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Hillary did Stiff her! And Hard.

USS Redskins

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Who cares, I mean really. It doesn't go against her personal integrity so let it go.

The servers should know getting stiffed is part of the job. Get over it or get a new job.

People are very cheap in most of Va.

I use to run pizzas, and the store had to pay us drivers 8$ an hour plus .50 cents a run, because almost noone tipped.

I remember a lot of people wouldn't even leave 2 cents!

I also remember the lack of good places to eat, because rednecks don't go out.

Va. reminds me of that scene in Waiting, where the redneck and his wife are ordering drinks.

The guy says I'll take a wiskey, and a wiskey double, she'll have water......oh wait it's her birthday, better make it a diet coke.

Then he orders a steak well done, lol.

After they were done he leaves a 2$ tip on a 60$ check.

The waiter gives it back and says I think you need this more than I do.

So it doesn't surprise me what you said being that you are from Va.

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What in the world does personal integrity have to do with this?

They provide a service, the customer is not obligated to tip. There is no definitive payment. They ask to be paid according to how well they provide a service.

If I were the server I would be pissed the restaurant doesn't have an automatic gratuity of 18% added on large party checks. I wouldn't run around the interweb ****ing about getting stiffed.

I've served for nearly 6 years, and only 1 time do I remember getting stiffed.

And that was an accident because the boss picked up the check, because she had just came in to pay a 7k$ catering bill, so she had lunch on the house.

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People are very cheap in most of Va.

I use to run pizzas, and the store had to pay us drivers 8$ an hour plus .50 cents a run, because almost noone tipped.

I remember a lot of people wouldn't even leave 2 cents!

I also remember the lack of good places to eat, because rednecks don't go out.

Va. reminds me of that scene in Waiting, where the redneck and his wife are ordering drinks.

The guy says I'll take a wiskey, and a wiskey double, she'll have water......oh wait it's her birthday, better make it a diet coke.

Then he orders a steak well done, lol.

After they were done he leaves a 2$ tip on a 60$ check.

The waiter gives it back and says I think you need this more than I do.

So it doesn't surprise me what you said being that you are from Va.

so true. same goes here in florida in alot of cases. if its not the rednecks who are drunk off their butts, its the elderly. but let me say that not all senior citizens are bad tippers lol. the other day i had a lady tip me 16 dollars on a 50 dollar check. but then theres the ones that have you running all over the place for them, and they give you 10%

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Is there a reason not to tip? I have not left a tip many times the reason is always the same: bad service. A tip is a thank you for a job well done... if the job is poorly done then, no tip.

Only 2 reasons I can think of.

1. If they insult you.

2. If it's slow and they are still giving you bad service.

If it's busy and you can see that they are trying their best but it's still weak, then you still should tip good.

Often times I'll ask for 2 drinks in advance if it's very busy.

Don't piss off your server, they will do some nasty stuff to your food.

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well i cant imagine doing nasty stuff to someones food. lol. but alot of people dont know how many things can go wrong with a table that is just out of there hands. the servers dont cook there food so its not their fault if it comes out late. if the server gets double or triple sat, and theyre running around trying to keep everyone happy, theyre not going to be able to give you undevided attention.

ive noticed that when its slow and i only have 1 to 3 tables, i always get at least a 20% tip. but when its slammed i get around 18 or a little lower. because im so busy and i cant give every table the best service.,

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Nice Guy Eddie: C'mon, throw in a buck!

Mr. Pink: Uh-uh, I don't tip.

Nice Guy Eddie: You don't tip?

Mr. Pink: Nah, I don't believe in it.

Nice Guy Eddie: You don't believe in tipping?

Mr. Blue: You know what these chicks make? They make ****.

Mr. Pink: Don't give me that. She don't make enough money that she can quit.

Nice Guy Eddie: I don't even know a ****ing Jew who'd have the balls to say that. Let me get this straight: you don't ever tip?

Mr. Pink: I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job.

Mr. Blue: Hey, our girl was nice.

Mr. Pink: She was okay. She wasn't anything special.

Mr. Blue: What's special? Take you in the back and suck your dick?

Nice Guy Eddie: I'd go over twelve percent for that.

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They say you should leave a tip every time and if something is wrong complain to the manager

Having spent many years in the service industry, it is simply mean spirited to leave NO tip. If you had bad service leave the standard 15% or as low as 10%. Make sure you notify a manager and if you have a legitimate beef w/ the service then the manager (if they are doing their job) will compesante you for your troubles in some way.

But to leave NO tip is wrong!!!!

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Who cares, I mean really. It doesn't go against her personal integrity so let it go.

The servers should know getting stiffed is part of the job. Get over it or get a new job.

WTF??? Why vote for a POS that claims to represent the working class who then in turn stiffs them. Extremely rude, but not the first to do so. I am sure she can blame that on her staff. But eff that. When I go out I make sure my server is well tipped. Apparently that is beneath her...

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im scared to ask, but im still curious. lol

I'm trying to remember what this guy did, whatever it was he had the owner of the place about ready to kick him out.

The owner said if he gives me any more trouble, he was going to kick him out.

I can't remember, it's been a long time.

But anyways, that guy ordered a cheesecake togo, and let's just say he knows what the swet of my balls and asscrack tastes like. :D

"She broke the cardinal rule.....don't **** with someone who handles your food." - Waiting

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I'm trying to remember what this guy did, whatever it was he had the owner of the place about ready to kick him out.

The owner said if he gives me any more trouble, he was going to kick him out.

I can't remember, it's been a long time.

But anyways, that guy ordered a cheesecake togo, and let's just say he knows what the swet of my balls and asscrack tastes like. :D

"She broke the cardinal rule.....don't **** with someone who handles your food." - Waiting

omg thats so funny!!

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