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KC Joyner's chat raided by 'Skins fans!


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(Boston): How do you see Ferguson impacting the Vikings passing game?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:01 PM ET ) I don't mean to be negative about this, but the way Ferguson has played the past couple of seasons, he should fit right in with the Minnesota wideouts.

Zach(San Diego): Metrically, who was better last season, reggie Brown or Kevin Curtis? How do you see their season's playing out?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:02 PM ET ) Zach, Brown had the better overall YPA but Curtis had better vertical numbers. That's why I think Curtis will be used deep and Brown on more short/medium routes.

Greg (Denver, CO): If Oakland's starting OL plays well again tomorrow, is there reason to believe that this team could surprise a few teams this year and the was maligned more due to coaching/system than actual talent?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:03 PM ET ) Greg, if the Raiders O line is improved, and the word I'm hearing around the league is that it is improving on a regular basis, Oakland is an 8-8 candidate this year. They have the players, of that there is little doubt.

Don Buffalo: What type of metrics if any at all do you have on Buffalo CB Jabari Greer. He always seems to play great in TC and Pre-Season but always flops during the year. Since there is some uncertainly at the CB position do you think Greer could push for a starting spot?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:04 PM ET ) Greer metrics over the years have been around nickel CB level. He's definitely good enough to warrant a roster spot but he's probably not good enough to be a starter. Having said that, I'd still take him over Jason Webster seven days a week.

Timothy (Columbus, OH): KC, I love your stuff, but I have to dispute one of your stats. Charlie Frye had more than 3 int's as a result of dropped passes. Edwards had one in wk 1 agianst the Saints, Droughns has 1 in week 2 against Cin, Northcutt had one against Oak in wk 4, and Edwards had another one in the middle of the season. Considering how awful the recievers played last year there may have been more.

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:06 PM ET ) Timothy, one of the difficulties in tracking that type of metric is that it has a certain level of subjectivity built in. Where I might see a interception coming due primarily to an inaccurate pass that bounced of a WRs hands, you might see a drop. It's not that either of us is necessarily wrong, it's just that we would disagree on the cause of the pick.

Tim (nyc): what do your metrics say about DeAngelo Williams? is he set up to have a good season?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:07 PM ET ) I believe Williams could have a strong season because of the Panthers schedule. They face a number of weak run defenses in 2007, and that always bodes well for a RB.

Boston Bob: KC, SF:2007 is a great book! I'm glad you returned to the SF:2005 format. Much easier to digest. Please don't change it! You were right on the money with Tory James. He allowed 2 TDs against Tennessee last week: beaten for a pass and whiff on a running play. He's horrible. I think you're being harsh with Rodney Harrison, however. IIRC, he was pushed into Trent Green's knee on that play.

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:09 PM ET ) Thanks for the good words about the book, Bob. I tried to be as fair with Harrison as I could.

Xander (Philly): Lotta work to do today KC, just wanted to drop by and say whats up...NE seems to be having some WR issues already. How long till Moss blows up at Brady or BB?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:11 PM ET ) Good to see you, Xander. I'm chalking the preseason issues up to players being antsy for the season to start. Let's not get too worried just yet!

Sean (Philly): Does it pay off to select a TE like Gates if all that is available are second tier number 1 WR's? The first WR I took was Braylon in the 7th round.

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:12 PM ET ) Sean, I usually advocate getting at least one elite player on a fantasy roster. If you were down to the Braylon Edwards value level at WR, Gates was probably a good pick.

Ajit, Saratoga CA: KC, In SF 2007 you said New England didn't have the depth to go 12 rounds with Indy. I am curious, are you saying that the loss was because their linebackers had poor depth or was it their defense in general?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:13 PM ET ) Ajit, the depth issue mostly showed up at LB, but don't forget that NE also had Harrison out of the lineup.

