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Why is slavery wrong?


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Yeah, that added to the discussion. :rolleyes: :doh:

Why do you ask this question? Are you pissed that you can't purchase you some prime negros down at your local Harris Teeter's? I bet it kills you that you have to cut your own damn grass, huh? And raise your own damn kids. Damn it sucks not to have some negro in your basement that you could just nail any time you want huh? Slavery is more than labor, it was a form of "terrorism". Idiot.

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Why do you ask this question? Are you pissed that you can't purchase you some prime negros down at your local Harris Teeter's? I bet it kills you that you have to cut your own damn grass, huh? And raise your own damn kids. Damn it sucks not to have some negro in your basement that you could just nail any time you want huh? Slavery is more than labor, it was a form of "terrorism". Idiot.


Another note about this thread - I think we should all try to keep in mind that the U.S. white on black slavery is FAR from the only instance of slavery in world history.

And why I may not always agree with Z, he is far from an idiot. You may have not seen the warning against personal attacks, but I would suggest you retract that harsh statement. :)

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Why do you ask this question? Are you pissed that you can't purchase you some prime negros down at your local Harris Teeter's? I bet it kills you that you have to cut your own damn grass, huh? And raise your own damn kids. Damn it sucks not to have some negro in your basement that you could just nail any time you want huh? Slavery is more than labor, it was a form of "terrorism". Idiot.

You don't know Zguy very well, do you?

He did not ask this question because he favors slavery or because he is a racist.

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Why do you ask this question? Are you pissed that you can't purchase you some prime negros down at your local Harris Teeter's? I bet it kills you that you have to cut your own damn grass, huh? And raise your own damn kids. Damn it sucks not to have some negro in your basement that you could just nail any time you want huh?

What's a Harris Teeter's? Is that like Costco?

Slavery is more than labor, it was a form of "terrorism". Idiot.
Well, Bufford did say I was the dumbest poster on ES in his wiki shenanigan...
And why I may not always agree with Z, he is far from an idiot. You may have not seen the warning against personal attacks, but I would suggest you retract that harsh statement. :)
Thanks bro, but that's ok. He's entitled to his opinion, and its not the first time. As an evangelist, you get called a lot worse than idiot.:)
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I don't have to "know someone" to know that they are asking an offensive question? That's like me asking you, " Why is killing you wrong?". Why ask the question?
Why is it offensive to you?

We all agree its wrong (well maybe not Headexplode ;) ). I just want to know why people believe its wrong. What is their reasoning?

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I think Zguys question is very valid. Like I said before, everything depends on the morals and values of the society you are raised in. If the society said that rape is ok, then you are going to think it is ok. Its really that simple.

Seriously, look at the time frame in which slavery started to become a hot topic. It was during the inductrial revolution. Machines were more efficient than slaves.

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What do you mean when you say that whites "get blame" and what do you mean under "too much blame?"

You know what? I'm just going to stop right here, because no matter what I say, you're just going to pile on and call me a racist. So be it if that's what you think. My family didn't own slaves to the best of my knowledge. This is pretty much the ironic part of my stance. No matter what I say or think, I'm a racist. So I'll just leave it at that.

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You know what? I'm just going to stop right here, because no matter what I say, you're just going to pile on and call me a racist. So be it if that's what you think. My family didn't own slaves to the best of my knowledge. This is pretty much the ironic part of my stance. No matter what I say or think, I'm a racist. So I'll just leave it at that.

Nobody says that. Stop acting so put upon.

People responded to your own post, and now you are acting all oppressed.

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You did call him an idiot. I would consider that a personal attack - an unfounded one at that. But, then again, I'm not a mod.

That's not a personal attack. That is my opinion of his question. He asked for opinions and I gave him one. If he doesn't like my opinion, stop asking "idiot" questions. That's all. I am just curious why someone would be so concerned about why people are against slavery. If he asked you, why is molesting your child wrong, would you be so understanding. Probably not, but I guess your not black.

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I don't have to "know someone" to know that they are asking an offensive question? That's like me asking you, " Why is killing you wrong?". Why ask the question?

We all know slavery is wrong.

Asking "why" is not an offensive question.

It is a philosophical/religious/societal/historical question of great significance.

Getting mad at someone in this context is not appropriate.

