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Best Movie of All Time

The Invisible Poster

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While I wouldnt call it the best movie of all time the best movie ive seen this year is called "City of God", its Brazilian and has just been released in most North American markets. I saw it at the Toronto film festival and was wowed.

If anybody sees this movie playing in their city go see it!!

My favourite movie of all time for a long time was The Shawshank Redemption. Ive been wavering on it in the past year or so though and havnt decided on a new best movie of all time.

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There's too many great movies from the past of American Cinema to really pick a "Best of all Time".

My favorite movie from the last five years or so though goes to Saving Private Ryan (God, its almost been FIVE YEARS since it was released now...unbelievable :/ ). The best movie I have seen in the last two years, however, was "Spirited Away", an animated film from Japan that had a limited release in the United States. The films' creator has a reputation for being the Japanese Walt Disney, but his films are a tad darker and more mature than your average Disney fairytale. Sorta like Alice in Wonderland with a dash of the dark and bizarre.

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You really have to break it down into categories and/or time periods.

Personally, I think some of the older black and white films are the best - movies couldn't rely on computer-enhanced special effects, so writing and acting were at a premium and you get films like Citizen Kane (and Casablanca and so many others). The other night I watched Dead End, the classic Bogart film about rich and poor in N.Y. It holds up pretty well, but my stepkids wouldn't watch it on a bet - not in color, they don't know the actors and you had to think a bit about the movie's message (not much, mind you).

Having said that, I suspect in 20 years, the 3-film set of Lord of the Rings will probably rank at or near the top of most lists.

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I might go for 2001. (It has one drawback I've seen: I've never yet met someone who can follow the plot without reading the book).

The Princess Bride.

I might consider "Unforgiven" for this list, but I think I should let it sit a while longer, and see how well it lasts.

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All good flicks but Star Wars is at the Top of my list I guess as far as favorites goes. If you are talking best movie quality wise...wow that's pretty tough. I guess Citizen Cane would have to be near the top for sure. It's really tough to pick a best of all time, I would have to pick the best 4 or 5 of alltime, and they would probably be from different genre's.

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Hard to pick just one. But it would be between Pappilon, Outlaw Josey Wales, Cool Hand Luke, El Dorado, Raging Bull, Shawshank, Dirty Dozen, Saving Private Ryan, Silence of the Lambs, True Grit, Little Big Man, etc...etc...etc...

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You really have to rate them by categories. Best movie in the last 5 years:

1 - Gladiator

Most realistic war picture: - Saving Private Ryan

Best murder picture: Cape Fear (the original one with Gregory


Best cowboy: Valdez Is Coming - Burt Lancaster

Best historical fiction: Ben Hur, Spartacus and Gladiator

Best comedy: The Odd Couple

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"The Deer Hunter" blew me away. Walken and Deneiro both gave the performances of their careers in that one. It's not a war movie in the traditional sense like "Platoon" or "We Were Soldiers," but I have never had a movie make me think as much for days afterwards as "The Deer Hunter" did. 5 stars!!

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