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New England: Gambling for the Upset


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Maybe Gibbs should review the game film from the Dallas/Washington Game from November of 1991.

Washington was undefeated and Dallas opened the game with an onside kick and kept the Skins off balance the entire game and pulled off the improbable upset. This is the mentality that Gibbs needs to display to keep New England off balance and win the game.

I like this. The Pats know they are unbeaten. They know our record, they know how we have been playing. We need to put everything we have been doing on hold, and go out there on sunday with a balls-to-the-wall "wild man" attitude, or as I call it... "The Crazy Factor."

We should mix everything up to keep the Pats guessing. If we go out there with the same mentality that we have played every game this season, we are going to get creamed. But if go out there with that wild look in our eyes, and we are not afraid to branch out and run seldom seen plays, we'll catch them off guard, and keep them guessing.

It's about suprise, and adaptation.

They are defending a perfect season. We are 4-2. The pressure is on them. Look back to the cowgirls/Lions game.

I have nothing but hope for Sunday. The eyes of the NFL will be on foxboro.

PS. I think I am still hungover from Sundays game. :doh:

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Maybe Gibbs should review the game film from the Dallas/Washington Game from November of 1991.

Washington was undefeated and Dallas opened the game with an onside kick and kept the Skins off balance the entire game and pulled off the improbable upset. This is the mentality that Gibbs needs to display to keep New England off balance and win the game.

I like this. The Pats know they are unbeaten. They know our record, they know how we have been playing. We need to put everything we have been doing on hold, and go out there on sunday with a balls-to-the-wall "wild man" attitude, or as I call it... "The Crazy Factor."

We should mix everything up to keep the Pats guessing. If we go out there with the same mentality that we have played every game this season, we are going to get creamed. But if go out there with that wild look in our eyes, and we are not afraid to branch out and run seldom seen plays, we'll catch them off guard, and keep them guessing.

It's about suprise, and adaptation.

They are defending a perfect season. We are 4-2. The pressure is on them. Look back to the cowgirls/Lions game.

I have nothing but hope for Sunday. The eyes of the NFL will be on foxboro.

PS. I think I am still hungover from Sundays game. :doh:

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If we stick to the game plan we used for Detroit, the NFL will get quite a shock this Sunday.

Disagree on this point assuming you mean the defensive game plan. Against Detroit we rushed 4 and dropped 7 back in coverage. If we do that against the Pats Brady will pick us apart because the play calling by the Pats will be better and they have a MUCH better O'line and QB.

If you let Brady sit 5 yards behind centre he will kill you. Its been proven.

We have to be more agressive to get pressure. I'm not advocating sending 6 men every down but we need to mix things up - get Brady off balance and move him out from behind centre and he becomes mortal.

Also if he wants to launch that deep ball to Moss into double coverage - be my guest. Sean Taylor leads the NFL in INTS at this point with 5. I think he gets at least one more Sunday.

On offense we have to bring our A game and we have to open up the offense and put the game in Campbells hands. We are not going to win scoring circa 20 points even if our D plays kights out. We need a 2 or 3 TD game from Campbell and to open up with a heavy dose of passing to make some runing room for Portis and Betts.

Lets face it we have nothing to lose so why die wondering?

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If we stick to the game plan we used for Detroit, the NFL will get quite a shock this Sunday.

Disagree on this point assuming you mean the defensive game plan. Against Detroit we rushed 4 and dropped 7 back in coverage. If we do that against the Pats Brady will pick us apart because the play calling by the Pats will be better and they have a MUCH better O'line and QB.

If you let Brady sit 5 yards behind centre he will kill you. Its been proven.

We have to be more agressive to get pressure. I'm not advocating sending 6 men every down but we need to mix things up - get Brady off balance and move him out from behind centre and he becomes mortal.

Also if he wants to launch that deep ball to Moss into double coverage - be my guest. Sean Taylor leads the NFL in INTS at this point with 5. I think he gets at least one more Sunday.

On offense we have to bring our A game and we have to open up the offense and put the game in Campbells hands. We are not going to win scoring circa 20 points even if our D plays kights out. We need a 2 or 3 TD game from Campbell and to open up with a heavy dose of passing to make some runing room for Portis and Betts.

