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O.J. Simpson Questioned About Casino Break-In


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Guest sith lord
So why are they convicting these old Klan members?

I notice that when asked a direct question, you tuck your tail between your racist legs and ignore it.

Your feeble attempts to now cal ME a racist are a textbook tactic by your ilk. Nice try, but I think anyone anywhere reading any of this will be able to tell who sees only color.

I've asked you several direct questions regarding the things YOU have said.

And you ignore all of them.


I know a racist when I smell one, and you stink to high heaven.

You want to prove you aren't what i say? Then answer the questions I have asked you. They're fair questions.

Tuck that tail and hate. Cringe and generalize.

The light is on you. Scurry away, now.


Bang, you mean to tell me that because two klan members are being convicted 40 or 50 years after the fact, that I'm supposed to be impressed. Hell, those two racist have already lived their lives as free men. They should have spent their prime years in prison. When you bring up these kinds of examples tell me that you simply don't get it.

Now that I think about it, because of their age and the nature of their crime, they probably won't even be in the general prison population. They'll finish their days in a prison type nursing home.

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I understand that Bang does have quite a few ankle rubbers around here.

Maybe it's because they recognize that what i say is true.

Noting once again you've ducked my direct questions.

Let's try again.

Since expecting you to answer the four or five I've actually asked you is going to be a pipe dream, let's just go for these two.

Why are klan members being tried and convicted for crimes they committed 4 decades ago if no one cares if black people are murdered?

(note,, i see you sort of answered that one. Another predictable response. Ignoring it because it doesn't fit your view. You aren't impressed, (probably because you've indicated your belief that the statute of limitations should be less than 13 years) but the fact is, that proves that people do care. You seem to think it's easy convicting people 40 years after the fact. But they did.)


What do you mean when you tell Ghost to "not go there" when he brings up blacks killing whites because "whites used to kill blacks to pass the time of day"?

Oh, and one more.

Remember a few weeks back there was a thread about a Klan march in Knoxville that was disrupted and dispersed by a bunch of people dressed as clowns?


Why are they almost all white?


Why are all these white people shouting down the Klan?

Could it be they're tired of the hate and racism in this country?

Could it be they actually care about making things better?

Nah, can't be. They're white.


Three direct questions. Two regarding things you have directly said yourself in this very thread, and one bonus question.

Step up.


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Guest sith lord
Sith, I've seen a lot of people being backed into corners on ES but this is the worst "red herring" I've ever seen.

Bang just pretty much called you a racist and you've yet to deny his claims. Why is that?

Why should I respond to a lie?

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Guest sith lord
Maybe it's because they recognize that what i say is true.

Maybe it's just because they like you more. Not the first time I've seen it.

Why are klan members being tried and convicted for crimes they committed 4 decades ago if no one cares if black people are murdered?

(note,, i see you sort of answered that one. Another predictable response.

Predictable or not, I was 100% right and you know it. Those two already lived their lives. Don't expect me to shout and declare "RACISM IS DEAD!!!"

Ignoring it because it doesn't fit your view. You aren't impressed, (probably because you've indicated your belief that the statute of limitations should be less than 13 years) but the fact is, that proves that people do care. You seem to think it's easy convicting people 40 years after the fact. But they did.)

Never did I imply that the statue of limitations should be less than 13 years. Go back and tell me where I said that. None of you are related to the Goldmens or Browns, so you guys that are still holding this grudge need to move on. It's been 13 years.

I never said some people don't care, again, you're just making assumptions and I never said once that there were no good white people as you continue to imply to get some of your "ankle rubbers" to follow. Please, go back and show an example instead of making false assumptions to fullfill your narrow minded point of view.


What do you mean when you tell Ghost to "not go there" when he brings up blacks killing whites because "whites used to kill blacks to pass the time of day"?

First of, as I stated earlier, I believe Ghost was wrong in the number of victims by the zebra killers. Second, I said "don't go there" because for every black supremists crime, we can probably come up with over 1000 white supremists crimes and you know I'm right.

Oh, and one more.

Remember a few weeks back there was a thread about a Klan march in Knoxville that was disrupted and dispersed by a bunch of people dressed as clowns?


Why are they almost all white?


Why are all these white people shouting down the Klan?