Paul (Trenton, NJ): Was that a mirage last week or did Daunte Culpepper look pretty mobile out there whether rolling out or scrambling? If he's got that back, what's his upside?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:15 PM ET ) Paul, the word I'm hearing is that Culpepper is doing fairly well. I'm not quite ready to say he'll be the comeback player of the year but that thought is starting to come across my radar screen.

Matt(Logan, UT): What's up with the denver defense so far. They were supposed to be awesome, but they have stunk it up so far. Any chance they sign Trotter, they are looking for someody to fill Warrick Holdmans spot.

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:17 PM ET ) Matt, the Broncos offense put the defense in some bad spots against Dallas, so I wouldn't entirely blame that on their defense. They could use some LB depth, especially a run stuffer like Trotter given how the Denver D line is getting banged up.

Ryan (Tampa): With Plaxico coming off an ankle sprain and Shocky an overall injury risk, does Toomer have any Fantasy value this year as a solid #2 WR?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:19 PM ET ) Ryan, Toomer could be what I call an insurance policy player for ppr leagues. He's the kind of guy that will put up 8-10 points just about every week in a ppr league. Those points aren't enough to win you games, but at least you will know you aren't going to get a goose egg.

John (Cincinnati): KC, How do you think the Brown's secondary can perform this year?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:20 PM ET ) John, if the Browns secondary stays healthy, they have a chance at being one of the best in the NFL. Bodden is on the verge of being an elite CB and Sean Jones is a playmaker.

Pat (Fort Morgan, CO): Your metrics are like my Bible. Everyone at ESPN seems to believe Alex Smith is a game manager type of quarterback. I want more than a game manager. Will he be a star?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:21 PM ET ) Pat, with the additions at WR, Smith should progress very nicely this year. I'm not quite ready to say he will be a star, but he could close in on the top 10.

Mike (Annapolis): KC - how about answering a question about the one major trade (involving starters) that went down today? Is Pete Kendall a good fit for the Redskins?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:23 PM ET ) I've had a ton of Pete Kendall questions, so I guess I'd better weigh in on him. My take on Kendall is that he won't need to be a world beater to do well with Washington. The Skins have one of the best O lines in the NFL, especially from a run blocking standpoint, so Kendall will simply need to fit in. He's more than capable of that if he stays healthy.

Shawn Tn : Kc, Are you one of the people who hate Dallas questions?... :)

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:24 PM ET ) Shawn, far from it! Dallas is a very interesting team to talk about, but I simply haven't had many Cowboys questions posted so far.

Bob(Pittsburgh): Any concerns about the Steelers offense so far this preseason?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:26 PM ET ) Not really. I didn't expect the Steelers to explode out of the gate in this offense. Arians has a different approach to offense from Whisenhunt and it will take the Steelers a few games to get into a groove in this system.

Mr. Christopher (Buffalo): Judging from your comments regarding the Skins O-line, it seems those criticizing the Bills for signing D. Dockery are off base.

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:28 PM ET ) Mr. Christopher, I'm of the mindset that the Buffalo personnel department did a pretty good job in dealing with all of their personnel issues this offseason.

Shawn TN : KC, well here is one for you... After reading the 07 Predictions on ESPN.com yesterday I was suprised noone picked Dallas to make it to the NFC champ game. I do not see any glaring weaknesses that would prevent them from running with anyone in the NFC.. So why no love for the Boys? Any Ideas?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:30 PM ET ) Shawn, I completely agree that Dallas has the talent to make an NFC Championship game level run. They do have potential issues at safety but their defense should be strong enough to work around that. I think the reasons Dallas isn't seen as the NFC favorite are a) the media's lack of faith in Wade Phillips as a head coach and B) their lack of faith in Tony Romo sits to pee as a QB.

