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Anyone Have A Link To The Video Of Keisel / Campbell Hit?

Commander Adama

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Being here in the Burgh they keep spouting off crap that it was a clean hit and the jerk Keisel will not get fined. They also say he hit him in the Hip, not the knee. Anyone have a clip of the hit posted so I can show these jack-sses that I work with, the hit please?

Yes I have done a search but can't find a video link.

P.S. Pittsburghers are some of the most delusional people I have ever met in my life! They still think Terry Bradshaw is one of the greatest Quarterbacks to have ever played in the league. Argh!


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not dirty, but illegal nonetheless.

True. But people are working themselves into a frenzy over this as if the guy is the devil incarnate. It was a bang-bang play, the guy stumbled as he was making a play, and our guy got hurt - thank goodness not seriously. Intentional? No. Dirty? No. Illegal? Yes.

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The hit was not dirty. The guy was stumbling and trying to make a play. The contact came above the knee, at about the thigh pad. The end zone angle in the above link shows this.

i agree, the hit wasn't dirty. It was unfortunate hit on Jason, but that's the nature of the game.

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The hit was not dirty. The guy was stumbling and trying to make a play. The contact came above the knee, at about the thigh pad. The end zone angle in the above link shows this.

I don't know, the more I see the hit the dirtier it looks (and I thought it wasn't dirty at all the first time I saw it). I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I would've called the hit dirty if I didn't know that it was preseason and if I didn't see Kiesel immediately apologize.

The tackle looked as close to his knees as you can get.

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Attention to # 4 - especially as it relates to the "area of the knee's"

Keisel was low to begin with...he knew he was low....so tell me again why he won't be fined?

:helmet: :point2sky

Protection of Passer

  1. By interpretation, a pass begins when the passer -- with possession of ball -- starts to bring his hand forward. If ball strikes ground after this action has begun, play is ruled an incomplete pass. If passer loses control of ball prior to his bringing his hand forward, play is ruled a fumble.
  2. When a passer is holding the ball to pass it forward, any intentional movement forward of his arm starts a forward pass. If a defensive player contacts the passer or the ball after forward movement begins, and the ball leaves the passer’s hand, a forward pass is ruled, regardless of where the ball strikes the ground or a player.
  3. No defensive player may run into a passer of a legal forward pass after the ball has left his hand (15 yards). The Referee must determine whether opponent had a reasonable chance to stop his momentum during an attempt to block the pass or tackle the passer while he still had the ball.
  4. No defensive player who has an unrestricted path to the quarterback may hit him flagrantly in the area of the knee(s) or below when approaching in any direction.
  5. Officials are to blow the play dead as soon as the quarterback is clearly in the grasp and control of any tackler, and his safety is in jeopardy.

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I think it was reckless, at best. Also (repost from earlier thread, but) I think it's interesting that the first thing Kiesel does after the hit is stand up to see the result of the play, and he starts walking away from the crumpled heap that was our qb. He had to know he hit him low. I think if it was truly as accidental as he claims he would have started with the apologies more quickly. Kiesel doesn't even LOOK at him (and you know there had to be a scream there somewhere) even though they're basically on top of each other at one point.

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I think it was reckless, at best. Also (repost from earlier thread, but) I think it's interesting that the first thing Kiesel does after the hit is stand up to see the result of the play, and he starts walking away from the crumpled heap that was our qb. He had to know he hit him low. I think if it was truly as accidental as he claims he would have started with the apologies more quickly. Kiesel doesn't even LOOK at him (and you know there had to be a scream there somewhere) even though they're basically on top of each other at one point.

Good point!....If it was a rookie, I would understand it more, not excuse it, but understand it....but he is not a rookie, I believe he is in his 4th or 5th year. It was reckless and I have no respect for him when he waited so long before offering any type of apology.

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The hit was not dirty. The guy was stumbling and trying to make a play. The contact came above the knee, at about the thigh pad. The end zone angle in the above link shows this.

I agree. It shouldn't be illegal during the regular season, but it is. I think it should be the thigh to the top of the shoulder pads be fair game on the QB, however it isn't. They basically can only hit them around the waist now.

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Posted it in the other thread...but figure I would put it here as well.

For those that wanted to see it.



and your point is what? You have a line drawn going across the upper calf of his left leg! :doh:

Lets see if you feel the same way if Ben gets hit and has his knee blown out.

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If the hit wasn't on the knee...as you say some of these Steeler fans are claiming...then how does Campbell end up with a "bruised knee"??? Show whatever pics you want or justify it anyway you want, the hit was in the knee area which is illegal. And although I don't think it was dirty, Kiesel will still get fined

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Posted it in the other thread...but figure I would put it here as well.

For those that wanted to see it.



Do you see where the Pants meet the Shirt? THAT is the hip. Plus he was on a downward angle, and that photo is before the contact and at an awkward angle. I would not wish that hit on any Quarterback, while you seem to think it is OK. It is not OK, and it is out of line.
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Do you see where the Pants meet the Shirt? THAT is the hip. Plus he was on a downward angle, and that photo is before the contact and at an awkward angle. I would not wish that hit on any Quarterback, while you seem to think it is OK. It is not OK, and it is out of line.

I agree. I watched this replay several times last night. The more I watch it, the less l like it. He may have "stumbled" a little, but he was definitely in control of his body. And in my opinion he made a conscious effort to dive into the side of JC's leg. If JC's foot had been planted, he would be out for the season. No question. I’m hesitant to call this a “dirty play” because technically he hit him above the knee, but intentionally diving at the QB's legs during freaking pre season seems classless to me.


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If the hit wasn't on the knee...as you say some of these Steeler fans are claiming...then how does Campbell end up with a "bruised knee"??? Show whatever pics you want or justify it anyway you want, the hit was in the knee area which is illegal. And although I don't think it was dirty, Kiesel will still get fined

The initial hit was on the side of the thigh. His leg got twisted on the way down.

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A: I never said anything about the play other than here is the pic....many had asked for....Nothing for or against...just here it is.

B: The side of the gluteus is the hip

C: The line is marking the very top of his socks...which should be the bottom of the knee

D: That pic is at the exact moment of impact....yes gravity still applies and his body did continue to fall.

Hips And Thighs LINK


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If you look at the hit from this angle, it actually looks as though Keisel is going after both of Jason’s knees.



I’m still so livid about the hit that I’m unable to speak about it in a manner that is anything other than profane and decidedly uncivil. I may be wrong in my belief that it was a dirty hit, but I’m too angry to be open to that possibility right now.

That is all.

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