Could it be they're tired of the hate and racism in this country?

Could it be they actually care about making things better?

Nah, can't be. They're white.

That's your problem in a nutshell. Just because I see racism where you don't, you think I'm the racist. You need to take a long look in the mirror. I never once on this or any other thread said that all white people are bad. If you believe I did, I dare you to prove it. Since throwing out assumptions is your game, I dare you to prove it. Lets see how good you really are.

I'll be waiting on you to prove that I'm a racist as I'm already waiting for Todd Packer to prove that I'm on welfare.

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That's your problem in a nutshell. Just because I see racism where you don't, you think I'm the racist. You need to take a long look in the mirror. I never once on this or any other thread said that all white people are bad. If you believe I did, you dare you to prove it. Since throwing out assumptions is your game, I dare you to prove it. Lets see how good you really are.

My problem in a nutsehll is racism. Which is why I'm taking you to task over it.

Let's see how "good I am"?

How good i am at what? Finding something you know you didn't say? Finding something I never accused you of saying?

Yet another tried and true tactic by your type.

Twisting things into impossible to prove questions to try to reverse the glare in your eyes is what guys like you do.

This isn't hard to do, dude. It's easy to go back and look at everything Ive said and everything you've said.

And what you have said is

A/ White people wouldn't care if someone had killed two black people.

(This has been proven false, but you refuse to accept it. Can you tell me the last time a 40 yr old crime in which the races were reversed was tried, and the perp convicted? I can tell you the last time it happened when a white murdered a black person 40 years ago. This past summer. Your turn.)

B/ that black people murdering white people is excusable because whites used to murder blacks "just to pass the time" (Hey, I know those aren't your words, but I've asked you at least 4 times to clarify that statement you made to Ghost, and you have yet to do so. So, I'm left to form my own conclusion. You seem to think it's OK.)

C/That all of us would not care if two black people were murdered, but since it was two whites, (and a blonde, the ultimate no-no) then we all are out for blood.

D/ People should only care about unsolved murders if they are related to the victim

E/ that white people are just mad because a rich black man beat the system

And that is just in this thread.

What I did was ask you some questions about some of these statements that you've made that could easily be construed as racist.

You've yet to answer them.

And I'm still waiting.


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Maybe it's just because they like you more. Not the first time I've seen it.

Does it ever make you wonder why folks feel that way about you?

Never did I imply that the statue of limitations should be less than 13 years. Go back and tell me where I said that. None of you are related to the Goldmens or Browns, so you guys that are still holding this grudge need to move on. It's been 13 years.

In response to the comment "He's just looking for Nicole's Killer" Page 1

"Seriously, some of you need to let that go."

In response to someone asking you why people should let it go.. Page 1

"Because it's been about 13 years and besides, why do you guys care so much?"

As I recall, I said that if it's not OJ, then a different killer is still loose.. but according to you, 13 yrs is long enough to have looked for him.

I never said some people don't care, again, you're just making assumptions and I never said once that there were no good white people as you continue to imply to get some of your "ankle rubbers" to follow. Please, go back and show an example instead of making false assumptions to fullfill your narrow minded point of view.

Page 2

"If it was believed that OJ had killed two black people, this would be over and forgotten. If you don't believe that, you're living under a rock. The fact of the matter is that he is a black man that is "believed" to had killed two white people, one of them being a blond white woman (the ultimate no, no)."

First of, as I stated earlier, I believe Ghost was wrong in the number of victims by the zebra killers. Second, I said "don't go there" because for every black supremists crime, we can probably come up with over 1000 white supremists crimes and you know I'm right.

So in other words, when I assumed you condone it as vengeance, I'm right.

That's your problem in a nutshell. Just because I see racism where you don't, you think I'm the racist. You need to take a long look in the mirror. I never once on this or any other thread said that all white people are bad. If you believe I did, I dare you to prove it. Since throwing out assumptions is your game, I dare you to prove it. Lets see how good you really are.

I'll be waiting on you to prove that I'm a racist as I'm already waiting for Todd Packer to prove that I'm on welfare.

I don't need to prove you're a racist. You prove it on your own.

Now, my turn.

You go find me anywhere where I implied (your word) that you say that ALL whites are bad.