Travis (Canada): KC, give me some good news on Saints TE Eric Johnson and that offence finally coming together before the season starts? Whst numbers shall we expect from the main players there?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:31 PM ET ) Travis, I have been surprised at how bad the Saints have looked on offense this preseason. As far as Johnson goes, all of the metrics on him say that he should be a very good possession TE if he can stay healthy. NO could use that type of a guy to take the pressure off of Colston, so Johnson looks to be a good addition.


sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:32 PM ET ) Only if you bring a portable soundsystem and play it in the parking lot before the game, Ryan!


sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:33 PM ET ) And I meant that in a good way, Ryan!

Chuck (Rochester, NY): How does Ronnie Brown look in Miami this year and what kind of number can we expect from him in their new Offense?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:34 PM ET ) Chuck, it's all going to depend on the O line. Miami moved around every O lineman to new positions, and it could take a few games for them to gel. If they stay healthy, and if Green/Lemon can provide solid QB play, Brown could have a good year. That's a lot of ifs, though.

Tom (SD): I made a trade yesterday and added Brees and Braylon Edwards in exchange for Palmer and Devery Henderson, who get the better end of the deal?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:35 PM ET ) I see Brees and Palmer as being pretty much equal. From a fantasy standpoint, Edwards is the better player, so I'd say you got the better deal.

Ryan: (Nampa, ID): Hey KC - What do you think about the addition of Gerrard Warren to the Raiders line? Can he improve an already good pass rush?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:37 PM ET ) Warren is really being seen as a depth guy. If he plays up to his potential, he'll give Oakland a good backup.

Ajit, Saratoga CA: KC, is it just me or does denver seem to do well against the patriots and just get shreded by Indy? Do you think its a matchup reason or is Indy just in Denver's head? And are you doing any radio shows today?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:39 PM ET ) Ajit, Denver hasn't done well against Indy in large part because it's hard to beat the Colts with a 4-3 defense.

Ed (Baltimore): You say the cowboys can make a run at the super bowl? What do they have the 'Skins dont?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:41 PM ET ) A much better group of WRs for one. A D line that can generate a pass rush. And a better overall secondary. I like a lot things about the Skins but they simply aren't as deep in talent as Dallas or Philly.

Greg (Norman, Ok): Ummm... Drew Brees has a total of two incompletions in the past two games, and the starters have racked up a nice amount of yardage in those games. So, why do you think the Saints offense has looked bad?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:42 PM ET ) Greg, it could be that I don't think they have looked as good as they did late last year. Heck, it could be simply that they are rolling out simple game plans. It's one of the reasons I hate trying to grade preseason games.

Rob (Ashburn): Dallas has a better overall secondary than Washington? That can't be right.

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:43 PM ET ) Rob, don't forget that Washington does have Carlos Rogers in their secondary. On the plus side, if LaRon Landry does play well, I'd grade their secondaries a push.

pat (st. louis): KC, which team will emerge from NFC West division. I'm biased... think the Rams will suprise everyone.

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:44 PM ET ) Pat, if the Rams are going to win the division, they are going to have to do it with a ton of shootouts. I just don't trust the St. Louis defense to slow down any offense.

Mikey(Lackawanna,NY): KC, Do you think the A-Train and Marshawn Lynch will be a good 1-2 punch this season for the Buffalo Bills? Do you think they will use Marshawn at WR? Also who do you think they will use more?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:46 PM ET ) Mikey, I do think that the Bills have a very good 1-2 punch in those two. I'd bet Lynch gets more carries. The big concern is that Buffalo faces a ton of tough run defenses: Pittsburgh, New England twice, Dallas, Baltimore, Miami twice and Jacksonville. Lynch could play well and still not have a great stat year because of the matchups.

Troy (Toronto): Hey KC, I just ordered your FF 2007 book (electronic), but have no idea where to go to download it.....sorry first time. Can you help point me in the right direction? Thanks

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:47 PM ET ) Troy, shoot me an email at kc@thefootballscientist.com and I'll walk you through it.

