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Gardner...Bennett....Raymer given starting jobs


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I had a strong suspicion that Bennett's strong first down gaining run, along with the T.D. catch might help him win the starting job. Plus...Johnson dropped a sure first down gaining swing pass.

Raymer is the incumbent...so...the race is to close to call. ******Fischer has taken the center position****** No...the job is still open. Does that sound remotely familiar?

Gardner starting makes sense. He simply has more upside than Lockett. Big..fast..good hands...good routes. Lockett will be a quality third receiver. Plus...we'll see McCants in some "Jump Ball" down and distances.

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None of these moves are surprises. Johnson can't catch the football consistently enough to be effective in this offense.

Raymer simply has the most starting experience in a Redskins uniform and is a steadying influence with all the other changes.

Gardner should have had four or five big catches this preseason but was betrayed by the poor play at the quarterback position. Husak and Rosenfels missed him in KC. Rosenfels missed him vs. Atlanta. George missed him vs. Cleveland.

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Dag, I'm reallly sad cause going into camp I was thinking that the O-line along with the receivers may be one of the strong points this year. I still think it can, but we have to get the guard positions settled. I think that the Center and two Tackles are pretty nice barring injury though. But thats not saying much, especially in the running game....

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The way Greer has been toasted this pre-season, I'd go with Harrison. At least he's shown something on special teams and has a history of doing well in that area in college. I mean if your backup guy is going to get torched, he might as well be able to contribute in another area. Also, Harrison is young and relatively new to the NFL and hence with further coaching may improve some in coverage over time. Greer has been in the league what 5 years ? I think he's as good as he's gonna get at this point.

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Greer is what he is by resume, a career backup corner with some skills who is best suited as a contributor on special teams.

It is rare when a player reaches age 27 or 28 and then becomes a superior player and consistent starter.

Sometimes it happens at quarterback when the "light" suddenly goes on in the lamp as it did with Kurt Warner.

But when a guy like Greer has been in the NFL for 5 years and evaluated by two quality defensive staffs you have to conclude that his upside is limited.

Wade Phillips and Gregg Williams are excellent defensive coaches and neither chose to elevate Greer to a starting job or even into competition for one.

People can say that they were going to over time, but there is little evidence to support this.

For the deal Greer got in Washington, he could have fit into the Buffalo cap if the team really thought he was a starting corner.

When do you get a starting corner for that kind of money?

It would have been the bargain of the year.

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The important part of this article is that Bankston has been cut. This probably means Boose will make the team. Any depth we have along the defensive line is totally unproven depth. A move in this spot is likely on the horizon. Watching the waiver wire in the coming week will be a very focused job at Redskin Park.

Bulldog, guys like Charlie Garner, who were young pros who've not been retained by their previous teams, but have done well elsewhere, come to mind to refute your repeated statement. Horn in New Orleans is another. Carter in Minnesota is another. Hell, the entire Raiders roster used to be made up of players precisely like the ones you've described smile.gif.

Greer was seen as a solid free agent pickup for us. He has certainly not played as well as Smoot or Green this preseason, in the games. In practice, he probably has played better, from what we've heard, and in practice is what the positions will largely be judged on. Gardner didn't outplay Lockett in the games. He outplayed Lockett in practice. Greer is a guy I hope we don't start, given how poorly he's played given the opportunities he's had, but, he was a solid move when made and certainly could well start despite our input.


Doom is in the box.

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sometimes in player movement it comes down to a player just wanting to move on. in other cases it comes down to a personality conflict or a perceived "fit" problem in the particular system being installed.

once again, though, Gregg Williams is a fine defensive mind. Unless there was some other off-field issue with Greer, I can't see based on the dollars he got here that the Bills would not have re-signed him if he was in Williams' eyes a potential starter at corner for the club.

I don't remember reading anything on Greer's attitude regarding changing clubs other than the fact he thought Wade Phillips had already made up his mind about him and considered him a backup only.

So perhaps that lingering sentiment soured Greer on Buffalo in advance of Williams' arrival.

But once again, unless the situation reached the level of acrimony that the Brad Johnson situation did here, I can't believe that a new coach coming in and offering the chance to compete for a starting job on a clean slate could have been a situation most players would have turned down.

There are a number of reasons players move as we both have noted.

I just can't seem to understand from history and present performance with the lights on, what is so special about Greer to warrant all this attention from the coaching staff.

Greer by all accounts works hard and is an intense player and very competitive. At the same time he lacks size and seemingly the instincts of a natural cover corner. His tackling skills also seem a tad less developed than anticipated from his bio.

Looks like backup material to me.

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