a couple vans, and said they'd give us a ride. So I took a ride," George Scharf said. Scharf is a homeless voter who said he had planned to vote for Gore anyway, and that voters weren't told about the free cigarettes till after they were at the polls.

"They didn't mention that until we got down there anyway," he said.

However, a Milwaukee Rescue Mission employee said that he had to ask democratic campaign volunteers to leave the property after he caught them trying to bribe potential voters with packs of cigarettes.

But one voter said that he did not feel like he was bribed for his vote.

"They just came and asked us to go and vote," Bob Socha said. Socha also said that he enjoys voting and was already planning to vote for Gore.

A representative from the Milwaukee County Bush campaign said that the tactics of the Gore campaigners raises a few questions.

"Even aside from the law itself, I just think most people on a gut check level would say that's wrong," Rep. Scott Walker (R - 14th District) said. "One has to question if they were going to be voting anyway, one has to question why would the campaign, the Gore campaign, be giving anything out, other than a ride to vote. "

After viewing WISN 12's video tape, a local representative of the Gore campaign issued a response to the democratic campaigners who distributed the cigarettes.

"This kind of activity described by Channel 12 is not the kind of help we ask for and it's the kind of help we flat-out reject. These volunteers were from out of state, acting on their own and this was not part of any official Democratic 'get out the vote' activity in Wisconsin. They have left the state and we will not invite them to return," wrote Susan Lagana, a spokeswoman for the Democratic Coordinated Campaign.


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glad to see you too have your copy and paste skills down.

so can it be agreed that both the republicans and democrats will stoop to low levels, possibly even law-breaking, to ensure their will is carried out? they are all slime, save the maverick! man of principles is hard to come by in government...

funny, I lived in Richmond, VA during the last Presidential race. When the Republican primary was going on I intended on voting for McCain. So I walked to my local voting-station prepared to cast my ballot for the honerable Senator. Only problem was the Republicans manning the voting station had an oath that they required every voter to sign. It stated (roughly) no matter who I vote for in the primary I vow to vote for the Republican nominee, regardless of who it is, in the Presidential race. Well, I knew I wasn't voting Bush, so I refused to sign it. Of course they tried to deny my right to vote, so I informed them I was coming back with police and a lawyer (good contacts being a co-founded or the Campus Libertarians). Upon hearing that they preferred I just vote-- in that stone-age booth they had... you see I lived in a poor community, lots of minorities... So I cast my vote for JMcCain and neglected notifying the local media.... bad move on my part.

oh, and the rides to the voting booth has been going on for a long time... a tactic used by both parties for decades. free meals, smokes, whatever to bring out the vote. Tamney Hall... that ring a bell? Things haven't changed all that much.

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Michael Moore for President!

Lets get this guy on the on the next ballot.

Katherine Harris had people who had similar names of felons, similar social insurance #'s and similar birthdays. These people were not allowed to vote. Some of those military people were counted twice!

Politicians should be the heroes in this country. Sports are fine but more people think the pro atheletes are the real heroes.

Bush has demonstrated that money is God in this country. The rich are making more today than they did 20 years and the poor are making less. His policies are geared toward making the rich richer and I guess the poor are going to have to find another planet to live on because the white rich are going to displace everyone.

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I'm assuming that was a joke about Moore.

I voted for Nader, who the dems blamed their loss on, in the last election. He is a good man and I agree with much that he stands for. Problem is at times his views are so ultra liberal they are almost communist.

I am proud to say that my vote for Nader was thrown away. I do believe that if Nader was in office for this term, we would all be dead..................

So basically I am scolding myself.

BAD BG, bad bad bad BG

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