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Worst team in the NFL?

Guest fuji869

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At some point we may snap out of this and play NFL caliber football, but right now it's just embarrassing.

The defense shows flashes ... this will be a good unit after a couple of needs are addressed. D-line and Safety.

The offense has some parts, but so far this season they look like Prairie View. We will have to get a QB we can have confidence in. We will have to shore up the offensive line. We will have to get another WR to replace Westbrook, who I suspect will not be on the team next season.

The special teams ... well, at least they didn't lose this game.

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I am so angry that I can't even go off. I have never been so embarassed of this team in my life. This is a rather significant statement, in light of the fact that we've all had to suffer through the reign of Norv Turner. I really don't think any of us deserve this as fans.

At this point, all of our most promising players are being beaten one on one. Samuels, in particular, is getting his *** kicked by a speed rusher in a cast. I really don't see any bright spots. You may say smoot, but he's been caught out of position on many a running play. Our players don't seem to have any heart. I'm embarassed by the fact that millions of people around the country are watching this game. I don't see how we will be anything resembling decent in the next 3 years.

I think I'll stop now, because there really isn't any point in going on. I really don't understand how we've gotten to this point. And guess what, it's not going to get any better. Schottenheimer is completely inflexible, and has assembled a staff of fools. Is he really going to fire his son? His brother? Give me a break.

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I'm gonna beat a dead horse. The only talent on offense doesn't get the ball nearly enough. Of course I speak of S. Davis. The o-line blocked decently when we ran the ball.

Otherwise, this team is a joke in it's present form. So bad, it's actually kinda funny.laugh.gifmad.gif

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I am too embarrased to tell anyone I am a Skins fan!!! mad.gif

Unfortunately, while in the first quater I felt good about the team, I told my co-worker who came in, I was a Skins fan. Later I found out he's a Cowboys fan. mad.gif

We did discuss the sweepstakes for the #1 pick or #2 next year. Right now we can't buy sh**!!!

What a disgrace to a devastated city.

NO REPRESENTATION for that imposter, check collecting, Deion-like money jerk named who????? Jeff who????

Step Off!!!!!

The face of those overpriced underachieving so-called top this and top that don't mean diddly, without a fight.

Well thank goodness THEY'RE not in our military!!!!!

Up until the point of Arrington getting hurt and the D trying their dam*dest to keep us in it, this sorry sack of sh** that Dan Snyder wanted so bad, delivers a fuc*in EGG!!!!

Alexander and Westbrook - PACK YOUR BAGS George-retire!

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on September 25, 2001.]

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It's not even close. Right now, the Redskins are so far and away the worst team in the NFL that they wouldn't even crack the top 25 in the college polls. That's partly frustration talking, but this team is unquestionably head and shoulders below all others. I thought the Seahawks looked pretty bad against the Eagles yesterday, but the Redskins make them seem like a juggernaut.

This offense is putrid. The defense was doing OK, except for some blown coverages, before being demoralized and exhausted by the offensive inadequacies.

-Jimmy Raye's playcalling makes no sense. Other teams seem to get guys running free often. It's almost as if the other team knows what the Redskins are running better than they do.

-Jeff George is way too aware of the rush. He was getting protection tonight, until the run was no threat. That one sequence that they zoomed in on him, he didn't even look downfield - only at the rushers.

-The Redskin receivers never seem to catch the ball in stride - they're always standing still and immediately getting jacked.

-Get rid of George. His confidence is shot and so is the team's confidence in him. This is by no means a cure-all, but it's one necessary step (of many).

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There's no doubt we're the worst team in football at present. And we'll remain that way until we figure out a way to capitalize on what our strengths are. A fast, quick defense that seems to do a fine job before it gets worn down, so, we prevent it from getting worn down by actually converting third downs on offense. It's a pretty good formula. It almost seems simple.


Doom is in the box.

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we prevent it from getting worn down by actually converting third downs on offense

With Jeff George as QB? Surely, you jest. The only worse(maybe) thought is looking on the bench and seeing Tony Banks as backup. I'd take Detmer and Batch over what we have.

