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NM Senator Domenici retires

The 12th Commandment

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Senator Domenici was indeed a well respected conservative at one time. That time has passed. He will go down in history as a false conservative. Someone who like many in his party were unable to curb or influence one of the biggest spending presidents of all time. What makes Pete Domenici especially culpable is that his voice was a powerful voice in the party. Mr. Domenici was so respected that he was in a position to influence this presidents policies rather than roll over like the unprincipled stuffed shirt he will be forever be labeled. A senator who cared more for his reputation in the party and his "relationship" with the President rather than the values which carried him into office and the trust the American people placed in this senior senator.

Senator Domenici came out a few months ago against the Iraqi war, but even this he did in a gutless calculated manor. His statements were designed to give him political cover for the ever increasing political pressure being placed on the war backers, while he continued to work for and allow the war and the big spending to continue.

Senator Domenici over the last eight years has shown himself to be a shell of a human being, and a shell of a conservative. Good riddance to him, the sooner we loose empty shirts like Pete Domenici who let our country down in our greatest hours of need the sooner we can recruit a new group of Republicans who hopefully will be truer to the values the party was founded upon.

Fiscal conservatism, rather than social fascism.

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I used to have more respect for Senator Domenici before I read the following. He seems to have lost his way.

It is no big scoop that the majority party in Congress has always found ways of giving the shaft to the minority. But there is a marked difference in the size and the length of the shaft the Republicans have given the Democrats in the past six years. There has been a systematic effort not only to deny the Democrats any kind of power-sharing role in creating or refining legislation but to humiliate them publicly, show them up, pee in their faces. Washington was once a chummy fraternity in which members of both parties golfed together, played in the same pickup basketball games, probably even shared the same mistresses. Now it is a one-party town -- and congressional business is conducted accordingly, as though the half of the country that the Democrats represent simply does not exist.

American government was not designed for one-party rule but for rule by consensus -- so this current batch of Republicans has found a way to work around that product design. They have scuttled both the spirit and the letter of congressional procedure, turning the lawmaking process into a backroom deal, with power concentrated in the hands of a few chiefs behind the scenes. This reduces the legislature to a Belarus-style rubber stamp, where the opposition is just there for show, human pieces of stagecraft -- a fact the Republicans don't even bother to conceal.

"I remember one incident very clearly -- I think it was 2001," says Winslow Wheeler, who served for twenty-two years as a Republican staffer in the Senate. "I was working for [New Mexico Republican] Pete Domenici at the time. We were in a Budget Committee hearing and the Democrats were debating what the final result would be. And my boss gets up and he says, 'Why are you saying this? You're not even going to be in the room when the decisions are made.' Just said it right out in the open."


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  • 5 years later...

Per Fox:

"ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Former Sen. Pete Domenici disclosed that he fathered a secret child in the 1970s with the 24-year-old daughter of one of his Senate colleagues -- a startling revelation for a politician with a reputation as an upstanding family man."


Startling indeed!

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