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Pattern in our player acquisitions?


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Anyone notice that we picked up players almost exclusively from teams that are on our schedule this year?

Minnesota - Fred Smoot

Buffalo - London Fletcher

Arizona - David Macklin

if those three weren't enough to convince you, we then went and picked up

Green Bay - Shaun Bodiford

and THEN

New York Jets - Pete Kendall

and THEN!!

New England - Reche Caldwell

Coincidence, or are we keeping the schedule in mind when we're making these moves?

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Interesting but just coincidence. Just think why we picked up each player, what needs they filled and the familiarity with the coaches.

Also, in another article a current coach said, in reference to the Pats, that players have copies of playbooks of other teams and it does not matter that much. Current game plans is something that a coach would want and that is something that these guys don't have.

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As long as Lovie Smith continues to start Rex Grossman, the Bears are not going to beat the better teams on their schedule.

They never threatened offensively against San Diego in the opener and looked pathetic at times for a team coming off a Super Bowl appearance.

But that is how weak the NFC was last year.

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