Lets face it we have nothing to lose so why die wondering?

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I didn't think you were OF. IMO, you're certainly among the smartest posters here, if not the smartest. Your contributions are welcomed and appreciated.

That's very generous of you, CB. Thank you.

Did you catch Ditka's supposed theory on how to defense them yesterday by chance? He proposed a 2-4-5 scheme I guess you would call it. Rush two with possibly a LB and drop everyone else back in coverage.

No, I missed that. A 2-4-5? That's wild. Ditka came up with that?

I saw Wade Phillips saying that his plan was to stop the Patriot's run game and let Brady try to beat him. I think he was serious too.

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I didn't think you were OF. IMO, you're certainly among the smartest posters here, if not the smartest. Your contributions are welcomed and appreciated.

That's very generous of you, CB. Thank you.

Did you catch Ditka's supposed theory on how to defense them yesterday by chance? He proposed a 2-4-5 scheme I guess you would call it. Rush two with possibly a LB and drop everyone else back in coverage.

No, I missed that. A 2-4-5? That's wild. Ditka came up with that?

I saw Wade Phillips saying that his plan was to stop the Patriot's run game and let Brady try to beat him. I think he was serious too.

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I agree. The more we can stay on the field and make the Pats D tired, the better our chances of winning. Thus, we need to go for it on 4th and shorts and we need a wide variety of plays.

If we can get near 40 min of ball control, we will win this game. Big if, though.

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I agree. The more we can stay on the field and make the Pats D tired, the better our chances of winning. Thus, we need to go for it on 4th and shorts and we need a wide variety of plays.

If we can get near 40 min of ball control, we will win this game. Big if, though.

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2nd and short is prime big play opportunity. We never take it. We always do a weak run play for the easy first down. If Joe Gibbs coaches this game anything like he coaches against Arizona we are dead in the water. We have to take a LOT of chances, and throw the ball a lot. We won't win this game running the ball.

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2nd and short is prime big play opportunity. We never take it. We always do a weak run play for the easy first down. If Joe Gibbs coaches this game anything like he coaches against Arizona we are dead in the water. We have to take a LOT of chances, and throw the ball a lot. We won't win this game running the ball.

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I said this in a thread the other day. Any 4th down less than 4 yards in between the 40's should be gone for (unless you are up by 2 TDs). We also need at least one "risky" play on special teams (fake punt, fake fg, trick play on run back). I'm not so sure about 2nd down. There I'd say get the 1st downs. TOP will be important. I'd be more apt to say to take some 3rd and greater than 6 and throw it down the field, even into the double team. It just then becomes a punt if they get the INT.

On D, we have to mix it up. There has to be some blitzing (more than normal), but also some cover schemes. I'm hoping to see something new from the DL this week (is it me or do our DL never seem to stunt?).

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I said this in a thread the other day. Any 4th down less than 4 yards in between the 40's should be gone for (unless you are up by 2 TDs). We also need at least one "risky" play on special teams (fake punt, fake fg, trick play on run back). I'm not so sure about 2nd down. There I'd say get the 1st downs. TOP will be important. I'd be more apt to say to take some 3rd and greater than 6 and throw it down the field, even into the double team. It just then becomes a punt if they get the INT.

On D, we have to mix it up. There has to be some blitzing (more than normal), but also some cover schemes. I'm hoping to see something new from the DL this week (is it me or do our DL never seem to stunt?).

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I'm not as high on our defensive personnel as most Redskins fans. I think we have just average talent overall, but Gregg Williams is back on his A game this year, getting the most from his troops. Unless the Patriots get a two-score lead, I'm guessing that Gregg will sell out to stop the passing game with pretty much the same plan he used against against Detroit.

Sorry, I dont buy that. We had some avg to below average talent last year with the same schemes and that didnt work so well did it?

Greg's schemes are only as good as the talent we have available to enable their max potential. Now that ST doesnt have to cover for the inadequacies of other players lack of coverage skills, he has the freedom to roam the backfield at will. People may think those interceptions by him were simply him being in the right place at the right time as they appeared to go right to him waiting there, but I'm going to say he has such instinct and closing speed, that he often knows where that ball is going, and is able to put himself there fast enough that it looks like he's just waiting for it. I feel sorry for any opposing receiver that happens to get in his way.