Next, go find anywhere where i claim racism is dead.

You're living proof it is not.


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Guest sith lord
My problem in a nutsehll is racism. Which is why I'm taking you to task over it.

Let's see how "good I am"?

How good i am at what? Finding something you know you didn't say? Finding something I never accused you of saying?

Yet another tried and true tactic by your type.

Twisting things into impossible to prove questions to try to reverse the glare in your eyes is what guys like you do.

This isn't hard to do, dude. It's easy to go back and look at everything Ive said and everything you've said.

And what you have said is

A/ White people wouldn't care if someone had killed two black people.

(This has been proven false, but you refuse to accept it. Can you tell me the last time a 40 yr old crime in which the races were reversed was tried, and the perp convicted? I can tell you the last time it happened when a white murdered a black person 40 years ago. This past summer. Your turn.)

B/ that black people murdering white people is excusable because whites used to murder blacks "just to pass the time" (Hey, I know those aren't your words, but I've asked you at least 4 times to clarify that statement you made to Ghost, and you have yet to do so. So, I'm left to form my own conclusion. You seem to think it's OK.)

C/That all of us would not care if two black people were murdered, but since it was two whites, (and a blonde, the ultimate no-no) then we all are out for blood.

D/ People should only care about unsolved murders if they are related to the victim

E/ that white people are just mad because a rich black man beat the system

And that is just in this thread.

What I did was ask you some questions about some of these statements that you've made that could easily be construed as racist.

You've yet to answer them.

And I'm still waiting.


A: I probably should have said a lot of whites wouldn't care as much if the victims were black. I stand by that 100%.

B: I never said that blacks murdering whites were excusable because of whites murdering blacks were common place a time ago. Again, you're just trying to put words into my mouth for your own point of view.

C: I stand by that. Just look at the media coverage if a blonde is killed or is missing and look at the lack of media coverage a black woman in the same situation gets. I know, it's all in my imagination.

D: Never once said that. Again, you're twisting things for your own point of view. Do you feel the same way about those cops that shot an unarmed black man over 20 times in NYC, than you do about OJ? Or the cops that beat Rodney King half to death on video? Just wondering.

E: I stand by that.

And how does any of that make someone racist?

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Guest sith lord
Does it ever make you wonder why folks feel that way about you?

In response to the comment "He's just looking for Nicole's Killer" Page 1

"Seriously, some of you need to let that go."

In response to someone asking you why people should let it go.. Page 1

"Because it's been about 13 years and besides, why do you guys care so much?"

As I recall, I said that if it's not OJ, then a different killer is still loose.. but according to you, 13 yrs is long enough to have looked for him.

Page 2

"If it was believed that OJ had killed two black people, this would be over and forgotten. If you don't believe that, you're living under a rock. The fact of the matter is that he is a black man that is "believed" to had killed two white people, one of them being a blond white woman (the ultimate no, no)."

So in other words, when I assumed you condone it as vengeance, I'm right.

I don't need to prove you're a racist. You prove it on your own.

Now, my turn.

You go find me anywhere where I implied (your word) that you say that ALL whites are bad.

Next, go find anywhere where i claim racism is dead.

You're living proof it is not.


Like I said, it wasn't my cartoon that was called out for being racist. Still, I said nothing that have been racist. Not to change the subject, but I guess anyone who suggest that the governments response to Katrina would have been swifter if it was Palm Beach or Beverly Hills would be a racist in your mind.

Go ahead Bang, keep your head in the sand.

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Guest sith lord
Wow, thats the best you can do?

Stop using red herrings, it's a horrible, horrible arguing tactic.

I must of hit a nerve. And Spiff, I know where you stand so it really makes no difference what you say at this point. Bang could be as wrong as sin, you'll still be here to rub his ankles.

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I must of hit a nerve. And Spiff, I know where you stand so it really makes no difference what you say at this point. Bang could be as wrong as sin, you'll still be here to rub his ankles.

No nerves at all, really.

Sith, I'd like to think you're a bright guy but when you bring out a Red Herring and then calling me names for supporting other posters, I just can't give you the benefit of the doubt.

So stop with the Red Herring and the obscure gay jokes and answer Bang's questions. It ain't rocket science.