Adam (Columbus OH): Think the NFC East can sneak three teams into the playoffs again? If so who's on the outside looking in?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:48 PM ET ) That's a tough call, Adam. I'd say Washington could be on the outside if Campbell progresses and the WRs step up.

Joe (Indianapolis, IN): Would you draft a Titans RB in your draft? I don't like White or Henry but they are always available in late rounds...

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:48 PM ET ) Joe, carries are the coin of the realm in fantasy football, so a Tennessee back getting the rock is a good backup option.

Kevin (Malvern): What do your metrics predict for Bulger & Holt this season- Up or down form last year?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:50 PM ET ) Kevin, Holt was banged up last year and that's a big part of the reason he struggled in the metrics. A healthy Holt will improve both his and Bulger's numbers.

Travis (Canada): KC and Greg, I guess my concerns is that the back-up Q.B, W.R, and runners have looked like they were signed off the street and not in the system for two years. I meant Jamie Martin, Terrence Cooper and Aaron Stecker, just look at the second half of the Cincy game last week to see what I mean and they should have beaten Buffalo as well!

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:51 PM ET ) I agree with you Travis. The Saints backups seemed to completely fall apart. NO may be a team that has to stay healthy to be an elite team.

Greensboro, NC: "I'd say Washington could be on the outside if Campbell progresses and the WRs step up." That doesn't make sence. Can you clear that up...

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:52 PM ET ) The question was which team would be on the outside of the playoffs in the NFC East. I meant that to say that Washington has a good chance to beat out the Giants if Campbell and WRs do well. They won't be quite good enough to get into the tourney, though.

Ben ( Chicago ): You would take T.O., old and injured Glenn, Crayton and whatever #4 receiver for Dallas over Moss, Randle El, Lloyd, and Thrash or another Skins #4 receiver?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:54 PM ET ) Ben, you are kidding, right? Lloyd had awful metrics last year and Randle El's metrics were even worse. Glenn had great metrics and Owens is still just about as good as he ever was. It's no contest at the WR position between Dallas and Washington.

MichaelT29 (Chicago, IL): Hey KC, how do you see former and oft injured second round pick Mark Bradley returning with the Bears? Is he teh 3rd receiever needed to help Rex and lead our City to Super Bowl?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:55 PM ET ) Bradley has performed well when he has been healthy in the past, so that bodes well. Having a combination of Bradley and Rashied Davis at #3 should give Chicago one of the better #3 WR positions in the NFL.

ryan(CT): How do you think Carson Palmer will do this year, 2 years away from the injury?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:56 PM ET ) I've got Palmer 3rd on my cheat sheet for QBs, if that gives you any indication.

Johnny(Queens): KC, Dont you think with the addition of Pete Kendall now the Redskind O-line look really good especially on paper? They have Chris Samuels, Pete Kendall, Randy Thomas, Jon Jansen, Jason Fabini ETC..?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:57 PM ET ) Johnny, I would have said the Skins had one of the best O lines in the NFL before Kendall was added. If Washington is going to win a lot of games this year, it will have to be on the strength of their O line.

Chris, Florida: KC, interested to see if your metrics validate the Eagles decision to release Trotter. I'm definately going to miss the guy but it seemed to me that the Eagles D played a little better with Gaither in the middle.

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:58 PM ET ) Chris, Gaither is also much younger, and that's the main reason Philly let go of Trotter. You hit the age of 30 and the Eagles start getting visions of your replacement in their heads.

al (DC): DC-native but not a Skins fan, their fans in their tunnel vision of the NFL are like Yankees and Sox fan -- Brandon Lloyd is horrible and so is Rnadle El...I have a more philosophic Q for you KC. The balance of power shifts in the NFL from year to year, does that make (in fantasy terms) focusing on the match-ups a little riskier?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (5:00 PM ET ) Al, when it comes to grading fantasy players based on matchups, it really boils down to if the teams are going to target the matchups. Some teams don't necessarily target the matchups but more than enough do to give the matchup based system a good track record.