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I'm not as high on our defensive personnel as most Redskins fans. I think we have just average talent overall, but Gregg Williams is back on his A game this year, getting the most from his troops. Unless the Patriots get a two-score lead, I'm guessing that Gregg will sell out to stop the passing game with pretty much the same plan he used against against Detroit.

Sorry, I dont buy that. We had some avg to below average talent last year with the same schemes and that didnt work so well did it?

Greg's schemes are only as good as the talent we have available to enable their max potential. Now that ST doesnt have to cover for the inadequacies of other players lack of coverage skills, he has the freedom to roam the backfield at will. People may think those interceptions by him were simply him being in the right place at the right time as they appeared to go right to him waiting there, but I'm going to say he has such instinct and closing speed, that he often knows where that ball is going, and is able to put himself there fast enough that it looks like he's just waiting for it. I feel sorry for any opposing receiver that happens to get in his way.

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Sorry, I dont buy that. We had some avg to below average talent last year with the same schemes and that didnt work so well did it?

G.W.'s schemes bear little resemblance to last year's. The differences have been discussed at great length in the press, some very candid comments by Gregg himself, and in this forum.

However, it's not easy to judge players apart from the schemes so, if you see more talent than I do, there's not much either of us can say to persuade others to our point of view.

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Sorry, I dont buy that. We had some avg to below average talent last year with the same schemes and that didnt work so well did it?

G.W.'s schemes bear little resemblance to last year's. The differences have been discussed at great length in the press, some very candid comments by Gregg himself, and in this forum.

However, it's not easy to judge players apart from the schemes so, if you see more talent than I do, there's not much either of us can say to persuade others to our point of view.

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I dont see Coach Williams changing out of his Cover 3 schemes which we have been using against the pass happy offenses we have played so far this season. IMO, this is the way to go about New England. You have to be able to limit there big plays. The more times they have to throw the football that is one more chance we will have to possibly intercept the football. Blitzing the Patriots dosent work, and if we do decied to do so then i think we need to do it sparingly and straight up the middle. Everyone knows Brady loves stepping up in the pocket we need to take that away from him somehow.

Agree on a lot of cover three and good point about the pressure up the middle. Keep an eye on how we defense the shotgun spread, though. I don't know how you defense that with zone, do you?

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I dont see Coach Williams changing out of his Cover 3 schemes which we have been using against the pass happy offenses we have played so far this season. IMO, this is the way to go about New England. You have to be able to limit there big plays. The more times they have to throw the football that is one more chance we will have to possibly intercept the football. Blitzing the Patriots dosent work, and if we do decied to do so then i think we need to do it sparingly and straight up the middle. Everyone knows Brady loves stepping up in the pocket we need to take that away from him somehow.

Agree on a lot of cover three and good point about the pressure up the middle. Keep an eye on how we defense the shotgun spread, though. I don't know how you defense that with zone, do you?

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There is no doubt that we need to gamble to win. When, where and how is a different story.

I still cannot get away from the Skins/Dallas '91 game. JJ went all out and beat the best team in football. How? By taking every shot he could. It worked then, will it work now? We will only know if the offense is let lose and JC gets a chance to make plays and take chances.

We shall see.

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There is no doubt that we need to gamble to win. When, where and how is a different story.

I still cannot get away from the Skins/Dallas '91 game. JJ went all out and beat the best team in football. How? By taking every shot he could. It worked then, will it work now? We will only know if the offense is let lose and JC gets a chance to make plays and take chances.

We shall see.

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There is no doubt that we need to gamble to win. When, where and how is a different story.

I still cannot get away from the Skins/Dallas '91 game. JJ went all out and beat the best team in football. How? By taking every shot he could. It worked then, will it work now? We will only know if the offense is let lose and JC gets a chance to make plays and take chances.

We shall see.

I don't know what the odds of recovering an onsides kick are. My guess is that they are not high even when it's done as a surprise. Whereas, going for it on fourth and one, the odds are well in your favor that the gamble will work.

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