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Guest sith lord
No nerves at all, really.

Sith, I'd like to think you're a bright guy but when you bring out a Red Herring and then calling me names for supporting other posters, I just can't give you the benefit of the doubt.

So stop with the Red Herring and the obscure gay jokes and answer Bang's questions. It ain't rocket science.

And answer Bangs questions? And you get on me for saying you're rubbing his ankles? Answer Bangs questions? Who in God's name is Bang?

But to make you feel better, I answered his questions. I just didn't give you or him the answers you wanted.

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A: I probably should have said a lot of whites wouldn't care as much if the victims were black. I stand by that 100%.

Yeah, except that you didn't.

B: I never said that blacks murdering whites were excusable because of whites murdering blacks were common place a time ago. Again, you're just trying to put words into my mouth for your own point of view.

and you've never said otherwise. In fact, since you were so confusing on the issue, I asked you directly what you meant four times, and you've ignored it each time except the last time, when you said:

"I said "don't go there" because for every black supremists crime, we can probably come up with over 1000 white supremists crimes and you know I'm right."

Yet you don't say that it shouldn't be done. You very much seem to indicate it is justified. Again, I've asked you over and over to clarify, and that was the best you could do.

C: I stand by that. Just look at the media coverage if a blonde is killed or is missing and look at the lack of media coverage a black woman in the same situation gets. I know, it's all in my imagination.

The media does what it does. No one has argued this point with you yet in this thread, certainly not me. I can't control the media. I can control myself, though, and I can control what is in my heart.
)Regarding my comment inferring that you believe "People should only care about unsolved murders if they are related to the victim"

D: Never once said that. Again, you're twisting things for your own point of view.

Because it's been about 13 years and besides, why do you guys care so much? I can see if any of you were actually related or were friends of the victims, but you're not.

Page ONE, dude. YESTERDAY.

Do you feel the same way about those cops that shot an unarmed black man over 20 times in NYC, than you do about OJ? Or the cops that beat Rodney King half to death on video? Just wondering.

I think the cops who did that shooting should all go to prison for the rest of their lives. Same as I think the cops who stick plungers up peoples asses should go to prison. I don't care what color a person is. The people who did those things should pay heavily.

And how does any of that make someone racist?

I'm seriously beginning to wonder if you've got some sort of mental deficiency.



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Guest sith lord
The media does what it does. No one has argued this point with you yet in this thread, certainly not me. I can't control the media. I can control myself, though, and I can control what is in my heart.

And the media does represent, for the most part, society at large. People around here jumped on Kenye West for what he said about Bush and called him everything but the son of God. People around like calling Sharpton and Jackson racist. For what? because they see racism where you're too blind to notice it? But many here, on the sly, stuck up for Don Imus. But I'm the racist?

I'm glad you actually admitted that those cops deserved to go to prison. And as for what I said about "whites used to kill blacks just to pass the time today", you don't disagree with that, do you? Considering you keep bringing it up, I thought I'd ask.

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And the media does represent, for the most part, society at large. People around here jumped on Kenye West for what he said about Bush and called him everything but the son of God. People around like calling Sharpton and Jackson racist. For what? because they see racism where you're too blind to notice it? But many here, on the sly, stuck up for Don Imus. But I'm the racist?


The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Saturday that his Rainbow/Push Coalition will pay the college tuition for a black stripper who has made rape allegations against white members of Duke University's men's lacrosse team.

And the offer stands even if it turns out she fabricated her story.

This is a heinously racist act. Don Imus said something dumb. Huge difference.

Nothing's "on the sly." Jackson wants to get whitey even if it's a bald-faced lie. Imus' comments hurt no one with any backbone whatsoever.

BTW, we've now spent one-hundred and twenty-seven THOUSAND MILLION dollars in Katrina relief. $127 BILLION. Louisiana's GDP is $141 billion.

Oh yeah, but George Bush and the American tax payers hate black people. :rolleyes:

sith, at some point you've got to give some ground here. We (Bang, Spiff, myself) probably do too, I'll grant you. But come on man. Some of this stuff just can't be argued.

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Guest sith lord

This is a heinously racist act. Don Imus said something dumb. Huge difference.

Nothing's "on the sly." Jackson wants to get whitey even if it's a bald-faced lie. Imus' comments hurt no one with any backbone whatsoever.