J (Milwaukee): Lee Evans vs. Champ Bailey! How does Champ do on deep passes? And can Evans beat him deep in week 1?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (5:02 PM ET ) J, I wonder if Denver will move Bailey over to cover Evans or leave Bly on him instead. It will be an interesting to see how they approach that, because Bly is scheduled to face Evans.

Mikey(Lackawanna,NY): Do you think RB Clinton Portis would be a good fantasy football pickup with his solid O-Line?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (5:04 PM ET ) Mikey, I like Portis in that the Skins O line is that good (it seems like every question today is a Washington one). Having said that, Portis is starting to show signs of wear, so I would be careful not to overvalue him. Well, I hate to cut it short this early but I've got to hit the road. I hope to see everyone next week!

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Rob (Ashburn): Dallas has a better overall secondary than Washington? That can't be right.

KC Joyner: (4:43 PM ET ) Rob, don't forget that Washington does have Carlos Rogers in their secondary. On the plus side, if LaRon Landry does play well, I'd grade their secondaries a push.

While I think it's silly to suggest Dallas has a stronger secondary, I find that quote hilarious when faced with the Carlos Rogers jockers on this board.

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"And a better overall secondary"

That's just not correct. He faults us for having Rogers?!?

If he's our worst guy, he is still light years ahead of the worst guy in Dallas' secondary.

And what about our depth off the bench? Macklin, Prioleau, etc?

Please. They have the nasty D-line but our secondary has the clear edge top to bottom.

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(Columbus OH): Think the NFC East can sneak three teams into the playoffs again? If so who's on the outside looking in?

sn2.gifKC Joyner: (4:48 PM ET ) That's a tough call, Adam. I'd say Washington could be on the outside if Campbell progresses and the WRs step up.

Why would the Redskins be on the outside if Campbell progresses and the WR's step up. That would be a reason for us to make the playoffs, not to miss them.

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KC Joyner: (4:48 PM ET ) Hold on a second, it's hard to type and kiss Jerry's rear at the same time...

Just another dallas partisan hack!! When we have a new coaching staff we're told it will takes years to build continuity. They have a new coach and overrated secondary and they're gonna take it to the championship...?

gimme a break!

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While I think it's silly to suggest Dallas has a stronger secondary, I find that quote hilarious when faced with the Carlos Rogers jockers on this board.

I like KC Joyners stats and meterics

but his opinions at times are just plain stupid

and the funny part, he has trashed the Dallas secondary all offseason, Newman, Henry, Hamlin, and states RW sucks period in coverage

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well our complete OL hasn't played yet in the off season, nor has our #1 RB

Not only that Bubba,it seems to me that there has been more of an emphasis on the passing game.I think there has been more focus on getting Jason acclimated.How many times has Betts carried the ball?One of the main focuses of the pre season should be to work on specific issues.Having ran the ball well last year I don't think they are that concerned at this point.Could turn out to be wrong but Ithink they should be able to run the ball well this year.

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Geez Joyner must really be on the cowboys nads hard! I must be totally blinded by B&G glasses!!! Dallas Secondary better than ours??? OMG he needs to lay off the acid trips.. WR's way better than ours?? TO is good, but I hate him, but he has the same problem as Glenn- he is scared of ST.. He brags on our great online than warns about C Portis in Fantasy Football... I hope all NFL scouts think the samething this jag-off does, if so CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!

PS don't have time to make it to my favorite post **** the cowboys! SO i will do it here. F*** the media darlings and TO's stationary bike! F*** Terry Glenn and his broke back, banged up kness, and aligator arms, F***'em all and feed them fish heads.. If Joe Gibbs calls the Cowboys Ugly: it is fair to say that they are sum ugly mofo's.