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You might well get a chance at Batch next season since the Lions can't pay him the money to not run their version of the WCO.

Whatever you want to say about George in the past, the man has put up QB numbers. That we can't manage to get him more than 150 yards in two games tells me it's not really just George that's the problem. Though, I'm not sure I could take too many more of those escape attempts in the pocket from sacks. If he didn't look like he wanted to just get home to mommy more than anything in the world, I don't know how else to describe a couple of those sacks.


Doom is in the box.

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This was pitiful! I'm completely embarrased by the lack of heart out team has! I'm going to warm my pitching arm up for Sunday, because tomatoes will be thrown towards the Redskins bench.

On the subject of players to be cut, add these names:

1. Sam Shade

2. Brian Barker

3. Matt Campbell

4. Kevin Lockett

5. Michael Westbrook

6. Stephen Alexander

Honorary coach to-be-cut:

Jimmy Raye

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"Leadership is overrated."

As is Jeff George.

If Jeff's mental faculties were half what his physical faculties are, he'd have a couple two or three championships under his belt. This team needs leadership at the QB position. Jeff George will never provide this.

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We need to give the start to Banks. Jeff has his head so far up his arse, I don't even think a glass belly button will help him to see whats going on.

I've never seen fear in the eyes of a QB like Jeff last night. Raye is not helping the matter at all.

This sucks.


Steal your face right off your head

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I don't know about "worst in the NFL", since I haven't been watching anybody but us.

But I didn't think we were as bad last night as we were in Week 1.

I don't think we got dominated as bad as SD, and we were playing (at least by reputation) a much better team.

I was really impressed with our D in the first half. Yeah, they wore down, or the injuries piled up, or GB adjusted, or something. But, at the begining of the year, did anybody here think our pass rush would even get close enough to Farve to ask for an autograph?

Yeah, I'd really like to see more Davis. Seems like the only drives we get (if you can call keeping the ball for more than three plays a drive) are the ones where nobody touches the ball except him. As soon as we try to throw, the bus stops.

Right now, I'm worried that the injuries from this game may hurt us more than the loss.

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Actually, Penn, Marty created the present cap mess to iron out a cap mess two and three years from now. But, make no mistake, Marty didn't use $30 million in approved funds for this team he could have used. All of us would support that move for the long term cap health of the team. All of us did support this. Marty accelerated a cap hit that could have been avoided as a move to solidify the future of the franchise. This was, and remains, a solid decision by Marty.

The alternative was to continue pushing back the cap hit by paying out bonus money since cash cures the cap. However, to do so means you are locked into some players you probably didn't want to be locked into long term to build for the future, so, it would have always been a law of diminishing returns.


Doom is in the box.

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Wahh Friggin Wah.

Atleast we have an owner determined to win. Danny could have taken the Mike Brown route and just made money on ticket receipts and revenue sharing.

He took a chance in his second season tha may have worked if not for the injuries and kicking woes but now we have bandwagon jumpers behaving like he s te worst owner in the league.

Get Real.

The offense oord and Martys WCO needs to be addressed IMHO

It's becoming obvious the dink dunk from Rayes Chef team of last year isnt going to work here soa spread offense thats up tempo is the way to go


Take a sip of the Marty KoolAid and Believe

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RYSkins....Bryan Barker? Why? He shagged one punt in 25 MPH winds, but before that, he was pretty much the MVP of this team. Get off Barker. he had oen bad game.

I agree on Westbrook and Shade. As far as I am concerned, I am getting real tired of saying year in and year out, maybe the is Westbrook's break through year. I am tired of hearing the media every year say that Westbrook will assert himself this year. It ain't gonna happen. He is too concerned about giving the first down signal when they are losign 20-0, than producing and running routes correctly. Shade just looked pathetic and was walked on like a door mat. Time to show him the wood and get the young sfateies some experience.


Please visit my new Skins site, Mark's Redskins Net. Vote in my latest Skins poll.


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