Backbone or not, words do hurt. Imus put those young women in a position they didn't deserve to be put in.

BTW, we've now spent one-hundred and twenty-seven THOUSAND MILLION dollars in Katrina relief. $127 BILLION. Louisiana's GDP is $141 billion.

Uh yeah, but George Bush and the American tax payers hate black people.

I understand that we spent a lot in Katrina relief. That's not what I was saying. I just thought, as many others have, that the government was slow to respond. Hell, the government responded faster for the tsunami victims.

sith, at some point you've got to give some ground here. We (Bang, Spiff, myself) probably do too, I'll grant you. But come on man. Some of this stuff just can't be argued.

Fair enough, although I must say, just because some issues can't be argued, that doesn't mean they don't exist.

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And the media does represent, for the most part, society at large. People around here jumped on Kenye West for what he said about Bush and called him everything but the son of God. People around like calling Sharpton and Jackson racist. For what? because they see racism where you're too blind to notice it? But many here, on the sly, stuck up for Don Imus. But I'm the racist?

I'm glad you actually admitted that those cops deserved to go to prison. And as for what I said about "whites used to kill blacks just to pass the time today", you don't disagree with that, do you? Considering you keep bringing it up, I thought I'd ask.

Well, I'd never stick up for those cops. It's heinous what they did, and no civilized person anywhere could possibly condone it. And no , i don't disagree that in the past things wre horrible. But the last thing we should do is 'keep score"... we should work together to make sure that sort of thing disappears for good.

I don't mind Jesse Jackson .. He at one time actually did fight the good fight, he paid his dues in some real battles. His contemporaries in the Civil Rights movement were some great men, and you can't be around people of that caliber without it rubbing off on you in a good way. He had some serious fire, and his message is by and large very good.

I think somewhere along the way he got a taste of the money that stirring the pot can bring, and sometimes that may cloud his judgment.

I think Al Sharpton is a charlatan who uses misery to line his own pockets and prop himself up. I remember the Tawana Brawley fiasco, and it galls me that he has essentially made his name on ruining the lives of three innocent men over a lie. I'm sure he feels he has th path of righteousness under his feet, but I can't help but remember that incident, along with many others that he has instigated.

Imus, I really don't care. I think he's a hack. He said something idiotic, and if anything is a fact, in today's world you just can't say things that might have been acceptable 30 years ago. He's an idiot for not recognizing it.

Al took him down, and that's his right to try to do. In all candor, I don't really have an opinion other than he said something moronic, and folks overreacted a bit over it. a lot of wasted energy that in the end accomplished very little other than to cost one guy his job for a little while.

I'm not making excuses for anyone else, nor am I in the mood to make a list of everyone here who may be a racist.

Sometimes when i read the things that are written here, sometimes when it seems that all whites get lumped into these racist categories, it burns me. I honestly do try my best to be a good man and live among my neighbors in peace. My house is multi-cultural,, two races sleep in my bed every night. (and a dog... the bum.) It took my in-laws a bit of time to warm up to me, and that was kind of strange.

Maybe i went overboard in calling you a racist. I am not so arrogant to know that I should apologize. And so I do, I'm sorry if I wronged you.

Please understand that there are a lot of us out here who try to remove this junk from our lives. When i say to you that it's not as bad as you think, practically everyone i know feels the same way. It pains me to hear that all the effort that has been put forth over the last 40 or so years isn't recognized. It's not like I need a pat on the back, but it would be nice every once in a while to not be told that all or most whites hate black people and try to keep them down, etc. etc.

One day you should come to my neighborhood and go to a good cookout. We all live together here, and we like it that way. I like my neighbors, and they like me. I watch out for the elderly in the neighborhood because I'm home all day, and they know they can count on me if they need a lift to the doctor or whatever.

I think you'd be pleasantly surprised at the America I know.



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One day you should come to my neighborhood and go to a good cookout. We all live together here, and we like it that way. I like my neighbors, and they like me. I watch out for the elderly in the neighborhood because I'm home all day, and they know they can count on me if they need a lift to the doctor or whatever.

I think you'd be pleasantly surprised at the America I know.



Well done.