Your Skin's brethen

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Hail! :)

Well he's wrong about us not making the paloffs this year. He said we wouldn't make it...then he said we would be on the outside looking in. Then he said we could beat out the Giants to have the possibility of 3 teams from the NFC East in the paloffs. Sounds like he knows his stuff, but not on our team baby. Go Skinzzzzzz!!!! Paloffs or Bust!!!!

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Geez Joyner must really be on the cowboys nads hard! I must be totally blinded by B&G glasses!!! Dallas Secondary better than ours??? OMG he needs to lay off the acid trips.. WR's way better than ours?? TO is good, but I hate him, but he has the same problem as Glenn- he is scared of ST..

We have to be real here. While Moss has been good, great at times, there is nothing on our team that wouldn't validate Joyner's point. Regardless if Owens or Glenn is scared of ST, they are overall significantly better based on performance and numbers

TO 85 catches 1180 yards 13 TD's

Glenn 70 1047 yds 6 tds

Crayton 36 516 and 4 TD's

While I will give us Moss is outstanding and was hurt last year, our other top two combined don't add up to their 3rd best. Sorry.

As for the secondary being better. I have to also disagree with Joyner. I would take our secondary over Dallas in a heartbeat

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We have to be real here. While Moss has been good, great at times, there is nothing on our team that wouldn't validate Joyner's point. Regardless if Owens or Glenn is scared of ST, they are overall significantly better based on performance and numbers

TO 85 catches 1180 yards 13 TD's

Glenn 70 1047 yds 6 tds

Crayton 36 516 and 4 TD's

While I will give us Moss is outstanding and was hurt last year, our other top two combined don't add up to their 3rd best. Sorry.

As for the secondary being better. I have to also disagree with Joyner. I would take our secondary over Dallas in a heartbeat

Point taken. I attribute alot of our poor WR stats to:

1 New Off playbook

2 Mark (Scott) Brunell

3 Lloyd was a bust last year(time for him to ride or die)


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Geez Joyner must really be on the cowboys nads hard! I must be totally blinded by B&G glasses!!! Dallas Secondary better than ours??? OMG he needs to lay off the acid trips.. WR's way better than ours?? TO is good, but I hate him, but he has the same problem as Glenn- he is scared of ST.. He brags on our great online than warns about C Portis in Fantasy Football... I hope all NFL scouts think the samething this jag-off does, if so CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!

PS don't have time to make it to my favorite post **** the cowboys! SO i will do it here. F*** the media darlings and TO's stationary bike! F*** Terry Glenn and his broke back, banged up kness, and aligator arms, F***'em all and feed them fish heads.. If Joe Gibbs calls the Cowboys Ugly: it is fair to say that they are sum ugly mofo's.


Your Skin's brethen

Cowboy's receivers are lightyears ahead of ours.

TO is a hof receiver, his yards after the catch is insane, Glenn could still probably be a number 1 receiver for a lot of teams, Crayton is a great slot man, and Sam Hurd is pretty good at #4.

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I'm done with Joyner. Doing his metrics he should know that player's metrics vary wildly from one year to the next for numerous reasons. Yet he is completely convinced that every player will perform exactly as they did last year.

I think metrics are pretty dumb. He makes it seem like if a player has poor metrics one year, he's a total bust.

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Why would the Redskins be on the outside if Campbell progresses and the WR's step up. That would be a reason for us to make the playoffs, not to miss them.

I think he means we'd make it as the third team in the East. I guess it's outside just because it'd be a wild card.

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Point taken. I attribute alot of our poor WR stats to:

1 New Off playbook

2 Mark (Scott) Brunell

3 Lloyd was a bust last year(time for him to ride or die)


i concur. the 2 preseason games i have seen so far this year, ecspecially the opening drive against Pittsburgh shows me that Campbell and the O are clicking. he has put the ball in places that ONLY the WR can get to it and him and Cooley are on the same page. If Lloyd steps up (TD last week might have sparked it) then we are going to be a threat to anyone period.


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