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Pulling an all Nighter (merged)


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We've been through a lot as fans this past year. The media has bashed us constantly, rival teams mock us, and, sadly, it's for a good reason: 5-11 is not a good record at all. However, each and every one of us Skins fans know what has happened over the off-season...that we are healthy, we have improved, and that we will be beastly. Not every NFL-viewer knows this, as our preseason was not the circus that it tends to be, and hype is pretty low, but they will know this soon enough. We welcome newcomers Landry, Fletcher, and Kendall, and welcome back our prodigal son Fred Smoooooot. The future has finally arrived thanks to JC, while Clinton Portis is hungry, and will eat your soul, tendonitis or no tendonitis. Will these pieces all click into place? We've struggled with cohesion in the past, but have faith, for we actually have pieces worth talking about this season.

........I'm betting all of you have thought about these things while trying to sleep at some point this past week. Tonight will be the toughest, as game time is only about 15 hours away. I made this thread for all of you who intend on staying up late tonight, so instead of getting NNT'd for making some ridiculous thread while half-asleep, you can just post your exhausted, meandering thoughts here. :D Consider this the first pre-game thread of the regular season.

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I'm watching the LSU game right now, and they are bashing my beloved Hokies, the #9 team in the country. If Laron Landry comes from this kind of pedigree, we've got ourselves a dominant safety. I can't wait for Area 51 to knock some heads. I get chills everytime I think about those two being together for the next decade or so.

Edit: How am I going to sleep tonight?!? 15 more hours!!!

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I hear you Bacon. But as a Skins fan of 55 talking to one of 16, I must tell you to not annoint anything until the W, the banner or the trophy is in hand.

To quote Dickens "It is the best of times; it is the worst of times."

15 hours and counting.

:helmet: The Rook

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I hear you Bacon. But as a Skins fan of 55 talking to one of 16, I must tell you to not annoint anything until the W, the banner or the trophy is in hand.

Yeah, I know you're right. It's just so difficult not to proclaim victory when your team looks this solid! :) Hopefully, it's not a mirage.

You've got to feel sorry for us younger Skins fans...none of us have ever actually seen the team play at an elite level; it's surprising that any of us can ever be optimistic. :laugh:

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I'll be up late with late with ya. :cheers:

Ya know what sucks for me? I am scheduled to work tomorrow from 11-3. I didn't put up a fight because I am new and trying to make a good impression...blah blah blah.

I don't know whether to tape the game and watch the entire thing or get off work and start watching during the 2nd half. If I did watch the entire thing taped that would mean that I would have to avoid pretty much everything for an hour and a half until the game is over.

BTW, what is the story behind your username? You eating breakfast and decided to register?

Edit: I guess I am out of the loop, but, where did this area 51 come from? Who came up with that name? Do Taylor and Landry know about it? Does the media?

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I'll be up late with late with ya. :cheers:

Ya know what sucks for me? I am scheduled to work tomorrow from 11-3. I didn't put up a fight because I am new and trying to make a good impression...blah blah blah.

I don't know whether to tape the game and watch the entire thing or get off work and start watching during the 2nd half. If I did watch the entire thing taped that would mean that I would have to avoid pretty much everything for an hour and a half until the game is over.

BTW, what is the story behind your username? You eating breakfast and decided to register?

Edit: I guess I am out of the loop, but, where did this area 51 come from? Who came up with that name? Do Taylor and Landry know about it? Does the media?

OK, here we go.

1. It sucks that you have to work. :( A huge part of the opening day experience has to do with the build-up towards the game, not just the game itself. Taping it just isn't the same.

2. My username is quite logical, actually:

Redskins--->The Hogs--->Bacon :silly:

3. Area 51 comes from LaRon Landry and Sean Taylor's jersey numbers. 30+21=51. :cheers:

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I'll be up late with late with ya. :cheers:

Ya know what sucks for me? I am scheduled to work tomorrow from 11-3. I didn't put up a fight because I am new and trying to make a good impression...blah blah blah.

I don't know whether to tape the game and watch the entire thing or get off work and start watching during the 2nd half. If I did watch the entire thing taped that would mean that I would have to avoid pretty much everything for an hour and a half until the game is over.

Wow, sorry to hear about your work schedule. Where do you work....is there a tv around anywhere (wishful thinking)? I would just get off and start watching the 2nd half. I couldn't stand knowing the game is over but I dont know the score...thats just my opinion. Good Luck. HAIL.

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Can't sleep. Must type.

I've had visions in my head while I'm trying to sleep of LaRon Landry making his first big hit in front of the home crowd (in a real game), and I'm sure my wife has seen me lying there trying to sleep with a stupid grin on my face. She probably thinks I'm thinking about the baby who is on the way.:silly:

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Can't sleep. Must type.

I've had visions in my head while I'm trying to sleep of LaRon Landry making his first big hit in front of the home crowd (in a real game), and I'm sure my wife has seen me lying there trying to sleep with a stupid grin on my face. She probably thinks I'm thinking about the baby who is on the way.:silly:

New baby=future 'Skins fan.

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Nice thread Bacon, I don't know when to even try and go to sleep. I usually get up at 6am during the week, but that would be torture tomorrow. I want to sleep until like 11:00am so I don't have to agonize for too long.

I try to read into what players are saying for the deeper meaning when I listen to interviews. Last year at this time I remember Brunell saying he had no comfort with the playbook, but all the talk was about how great the O was going to be with Saunders. That had me worried, but I figured the D would pick up the slack, so much for that.

This year is just sounds so different to listen to the players. They seem to have really absorbed what the coaches are saying and have mimicked their philosophy. In the long run, the pain of last year may be the thing that springboards these ultra-talented but underachieving players into the success they have dreamed of. I like this team and hope they get this started right tomorrow.

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I'm usually nervous but tonight I'm not at all

After living through a nightmare 5-11 (with sky high expectations going into the season) we don't really have anything to lose as fans

All the media bashing now was media love last season -- the Skins were widely predicted to go deep into the playoffs -- finally having earned a small measure of respect after several seasons of suck. Then the team fell on it's face in a painful way.

After that, nothing that happens tomorrow scares me (outside of injuries). I feel like I've already looked into the abyss as a fan and it's time to let go of any fear or trepidation, and just let my favorite team show me what they are really made of.

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My daughter is in the hospital, so it's been a downer weekend. :(

Hoping the boys can pull out a win tomorrow to help lift my spirits.

No sleeping for me tonight either.

No talking to God tonight about the game - my prayers are for your daughter McMetal.

Let us know how she is doing.

ExtremeSkins have your back.

:helmet: The Rook

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My daughter is in the hospital, so it's been a downer weekend. :(

Hoping the boys can pull out a win tomorrow to help lift my spirits.

No sleeping for me tonight either.

That's such a shame. I hope your daughter is alright.

I'm very excited and expecting an all-nighter... but those are hours I need for schoolwork, so I may not post much. :doh:

As of 1pm tomorrow, however, there is no such thing as college, none-the-less homework.

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OK, here we go.

1. It sucks that you have to work. :( A huge part of the opening day experience has to do with the build-up towards the game, not just the game itself. Taping it just isn't the same.

2. My username is quite logical, actually:

Redskins--->The Hogs--->Bacon :silly:

3. Area 51 comes from LaRon Landry and Sean Taylor's jersey numbers. 30+21=51. :cheers:


Who first came up with the area 51 thing? Does the media (local or national) refer to them our tandem as area 51?

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