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I think some of my fellow African American's need to realize that slavery was not limited to the south. Slave societies were very prominent in Africa prior to the European presence. Infact the first slaves were sold to Europeans BY AFRICANS. now granted they thought that the European idea of slavery was the the same as the African idea of slavery. But it doesn't change the fact that Africans sold other Africans into slavery. Africans possesed slaves. This isn't a thread condoning slavery by anyone it is a thread about slavery in general. So keep the comments about people being racist out of it.

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That's not a personal attack. That is my opinion of his question. He asked for opinions and I gave him one. If he doesn't like my opinion, stop asking "idiot" questions. That's all. I am just curious why someone would be so concerned about why people are against slavery. If he asked you, why is molesting your child wrong, would you be so understanding. Probably not, but I guess your not black.
Actually, its a question of where do people's core values on human rights come from. Are they spiritually based? Are they based on secular humanism etc?

Slavery was one of the best examples and vehicles for the discussion.

I don't see what's idiotic about that. :whoknows:

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That's not a personal attack. That is my opinion of his question. He asked for opinions and I gave him one. If he doesn't like my opinion, stop asking "idiot" questions. That's all. I am just curious why someone would be so concerned about why people are against slavery. If he asked you, why is molesting your child wrong, would you be so understanding. Probably not, but I guess your not black.

Let me give you a hint.

Zguy is a very religious Christian person, and he believes that God is the only valid source of morality. I imagine that he wanted to discuss this issue in order to advance this view.

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I think some of my fellow African American's need to realize that slavery was not limited to the south. Slave societies were very prominent in Africa prior to the European presence. Infact the first slaves were sold to Europeans BY AFRICANS. now granted they thought that the European idea of slavery was the the same as the African idea of slavery. But it doesn't change the fact that Africans sold other Africans into slavery. Africans possesed slaves. This isn't a thread condoning slavery by anyone it is a thread about slavery in general. So keep the comments about people being racist out of it.
Good points. :)

Throughout history, most slavery was not based on race. Instead it was more a social status issue. The American slave culture was based on racism though.

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You know what? I'm just going to stop right here, because no matter what I say, you're just going to pile on and call me a racist. So be it if that's what you think. My family didn't own slaves to the best of my knowledge. This is pretty much the ironic part of my stance. No matter what I say or think, I'm a racist. So I'll just leave it at that.

You are feeling blamed for something you did not do, and you prefer not to discuss it because you think you will be called a racist. That is very amusing.

Let me reassure you that my question stems from pure curiousity. I will not call you names. I'm just curious why you feel blamed.

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I think some of my fellow African American's need to realize that slavery was not limited to the south. Slave societies were very prominent in Africa prior to the European presence. Infact the first slaves were sold to Europeans BY AFRICANS. now granted they thought that the European idea of slavery was the the same as the African idea of slavery. But it doesn't change the fact that Africans sold other Africans into slavery. Africans possesed slaves. This isn't a thread condoning slavery by anyone it is a thread about slavery in general. So keep the comments about people being racist out of it.

Every African American already knows that. Honestly, there is no real purpose to bringing it up in most situations is if you are attempting to be an apologist for the Confederacy or something.

PS - I'm NOT saying you are doing that here sacase (of course). Just saying that it often is perceived that way, given the way it has come up in the past.

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Let me give you a hint.

Zguy is a very religious Christian person, and he believes that God is the only valid source of morality. I imagine that he wanted to discuss this issue in order to advance this view.

Let me give you a hint. He started his post by saying not to make this into a "religious or political melee". What else did he think this would become?

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ZGuy is entitled to have this philosophical and seemingly emotionally detached, calm, discussion on what can be a very volatile topic, including how it is titled as a factor.

With that in mind, I think it makes sense for someone with a more passionate emotional connection, in this case p1972, to come in and and show that emotion, even challenging the nature of discussion, in strong terms.

But, as pointed out, ZGuy is anything but a supporter of slavery or racial bigotry from everything I have ever read by him.

Now speaking as a mod, I ask that even as passionate as anyone could rightfully feel about the topic, please cease any blatant name-calling and make your points just as passionately in another way.

I also agree that there was no way soem of us didn't know this thread was eventually going to create a jam-up somewhere, but that doesn't mean the OP can't go ahead and start it (in this case). And it doesn't need to be a terminal jam-up :)

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