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Guest sith lord
One day you should come to my neighborhood and go to a good cookout. We all live together here, and we like it that way. I like my neighbors, and they like me. I watch out for the elderly in the neighborhood because I'm home all day, and they know they can count on me if they need a lift to the doctor or whatever.

I think you'd be pleasantly surprised at the America I know.



I read the entire post and it was well said. But I couldn't help but respond to the last part considering I had a BBQ and invited the neighborhood myself about 3 weeks ago. It was very expensive and I won't be doing it too often, but I decided to invite all of my nephews friends over, blacks, whites and one hispanic. They all came over and ate BBQ and played video games. They actually came back the next day for leftovers.

I swear that I'm not a racist. I just want equality and fairness as does anybody else.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's not lookin good for OJ


Co-defendant to testify vs O.J., others By KEN RITTER, Associated Press Writer

6 minutes ago

LAS VEGAS - A second co-defendant in the O.J. Simpson armed robbery case said Monday that he will plead guilty to a reduced charge and testify against Simpson and four others in the alleged hotel room theft of sports collectibles from two memorabilia dealers.

Walter Alexander, 46, of Mesa, Ariz., told a judge he will plead guilty to conspiracy to commit robbery, a felony. He could face between one and six years in prison.

Outside the courtroom, Alexander and his lawyers declined to say what testimony he will provide.

Earlier Monday, Charles Cashmore, 40, of Las Vegas, told the same judge that he would plead guilty to a felony and testify for the prosecution.

The plea agreements up the ante in the prosecution of Simpson. Cashmore can testify that guns were involved in the Sept. 13 confrontation with two sports memorabilia dealers at a Las Vegas casino hotel room, his lawyer said.

"He can establish who was in the room, what was said, who had guns, who didn't have guns, potentially who may have seen guns, who didn't see guns," attorney Edward Miley said outside court. "I think he wishes he would have never met O.J."

Simpson and his lawyers have denied guns were in the room at the Palace Station hotel-casino. His lawyers did not respond Monday to requests for comment.

Both Alexander and Cashmore waived their preliminary hearings. Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Joe Bonaventure Jr., set both men's arraignments for Oct. 23.

Cashmore faces up to five years in prison.

"In District Court, he'll be pleading guilty to accessory to robbery," Clark County District Attorney David Roger told Bonaventure. "He's agreed to provide truthful testimony."

Outside court, Cashmore said he thought he'd done the right thing, but declined additional comment.

Cashmore was initially arraigned on nine felonies and a gross misdemeanor, charges that included kidnapping, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and conspiracy. A kidnapping conviction alone could have resulted in a sentence of life in prison with parole.

Simpson and the others, Clarence "C.J." Stewart, Michael McClinton, and Charles Ehrlich, are due in court for a preliminary hearing on Nov. 8 and 9. Bonaventure will decide then whether there is enough evidence to send the case to trial in state court.

If asked, Cashmore will testify if asked at the preliminary hearing that Alexander and McClinton were armed when they entered the room with Simpson, Miley said.

Simpson claims at least some of the items taken from collectors Alfred Beardsley and Bruce Fromong belonged to him, and his lawyers have maintained that no guns were used. Simpson and the others are charged with kidnapping, armed robbery, assault, burglary and conspiracy.

Cashmore was introduced to Simpson and most of the others in the group for the first time minutes before the alleged robbery, Miley said.

"He didn't know anyone. He didn't know what was going on," Miley said. "He didn't have a gun."

Cashmore, a journeyman laborer, bartender and disc jockey, surrendered to authorities six days after the encounter, and after police released images from hotel security videotapes showing him carrying a box from the room at the hotel.

Cashmore didn't look at everything in the box, but said some items included lithograph prints of football great Joe Montana, his lawyer said.

Cashmore should have immediately gone to the police and turned over the items he carried out of the room, Miley said. "He should have done something, but he didn't," Miley said.

In 1996, he plea bargained a felony theft charge to a misdemeanor and received probation in an embezzlement case in Utah.

Alexander's lawyer, Robert Dennis Rentzer, declined to say whether Alexander had a gun in the room, but expressed doubt Cashmore could say Alexander was armed.

McClinton's lawyer, Bill Terry, did not respond to requests for comment.

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